Friday, August 10, 2018

Crochet Tree
Fig 1

Some times I feel that how short our life is! How can we make all those things which we wish to make when we see them. Because I like so many craft items which I decide to make when I see them. I always feel that some of them I may or may not make.
This cute birdy (this is my grand daughter's word, when she was 2-3 years old) is one of those items which I saw and fall in love with that and decided to make it. It's link is,
Thanks for a such a nice pattern.
Generally I think that animals, birds goes simple with crochet and I have also made many of them see the link below,

But this is knitting pattern and I just enjoyed it. I feel so happy when I made it.
Fig 2
After completing it I felt that it was not fare to put it on dying table. I should make one tree for it. I started thinking. Then at the time of morning walk, I saw this dry branch of mehndi tree (Generally planted as a compound security).
Fig 3

Then I decided to take the help of this and make a tree for my favourite birdy.
I found two shades of brown colours in my stock which I wrapped to that branch. It looks beautiful!
Fig 4
Then started thinking about leaves. I made separate small leaves and tried them to attach but the idea failed. Because to make so many leaves and join one by one would be tedious. So then I found a short cut and made this group of leaves which might be wrapped to the branch. Made a simple leaf of 8 chains (by joining 8th chain with the first), some times made 5th chain into 4th chain to get a pointed leaf, then 3 chains and then next leaf of 8 chains.
Fig 5
Wrapped it to one branch and yes it worked (fig 5). Looked nice. So then made such type of leaves with four different shades of green.
Fig 6
Wrapped all of them to the branches by mixing the colours. Wow!! it looked superb! I liked it because it saved the time.
Then I decided to make more such birds, let us see when I will complete my project and when I will share it.
Happy crocheting.


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