Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Crochet Doily 11 for Laxmi Pujan (Navaratri) 3

Hi, This is the third doily in the series of 9. For this I used 4 ply yarn and 3.5 mm hook. It's width is 8" and weight 45 gm. Pattern: Note that first dc will be always ch 3. R1: In a magic loop, ch1, hdc 10, cl (10 sts) R2: dc 2 in each st, cl (20 sts) Fig 2. R3: (dc1, ch1) rep, cl (20 dcs and 20 Ch1-sps). Fig 3 R4: (dc 1 on dc st, ch 2) rep, cl. (20 dcs, 20 ch2-sps). Fig 4 R5: (dc2 on previous round dc st, ch1) rep, cl. Fig 5
R6: shell in each ch1-sp. (shell means dc 3, ch2, dc 3), cl. Fig 6. R7: dc1 on each of the 3 dc sts, shell 1 in each ch2-sp of shell in previous round, cl. Fig 7. R8: dc 1 on 3 sts, ch1, dc1 on 3 sts, (shell on shell, dc 1 on 3 sts, ch 1, dc 1 in 6 sts, ch1, dc 1 in 3 sts) rep, cl. Fig 8.
Border: Join yellow yarn in ch2-sp of shell, make (sc 2, ch 1, sc 2) in that gap, sc 1 in each st and in each ch1-sp, in ch2-sp of shell make (sc2, ch1, sc 2), sc 1 in each st and in ch1-gap till the second ch1 sp after shell is there, make these much scs as shown in fig 9, then Remove hook from the st, insert in sc 1 of ch1-sp (where to join) pass the working st through this st. Fig 10 Continue doing sc 1 as early till second ch1-sp is there, join that with the ch1-sp skipped. Note that once we have to join with upper part of the petal and second time we have to join with the lower part of the petal. Fig 11.
Join the lastpetal carefully. The following video with English subtitles will help you in making this.
ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

1 comment:

  1. नमस्कार 💐🙏 💐 माझं हे डिझाईन करुन झाले त्याबद्दल तुमची खूप खूप आभारी आहे. तुमच्याकडे संपर्क साधावा तर मोबाईल नंबर देऊ शकता का तुम्ही. तुम्ही पुण्यात केव्हा येणार आहात... जेव्हा याल तेव्हा भेटायची इच्छा आहे... धन्यवाद 💐🎂💐


Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

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