Friday, August 31, 2018

Small Simple Booties
Fig 1
Hi friends,
I made these cute and most simple booties  when I wanted to make  video for  my Marathi You tube channel "Kalopasak". This pattern is particularly for knitting beginners. It is so simple that definitely the beginners can make it without any problem and they would be very much happy with their first three dimensional knitting project.

Pattern:  CO 36 stitches, work 10 rows in Garter stitch. BO first 12 stitches, work further only next 12 stitches in Garter stitch till the length of that portion equals to the length of 12 sts which are BO. Then BO those middle 12 sts. Join yarn  at the beginning of the last 12 sts and BO those stitches. We shall get T - shape knitted portion as in figure 2.
Fig 2
Now hold it as in fig 3 and compare with fig 4.
Fig 3
Fig 4

Take a red yarn in tapestry needle and hold T shape by keeping side BC on CD and sew it. Also join AB and GD by putting point A on G. See fig 5.
Fig 5
Now put side EH on AB by coinciding points A with E and sew it. See fig 6.
Fig 6
Now look at the side AF, you can see three edges coinciding there but keep the middle edge un-sewed, only sew AF with EF. See fig 7.
Fig 7
Hide the thread ends and turn the right side up. You will get a beautiful small booty.
For the second piece, work in the same manner till the  T shape is obtained. Now while sewing first put AF on EF and sew it then AB with EH and so on.

When I searched for the show buttons, I saw these beautiful wooden butterfly buttons. Here I just put them to see, how they look, they are still to be sewed. See fig 8.
Fig 8

For these booties, I used Oswal Winter King wool which is little bit thick though it is 4 ply.
The final size of this booty is 3" in length and 2" in width.

The following video with English subtitle will help you in sewing.

Happy knitting.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Finally the birds are on the tree ....
Fig 1
Hi friends,
Here I have completed my project. As said in the post of 20th August, I decided to make the proportionate changes for 6 ply wool. I have some left over sky blue wool with that I started with 17 stitches instead of 23 in 4 ply wool. Now it fits in size with the group of birds (Fig 2). Shape wise I like birds in 4 ply wool more.
Fig 2
Then I just played, kept this 6 ply blue bird and the smallest looking bird nearby. Take some snaps as if the mother bird is teaching her baby birdy to eat and then to fly (Please see fig 3 and 4). Really some times we can also enjoy if we experience the childhood.
Fig 3

Fig 4
Then fur type wool caught my attention from the wool box. The complete bird with that wool was not possible as it would not show it's proper shape. So I decided to knit only it's feather by fur wool and that idea also turned well but it's feather looked heavy , but it's ok. See fig 5.
Fig 5
And see, here are the love birds (fig 6),
Fig 6
Now the strength of being together..... (fig 7)
Fig 7
After food they are searching a tree for a shelter and here it is (fig 8)!
Fig 8
For the tree please see, post on 10th Aug.
Thus every thing was settle down. See fig 1.
Happy knitting and crocheting.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Some More Birdies
Fig 6

Hi friends,
Last week I was on a tour to Singapore and Bali (Indonesia). See fig 2 and 3. We enjoyed a lot.
Fig 2
Fig 3

Seeing beautiful flowers from Singapore Flower Dome and so many cute species of different animals in Night Safari or in Jurong Bird Park, I remembered my sweet small birdy from the post on 10th August. Hence after returning I knitted some more.
After the first orange bird, I thought to make the sparrow like bird by suitable combination (fig 4).
For the pattern,
Then I thought of white and make it's beak red. Wow! it looked super cute.
Fig 4

Fig 5

 Thus these three friends were ready! We say two is company and three is crowd? No, it doesn't seems true. See how cute they are chirping 😃.
Now I wanted to try a bird in 6 ply wool so that it should be fit in this group. For that I have to change number of stitches and all other proportionally.
I will make this bird with 6 ply wool and some more.
Happy knitting.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Crochet Tree
Fig 1

Some times I feel that how short our life is! How can we make all those things which we wish to make when we see them. Because I like so many craft items which I decide to make when I see them. I always feel that some of them I may or may not make.
This cute birdy (this is my grand daughter's word, when she was 2-3 years old) is one of those items which I saw and fall in love with that and decided to make it. It's link is,
Thanks for a such a nice pattern.
Generally I think that animals, birds goes simple with crochet and I have also made many of them see the link below,

But this is knitting pattern and I just enjoyed it. I feel so happy when I made it.
Fig 2
After completing it I felt that it was not fare to put it on dying table. I should make one tree for it. I started thinking. Then at the time of morning walk, I saw this dry branch of mehndi tree (Generally planted as a compound security).
Fig 3

Then I decided to take the help of this and make a tree for my favourite birdy.
I found two shades of brown colours in my stock which I wrapped to that branch. It looks beautiful!
Fig 4
Then started thinking about leaves. I made separate small leaves and tried them to attach but the idea failed. Because to make so many leaves and join one by one would be tedious. So then I found a short cut and made this group of leaves which might be wrapped to the branch. Made a simple leaf of 8 chains (by joining 8th chain with the first), some times made 5th chain into 4th chain to get a pointed leaf, then 3 chains and then next leaf of 8 chains.
Fig 5
Wrapped it to one branch and yes it worked (fig 5). Looked nice. So then made such type of leaves with four different shades of green.
Fig 6
Wrapped all of them to the branches by mixing the colours. Wow!! it looked superb! I liked it because it saved the time.
Then I decided to make more such birds, let us see when I will complete my project and when I will share it.
Happy crocheting.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Gorgeous Guacamole Sweater

Hi friends,
I was surfing the yarn for sweater when I read the name of the colour of yarn, it is Guacamole (!). I didn't get the idea of colour that how much green (lightness / darkness) it would be. Moreover I didn't know this word. As usual Googleshwar (I used to call Google like this, because I know that every time Google helped me just like God - Omkareshwar, Grushneshwar, Rameshwar etc are the names of some of our famous temples of God) helped me and I came to know that this is a dish of mashed avocado mixed with chopped onion, tomatoes, chilli peppers etc. At once I remembered that I ate it at my son's and daughter's place, but I didn't remember the name. Then I ordered one skein and Oh! what a cute colour! I liked it very much and I decided to work with that yarn.
I decided to make this sweater for my daughter because since her collage days I have not knitted any sweater for her. I knew her choice that she liked simple design but best in fitting. When I searched from this angle I found this. Oh what a name! "Shapely Boyfriend Cardigan".
Just look at the photo of the sweater and you will love to work it out.
Same happened with me, I started it and finished in 15 days. Then I took a snap but not satisfied. But when some wore, it looked marvellous. Actually now I think that I should have keep the buttons open and take the snap, it might be better.

See another angle.
 Wow! what a fitting!!
Wonderful design by Stefanie Japel.
Thanks very much Stefanie for such a lovely pattern and that too free for all. Thanks once again.
Those buttons I ordered from Amazon here,
Happy knitting.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...