Sunday, November 19, 2017

Knitted Saree - Blouse:

Saree with blouse is India’s traditional dress. Popularity of this Indian dress is not decreased even though the young Indian girls don't wear it daily. They wear variety of dresses like, Panjabi dress, Kurti, Jeans,  etc still saree has it's special place. All girls like to wear it though it is not as convenient working-dress as others.  Usually ladies wear matching blouse on every saree. For more information about saree you can visit,
When I was small baby, my mother had only two color blouses one white and other black and she used to wear which ever will look contrast type on that saree. 

There are lots of variety and fashions in sewing blouse  but I have not seen much variety in knitted saree - blouse. This knitted saree - blouse has perfect fitting. I made three such blouses. One for me and two other in peacock feather color and red color for my two jau (wife of my brother in law).

Material: Vardhman 4 ply wool 150 gm, knitting needles UK no 10 and 12

Size: Chest 34”, height 13”, shoulder 11”, length of sleeve 10.5”, sleeves width 11”,

Take the double thread inside
Instruction: This instructions are as per above size if needed, you can increase the base stitches or if you are using 6 ply wool like red heart or lion brand then you will have to reduce the number of stitches.

Pattern: CO 20 sts
Row 1: p 1, [take double tread of the working yarn inside (out of

pull working thread
these two yarns one is tight and other is lose, moving) as shown in fig, p 2 with the tight yarn out of the double threads taken inside,  now from back side slowly pull the lose yarn], repeat [to] till last st, work p1.
Row 2: all p
Repeat row 1 and 2

See the video for the pattern

Front right side: Cast on 52 sts. on smaller needle (UK 12 no). Ribbing for 2.5”

Ribbing may be k1, p1 on both right and wrong sides. I have ribbed it in little bit different manner.
RS: (P 1, yarn back side, Sl 1) repeat throughout the row
WS: all purl
Repeat these two rows till the height becomes 2.5”.
Increasing stitches:
Row 1: Continue working first 10 sts as ribbing. Next knit as per pattern 18 sts, YO k 1, place marker, YO k1, knit as per pattern next 22 sts(becomes 54 sts)
Row 2: All purl
Row 3: 10 sts as per ribbing, knit as per pattern till 1 st remain before marker, YO k 1, slip marker, YO k1, knit as per pattern till end (becomes 56 sts)
Row 4: All purl
Row 5: Repeat rows 3 and 4 till 7 sts increased on both sides (that is 7 pair of windows are formed) that means 14 sts are increased. Here total 66 sts are there. Total 14 rows are worked.
Decreasing stitches:
Row 15: (RS) 10 sts as per ribbing, work 25 sts as per pattern, next three sts we have to make k3tog but make it as follows, out of three, move the first st in the back of the second st take the middle st in the front and then make k3tog, knit remaining sts as per pattern.
Row 16: All p
Repeat this till all increased sts are decreased and again 52 sts are on the needle.
Now start shaping arm hole and  neck simultaneously. (after 7.5" height)
For neck:  After 10 sts ribbing out of next 2 sts, work ssk  on every RS, that is slip 1, slip 1,take them on the left needle and knit two together from back.
For arm hole: BO 6-4-2-1-1-1 on every right side.
Continue decreasing 1 on neck side till there are 24 sts on the needle (10 sts of ribbing for neck band +14 sts for shoulder). If the required height is not achieved then go on working as per pattern till 13" height.
Keep the remaining 24 sts on the separate needle.

Front left side: CO 52 sts. on smaller needle. Ribbing for 2.5".
Increasing stitches:
Row 1: (RS) Work 22 sts as per pattern  YO k1, place marker, YO k1, then as per pattern for next 18 sts, last 10 sts  ribbing st. Now there are total 54 sts that means 2 sts increased..
Through out this front left side work last 10 sts as ribbing.
Row 2: all p
Row 3: Knit as per pattern till 1 st to marker, YO k1, slip marker, YO k1, knit as per pattern till 10 sts remain on the left needle.Work them as per ribbing.
Row 4: All p.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 five more times so that in all 14 sts are increased. Now 66 sts.
Decrease stitches: Work as in the front left side part. Decrease for neck line by k2tog, from ribbing side and decrease for arm hole from other side.
Keep the last remaining 24 sts on the separate needle.

