Saturday, July 28, 2018

Last Time Crochet Gift Bag

Fig 1
Hi friends,
When you have to make some item for gift and that too in a very limited time, crochet is the best option. 

In the first week of this month, I planned to visit one of my very old friend and I decided to give a small hand made gift to her cute grand daughter who recently bagged first prize in some music competition. There was only one day to pass. First I found some bright colour wool in my basket of wool and decided to work some small bag or Batawa. I found this bright coloured 4 ply wool. No time to search new design 😟and have some experiment. So I just started with 21 chains and worked out one row of single crochet and one row of double crochet till the length was 12". Then for a flap I worked 2 dc tog at both ends and made the  triangular shape. Then worked hdc border to the flap. Lastly worked loop of crochet chain  for show button.
Then search started for show button, that day luck must be with me, so I found this beautiful matching button.
Fig 2
Then I sewed the sides and the time came for belt, made simple chain belt with 4 strands.
Yes!! the beautiful bag was ready herewith!!!

It's dimensions are 4" x 6" and belt 30".

No need to say that she liked it so much that she put her pen, pencils, rubber and all small things in that.

You can make this for yourself and use it as a mobile bag.

Happy crocheting!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Doll? No it's a mean of social development of a girl

Hi friends,
Can any one deny the importance of doll in a girl's life. Of course not. Every one among us had played with doll when we were kids. Girls develop their caring and loving  nature when they play with dolls. They treat dolls just like their friends and some times even as their daughter. 

My grand daughter also played lot of time with her dolls. Some times she was teacher and her dolls were her students, some times the dolls were her friends and she went to picnic (she used to call it pic-mic) with them. Some times she was mother of the doll and took her to hospital saying me that the doll was ill (I used to be the doctor or some times I was mother and she was doctor) So many rolls I played with my grand daughter and her doll. 

 When I come back in India these are the emotional memories and feel so sorry that I missed those days.

Any way, when I made sweater for my grand daughter, she insisted me that her dolls would also feel cold and hence I should make sweater for them. First I thought that it was just a demand in playing but then I realised when she told me again. Then I made these two sweaters and her face was remarkably notable. I cannot tell that how happy she was!! Even I saw the happy emotions on the faces of her dolls Lisa and Masa!! See!!πŸ˜‰

I didn't see any special pattern, I just started with my left over yarn and the result is here.
I CO 15 stitches, divide them as 
3 for right front+2 for sleeves +5 for back +2 for sleeves +3 for left front.
and increase 8 sts in every alternate row for 8 times then as usual put the sts for sleeves on stitch holders and knit all remaining sts together till the required length. Then 3 rows of all knit and then BO.

Happy Knitting!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Red Bubbles Sweater:

This red bubbles sweater is made for my daughter when she was learning in BITS Pillani which is quite cold place in winter, as compair to our Vidarbh area. So at that time I have knitted 3-4 sweaters for her.

Size: Chest 34", height 24", arm hole 8", sleeve length 22"

Material: Vardhaman 4 ply yarn 300 gm, UK 10 and 12 number knitting needle, tapestry needle.


Pattern: CO 18 sts
Row 1: p 8, k 2, p 8
Row 2: k 8, p 2, k 8
Row 3: as row 1
Row 4: as row 2
Row 5: p 8, in the next stitch work k 1, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 1 that is we make 5 sts of 1. Similarly make 5 sts of next st, p 8
Row 6: knit all. Note here that 8 stitches are increased since we have made 5 of 1 twice.
Row 7: purl all
Row 8: k 8, *(sl 2, yarn forward p3tog, pass the 2 slip sts over) repeat once, k 8
Repeat rows 1 to 8 again. 

You can refer this video for the pattern. Though the video is in Marathi (my mother tongue) but there are English subtitles.   

Guage: In pattern 20 sts  and 24 row 3" x 3".                                                 
Instructions: Sweater is knitted in different parts.

