Sunday, December 5, 2021

Small Lotus Doily:



Many of my friends subscribers of my Youtube channel Kalopasak requested me to make small Lotus doily, the same pattern which I have already made and posted here on 14 Oct 2020. The design is inspired by the one I saw on Pinterest. That lotus doily is 8.5" in diameter but then my subscriber requested me that their Laxmiji's idol is too small to fit in that lotus doily so please make smaller one. Thus I made this one and one more with diamer 7". So I think now I have all sizes in this pattern or A SET OF LOTUS DOILIES. 

The smaller one is 5.5" (White and Pink), Second yellow and orange is 7", special Aasan 3 is 8.5", next one is 13" and the biggest double layered is 25".
Here I will give pattern for white and yellow.
White and Pink Small Lotus Doily:
Start with white and 3.5 mm hook. If you want to make still smaller then use 1,75 mm hook with the same pattern.
R1: (Pink) In a magic looop make dc 16, cl. (First dc is always ch3)
R2: (dc1, ch1) 16 times, cl. BO.

R3: (White) (dc3, ch2, dc3) (called shell) in each ch1-space, cl. (16 shells)

R4: Shell on shell, dc 1 on each dc-st, cl. BO.

R5: (Pink) [sc1 in each dc-st, in ch2 sp (hdc1, dc1, ch2, sc 1 in dc, dc1, hdc1)] rep. There will be 8 petals on upper side and 8 on lower side. 

Join upper peatl with lower in this last round after each 4 scs as in case of, (watch the video for this.

The white - pink small Lotus doily is ready. It's diameter is 5.5". If you make the same pattern with 1.75 mm hook then the lotus doily will be 4"-4.5" in diameter.
The yellow-orange shown in the same photo is made just by adding third round as,
R1: (Orange) In a magic looop make dc 16, cl. (First dc is always ch3)
R2: (dc1, ch1) 16 times, cl. BO.
R3: (dc2 on dc-st, ch1) 16 times, cl, BO.
R4: (Yellow) (dc3, ch2, dc3) (called shell) in each ch1-space, cl. (16 shells)
R5: Shell on shell, dc 1 on each dc-st, cl. BO.
R6: Same as R5.
R7: (orange) [sc1 in each dc-st, in ch2 sp (hdc1, dc1, ch2, sc 1 in dc, dc1, hdc1)] rep. There will be 8 petals on upper side and 8 on lower side. 
The beautiful yellow orange lotus doily is ready. It's diameter is 7".
The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.


  1. ताई
    खूप खूप धन्यवाद तुमच्या कलेसठी . आपल्या या कलेकरीता खूप साऱ्या शुभेच्छा ..

    1. धन्यवाद प्राची ताई 🙏


Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

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