Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Crochet Ladies Hand Gloves


Hello friends,

Winter is knocking our door so be prepare for it. Hence I make these hand gloves. Very simple pattern and yet very perfect in fitting. I have also explained in video that how to make this for any size. So I hope that you can easily make Gents hand gloves also.

Here is the pattern,

I used 4 plt yarn and 1.75 mm crochet hook.

Ring Finger: R1: Make ch1, sc 6 in a magic loop, cl.

R2: dc2 in each st, cl (12 sts) (First dc means ch3)

R3: dc1 in each st, cl (12 sts)

R4 to R 9 same as R3.

Have a trial and if necessary increase one round. Or if the finger is very thin then start with sc 5 then 10 and so on.

Index Finger: Make one more pieces similarly.

Middle Finger: same as above only work R10 also same as R3.

Pinky Finger: Same as above but only upto R8.

Thumb: R1 and R2: same as above.

R3: dc 1 in 6 sts, dc 2 in next, dc 1 in 5 sts, cl (13 sts).

R4 to R8: dc 1 in each st, cl (13 sts).

Now we cover all 5 fingers.

Now let us join middle three fingers.

Don’t join tightly.

R1: Join yarn at the last st of index finger, sc 1 in 6 sts, then take middle finger and make sc 1 in 6 sts of that starting from the joint. Lastly join by sc 1 in 6 sts of Ring finger. Now turn and make sc 1 in 5 sts of last finger joined. Then insert hook from inside out of last st, insert hook in a next st of the next finger joined, YO get one st out, insert in next st, YO get one st, thus 3 sts on hook, YO and pass through all of them, sc 1 in 4 sts, joint as previously, sc 1 in 4 sts, joint, sc 1 in each of the remaining sts, cl

R2: ch1, sc 1 in each st till the other edge, join pinky finger by sc1, then sc 1 in each of the remaining sts of pinky finger, then other side joint as worked in case of other fingers, sc1 in each of the remaining sts, cl.

R3: ch1, dc 1 in 5 sts, 2dctog, (dc 1 in 4 sts, 2dctog) 2 times, dc 1 in each st (10) of the last finger, till the joint of the other side, 2dctog, (dc1 in 4 sts, 2dctog) 2 times, dc 1 in 5 sts, cl. 

R4 and R5: ch1, dc 1 in each st around, cl (42 sts)

Have a trial and if necessary make one more round. For me I need one more round.

R6: same as R5.

R7: Join thumb by sc 1, sc 1 in each st of thumb, other side joint as explained previously, sc 1 in each of the remaining sts, cl.

Now from round 8th we shall decrease 3 sts in each round, two on both joints of thumb and third at the other edge.

R8: ch1, dc 1 in each st around the thumb till the joint, (18 dc-sts) 2dctog there, dc 1 in each side till othere edge, 2dctog there, dc 1 in each st till this side joint of thumb, 2dctog here, dc 1 in remaining sts, cl.

R9: same as R8. decreasing 3 sts.

R10: same as R9: decreasing 3 sts.

R11: R12: and R13: same as R10 means decreasing 3 sts in each round.

R14: ch3, (fpdc 1, bpdc1) rep till end, cl

R15 to R18: same as R14. BO.

Make one more.

The following video (English subtitles) may help you,

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.


Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

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