Left front part: CO 60 sts on no 12 needle.
Row 1:(p 1, yarn on back side sl 1, yarn on front side) repeat through out the row.
Row 2: All p
Work on ribbing for 2.5".
Shift sts to no 10 needle and work,

Row 1: p 4, (k 2,p 8) for three more times, k 2, p 4, last 10 sts ribbing
Row 2: As per ribbing that is p 10, k 4, (p 2, k 8) for three more times, p 2, k 4,
Row 3: as per row 1,
Row 4: as per row 2,
Row 5: p 4, now in each of the next two k stitches work *(k 1, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 1 without taking the st off the needle) repeat for other knit st. Thus 10 sts are formed out of 2 knit sts. [p 8, repeat *( to )] repeat four more times, p 4, 10 sts ribbing.
Row 6: First 10 sts p for ribbing, all k, (knit all increased sts also).
Row 7: All p, last 10 sts as per ribbing.
Row 8: First 10 sts as per ribbing, k 6, [(yarn forward, sl 2, p3tog, pass over the slipped two sts.) repeat one more time. k 8] repeat [ to ] four more times, k 5, .
Repeat rows 1 to 8 three more times. Approximately height 5" reached.
Decrease Row: k2tog in the beginning of odd row after each 1.5". Thus decrease 4 sts. (total sts 56)
Work as per pattern till the height reaches 12".
Increase Row: Increase one st by M1 after every 0.75" and continue pattern as it is. Go on increasing till 5 sts are increased. (total sts 61)
Work as per pattern till the height reaches 16.5" and then start shaping arm hole.
Arm hole shaping: BO 4-3-2-1-1-1 one by one at every time on RS. Simultaneously work SSK to the 2 sts before the start of 10 sts of neck band after every RS till 6 sts are decreased.then decreased at every alternate RS in the same manner. Continue this till there are 34 sts on the needle, 24 for shoulder and 10 of neckband and the height is 24".

Right front part: With no 12 needle CO 60 sts.
Ribbing for 2.5"
Shift sts to no 10 needle and work,
Row 1: First 10 sts as per ribbing for neck, p 4, (k 2,p 8) for three more times, k 2, p 4,
Row 2: k 4, (p 2, k 8) for three more times, p 2, k 4 and last 10 sts as per ribbing.
Work as left front with these changes.
Decrease rows and increase row also as per left front.
Arm hole shaping on the side other than neck band side.
For neck band shaping decrease 1 by k2tog just before 10 sts of neckband as instructed in left front side.
Back side of the sweater
Back side: CO 90 sts on smaller needle. Ribbing for 2.5"
On back side I have not worked pattern of bubbles but a simpler pattern as under.
Pattern on back side.
Row 1: (k 9, sl 1) repeat the complete row.
Row 2: All p
Row 1: (RS) (k 9, sl 1) repeat through out the row
Row 2: All p
After 5" worked out, start decreasing 1 st on RS and 1 st on WS after every 1.5". Continue this till 4 sts are decreased from each side. (after this total sts will be 82). Work till the back side is 12" in height. Now start increasing. For every 3/4" increase 1 st on RS and 1 on WS by M1. Continue this till 5 sts are increased on each side. (total st 92). Work till back side measures 16.5" then start arm shaping.
Arm shaping: BO 3-2-1-1-1 sts one by one on both RS and WS. Every time remaining sts as per pattern for back side. Sts on the needle are 76, work till the length measures 23".
Shoulder: (RS): Work 24 sts as per pattern, BO next 28 sts, work remaining 24 as per pattern. Turn
Work only these 24 sts for 1", put the sts on holder for shoulder.
Join yarn in the WS to the 24th st and purl all. Work these 24 sts only for 1/2" and put these sts on holder.

Sleeves: CO 52 sts on no 12 needle.
Ribbing for 1" Transfer the sts to number 10 needle and work as follows,
For first 17 and last 17 sts work stockinette stitch, in middle 18 sts work p 8, k 2, p 8 and one line of main pattern of the sweater. Increase 1 st on both RS and WS after every 1.5" till 8-8 sts are increased on each side (total sts 68). When length of the sleeve becomes 16" start arm hole decreasing. Decrease 4-3-2-1-1-1 from both sides one by one after all sts are decreased total sts are 44. Decrease 1 st on alternate RS and alternate WS till 18 sts remain on the needle. If necessary work more till the length of the sleeve is 21.5".
BO 4 sts on RS work remaining sts as per pattern.
BO 4 sts on WS work remaining sts as per pattern
BO remaining sts.
Make one more sleeve.

