Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Nostalgic Experience

Fig 1
Hi friends, 
Today I want to share with you one of my nostalgic experience. Last time when I visited my sister's home, we saw her marriage album (usual thing we do when we have time). In that album there was one photo which is called "Rukhawat photo" (fig 2) that is the collection of some artistic items the bride (with her friends or relatives) made for her new home and new start of life. But in our marriages we made these things independently 😄.
Fig 2
Fig 3
In that Rukhawat photo we saw this beautiful beaded sofa set and dressing table (as  show-pieces). Also we made two beaded dogs. I remember that I had also made same sofa with blue beads in my marriage but today that was not in my home. I immediately asked her that whether that sofa was still with her or not. Wow!  I wondered that it was still with her!! kept in a box of all old things. I appreciate her art of preserving the things so nicely. 

Fig 4
We put that box down from the top of the toll Altamira and took the sofa out.  It was still in OK condition only those legs were tilted. We had inserted match sticks in those legs when we made them, but timely they were folded and bent. So we got small plastic tooth pick, cut them with size and inserted them in legs and washed those sofa and other articals. After repairing them I  immediately have these nice snaps.

Fig 5
At the same time I felt very sorry that I could not conserve them properly. Even I didn't have Rukhavat photo also where as we both (me and my sister Sandhya who is just one and half year younger than me), had made each and every thing same for Rukhawat. Same patchwork curtain, same cross stitch worked bed sheet, same sofa set, same beaded dressing table, same beaded dogs, same table cloth embroidery and every thing same.  

I have taken some close up photos, thinking that if some one wants to make them they can simply see this and make it. Some sponge is stuffed in sofa, chairs and teapoy. Even the drawers of the dressing table can be opened upward and there is small red handle for that.

Fig 6

Fig 7

Fig 8
 Even the back sides of these sofa and chairs (Fig 8) look beautiful. Seeing fig 9 one can do the ducky on the top of the teapoy.

Fig 9

Fig 10
Fig 11

Fig 12
Any way, it's good that we can see these thing after  so many years. But looking at this sofa set we really became nostalgic. How emotional this experience is! that we sisters live together from our birth, share our happiness, sorrow together, nourished together for 20-22 years and then we depart after our marriages. After marriage also we meet but not as in our childhood 😞.
We also remember that how our mother always forced us to learn any new thing she saw or she liked.
Yes, this sofa, she saw at her friend whom we used to call Kale mavashi ( aunty bearing sir name Kale), a non educated woman who developed her 3 children after the death of her husband by running the sewing class. 
We also remembered, how our mother always insisted us not to sleep in the noon though it was vacations 😇and learn some thing new, create some thing new, read some thing new.
There are so many people around us from whom we always learn some thing may be some creative, some behavioural, some good habits or some qualities. At some mode of life we remember them and we should appreciate them.

Enjoy creativity. 🙋


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing your memories! I’m really interested in your beaded furniture because I’ve learnt beaded crochet ropes and beaded knitting, but I haven’t seen 3-dimensional things like this.

  2. I am also very happy to see your comment. For this 3-D beaded sofa the beads are just threaded and made a flat rectangle, two such pieces are made then putting sponge in between and two parts are joined by a single bead line.

  3. wow tai mastch lihilych n kels pan chan

  4. हे खूपच सुंदर आहे हे सगळं मला करावे असे वाटते

    1. We shall do it, once lockdown opens. Thanks for reading my blog.


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