Back side:
CO 90 sts with smaller needle.
Work ribbing for 20 rows (Nearly 1.25")
Transfer to larger needle and increase 2 sts  after every 1" height till total 8 sts are increased. Work as per pattern till the height is 7.5". Now there are 98 sts on the needle. 
Then start shaping armhole by decreasing 6-4-2-1-1-1 sts on both sides (RS and WS). Work these 68 sts till the height is 12.5".
Now work only 14 sts. BO next 40 sts. Then work last 14 sts for 0.5" and put these 14 sts on separate needle. Now join the yarn with the 14th st and start work from WS till the height is 0.5" and put those 14 sts on the separate needle.

Using smaller needle CO 60 sts. Ribbing for 12 rows (Nearly 0.75").
Transfer on larger needle and increase 1 st on RS and WS after every 1". Thus increase in all 4 sts on each side. Total 68 sts.
When height is 5.5" shape arm hole by binding 6-4-2-1-1-1 sts from both sides. Then go on binding 1 st on both sides after every alternate RS and alternate WS. Thus bind off 10-10 sts from both sides. Work till the length of the sleeve is 10". Then BO 6 sts on RS, 6 sts on WS and 6 sts again on RS.
Similarly make one more sleeve.

Neckband: Take 10 sts of ribbing of the front right part, on the needle (You can start with front left also but then the last joint will be on and right and because the pallow of the saree is on left part so we prefer to start with front right part so that the joint is hidden inside the pallow). Ribbing till the length of the neck strip is sufficient for the back 40 sts which are already bond off. 

Join 14 shoulder sts with the front sides by using third needle for both shoulder. Sew the neck band to the back neck part. Sew the sleeves to the body part. Then sew sides of the sleeve and body. Sew 5 small hooks evenly to the left front ribbing.
Saree - blouse is ready. 


  1. Nice work !!! I don't wear sleeves (only magyar), and my knit blouses are fitting but without darts, etc. I make them long enough to cover my waist. Handknit tunics, etc. are so much warmer than store-bought ones. And I can knit in any colour I like - customization :-)

  2. Thanks Muskaan and first time I have added video. That video shooting is done by me alone so do you have any tips for that. You may suggest me frankly.

    1. Your video is very clear along with your instructions, Alka! I understood immediately. And it a stitch I've never done before - so something new to try :-)
      In general, my only suggestion is to use more contrast. If your thread is light in colour then have a darker background. Against a light background I personally prefer a medium shade of thread such that the stitch is visible too.
      Thanks for the video & keep up the good work :-)

    2. ताई व्हिडीओ खुपच छान.तुझा अावज खुप गोड वटला

  3. Thanks Muskaan for this good suggestion.

  4. What a fascinating way to wrap stitches! Much more control doing it your way. Thank you for the video. Beautifully knit saree!

  5. Hi Alka ,
    I JUST completed this blouse pattern and its come out beautifully. Can you please tll me how many stitches i should cast on for same size if i use double knitting wool and UK 10 and 8 number knitting needles
    Thanks a ton

  6. Thanks a lot Annu. Sorry that I forgot to mention gauge in that post. Now I have corrected it. My gauge for stockinette stitch is 24stsX28rows gives 3"x3". I am so happy that you made this blouse. I will be more happy if you can send me a photo of that on my mail id. Thanks once again.

    1. I used UK 10 number needles. You can check the gauge and decide the number of stitches. Or you can see your own made blouse and decide by that. Thanks once again.

    2. So you used size UK 10 needles to knit the gauge swatch and then used one UK 10 and one UK 12 to knit the blouse?
      I am somewhat new to knitting, and so I am confused.
      I knitted a gauge swatch with one UK 10 and one UK 12, and it came out to 3.5", not 3", so I am trying to figure out how to fix it.

  7. Yes, you are right, with no. 10 needles it will be longer/ bigger as 3.5" in your case and with no. 12 needle it will be small as 3". So I used no. 12 for lower border by rib stitch. So that it becomes tight than upper part and thus comes out very good in fitting as you can see on statue.
    Thanks for your comment.


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