Solomon Knot (in Marathi which is called Rudragath रुद्र गाठ ) is very old technique in crochet. It is lacy, airy pattern. It is used to make Summer Shawls, Stole, even Tote Bag for fruits, Lamp Shades, Curtain and what not. Many decorative pieces can be made with this stitch. It is the best example of creating a beautiful pattern using just basic stitches as single crocget and chain. It is also known as Lover's Knot, abbrivated as SK or LK.
How to make Solomon Knot?
Crochet designer Carolyn Calderon describes it very nices as, "LK is made of two sttitches, a long chain and a single crochet worked into the back bar of the chain".
R1: First make ch2,
sc 1 in first ch,
[ Make the loop of chain long in height,
YO the working yarn on left hand,
Get the stitch out of the long loop, Now there is a long loop with one strand on left side and two loops on right side,
[Make 2 SK, skip 1 sc-st (joint), join with next] repeat this till end.
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