Sunday, June 16, 2024

Crochet Mobile Bag, Best Gift Item


Hello friends, 

Every one uses mobile, hence Mobile bag is a best Gift Item. Such a beautiful and easy to make mobile bag is TOP ON THAT. Here is the pattern.

I use Vardhamaan Millenium yarn (Cream, red and Green) and 3.5 mm crochet hook. It's length is 8.7", width 4.5" hook 3.5 mm and weight approx 70 gm.

PATTERN: Use cream color first.

R1: In a magic loop make dc 16, cl, BO.

Join green yarn at any st.

R2: [(dc1, ch1, dc1) V made in 1 st, ch3, skip 1 sts] 8 times, cl. BO.

Join red yarn at any ch1-sp of V.

R3: {6dc-popcorn in ch1-sp of V, ch5} 8 times, cl, BO.

Join cream color yarn at the top of any popcorn.

R4: [sc1 at the top of popcorn, sc1 in next red ch5-sp, dc3 in the red space including green ch5-sp below it, sc 1 in the same red ch5-sp] 8 times, cl.

R5: [(dc3, ch2, dc3) shell in the same st (at the top of popcorn), skip next 2 sts, sc1 in next 5 sts, skip 2 sts] 4 times, cl.


R6: [dc1 in each sc-st and in each dc-st, shell (dc2, ch2, dc2) on shell in R4] 4 times, cl, BO.

Make such 4 pieces.

Join two of them by invisible joint method (see the video). Also you can join by either sl stitches or by scs.

Then join three sides (except width) by sc-sts.

Now for BELT, either combine two threads and make simple chs belt. OR

BELT: Work with two threads combined.

sc2, sc1 in first st, TURN insert hook not in st but in vertical threads seen, YO get one st, make sc, [TURN insert hook in 4 threads seen (because we are working with double yarn otherwise 2 threads only, YO, get 1 st (2 threads) make sc] repeat till the required length of belt is there, 

Sew it as shown in video by tapestry needle.

For the lock system, make chs 55-60 at the top centre of the open side. Make a loop of it by sl st in the same st. The beautiful bag is ready.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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