Finishing: BO 24 sts for shoulder on front side and back side by using third needle. Take 10 sts of neck band from right front side and work ribbing till the length is sufficient for the back part of 28 sts which are BO. Sew that band strip to the back and close with the 10 sts of ribbing of left front part.
Sew in sleeves. Sew sides and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Nostalgic Experience

Fig 1
Hi friends, 
Today I want to share with you one of my nostalgic experience. Last time when I visited my sister's home, we saw her marriage album (usual thing we do when we have time). In that album there was one photo which is called "Rukhawat photo" (fig 2) that is the collection of some artistic items the bride (with her friends or relatives) made for her new home and new start of life. But in our marriages we made these things independently πŸ˜„.
Fig 2
Fig 3
In that Rukhawat photo we saw this beautiful beaded sofa set and dressing table (as  show-pieces). Also we made two beaded dogs. I remember that I had also made same sofa with blue beads in my marriage but today that was not in my home. I immediately asked her that whether that sofa was still with her or not. Wow!  I wondered that it was still with her!! kept in a box of all old things. I appreciate her art of preserving the things so nicely. 

Fig 4
We put that box down from the top of the toll Altamira and took the sofa out.  It was still in OK condition only those legs were tilted. We had inserted match sticks in those legs when we made them, but timely they were folded and bent. So we got small plastic tooth pick, cut them with size and inserted them in legs and washed those sofa and other articals. After repairing them I  immediately have these nice snaps.

Fig 5
At the same time I felt very sorry that I could not conserve them properly. Even I didn't have Rukhavat photo also where as we both (me and my sister Sandhya who is just one and half year younger than me), had made each and every thing same for Rukhawat. Same patchwork curtain, same cross stitch worked bed sheet, same sofa set, same beaded dressing table, same beaded dogs, same table cloth embroidery and every thing same.  

I have taken some close up photos, thinking that if some one wants to make them they can simply see this and make it. Some sponge is stuffed in sofa, chairs and teapoy. Even the drawers of the dressing table can be opened upward and there is small red handle for that.

Fig 6

Fig 7

Fig 8
 Even the back sides of these sofa and chairs (Fig 8) look beautiful. Seeing fig 9 one can do the ducky on the top of the teapoy.

Fig 9

Fig 10
Fig 11

Fig 12
Any way, it's good that we can see these thing after  so many years. But looking at this sofa set we really became nostalgic. How emotional this experience is! that we sisters live together from our birth, share our happiness, sorrow together, nourished together for 20-22 years and then we depart after our marriages. After marriage also we meet but not as in our childhood 😞.
We also remember that how our mother always forced us to learn any new thing she saw or she liked.
Yes, this sofa, she saw at her friend whom we used to call Kale mavashi ( aunty bearing sir name Kale), a non educated woman who developed her 3 children after the death of her husband by running the sewing class. 
We also remembered, how our mother always insisted us not to sleep in the noon though it was vacations πŸ˜‡and learn some thing new, create some thing new, read some thing new.
There are so many people around us from whom we always learn some thing may be some creative, some behavioural, some good habits or some qualities. At some mode of life we remember them and we should appreciate them.

Enjoy creativity. πŸ™‹

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Tulip Flowers Bunch: Seven Colors of Life:
Tulip bunch
Hi friends,
Every knitter /crocheter has much leftover yarns and what can be the best use of them, other than making a bunch of beautiful Tulip flowers! I made this bunch and the flower pot / vase too.
These flowers are made as per,

Thanks Natali Korneeva for sharing the video of very cute and simple Tulip flowers, otherwise if it is a written pattern in Ukrainian language then I could not make these flowers.

I have number of different colored leftover yarns which I used here and made these flowers. Putting them in a blue glass in my kitchen I took this snap but then I saw an old bottle and it inspired me to make vase.  I also wanted to use this yarn which I brought from USA. I simply wound this yarn around the bottle and glued it's ends.
If you want, you can decorate it more with small beads on that.

Cluster type wool
Vase with matching flower

Vase looks beautiful
Everything handmade
So I feel satisfied when I see such a hand made triplet: crochet motif, vase and Tulip flowers in that. W...O....W!

When I saw this in my guest room, a thought came in my mind that these seven coloured flowers represents seven colours of life.

White: Purity, Spirituality
Blue: loyalty, wisdom
Yellow: confidence, energy
Red: passion, lust
Orange: Health, Happiness
Green: Growth, fertility
Purple: Royalty, nobility
Pink: Unconditional love.

Refer the link:

One more post on left over yarn I have already shared with you on this blog whose link is,

So life is full of colours, enjoy it....

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...