Monday, September 16, 2024

Crochet Doily 2 with Big Rose, Big (28" diameter) Festival Doily


Hello friends,
This is the second doily I made using the big rose. You can see the pattern for this big rose in previous post, (Crochet Doily 1 with Big Rose). Here also I made same rose flower with turquoise color yarn. For this doily I have taken different shades of green along with white. Hook used is 3.5 mm. Diameter of this doily is 28". It's festival special doily.

In back side there are 84 sts. Join dark green yarn at any st.
R1: (dc1 ch2, skip 1 st) rep till end, cl. (42 windows)
R2: [(dc2, ch2, dc2) shell, in ch2-sp, ch3, skip 2 windows]14 times, cl.
Join green yarn in ch2-sp of shell.
R3: [shell on shell, ch5] rep till end, cl
Join white yarn at any ch2-sp of shell.
R4: [shell on shell, ch4, sc1 in ch5-sp including ch3-sp of dark green, ch4] 14 times, cl.
R5: ch1, sc1, [ch9, sc1 in ch2-sp of shell] rep till end, cl.
R6: Join rose color yarn ar any chsc-st, dc 13 in each ch9-sp, cl.

Join dark green yarn at the middle space betweem two groups of dc13
R7: [shell at mid, ch5, shell on 7th st (out of 13 dc-sts), ch5] rep till end, cl.
We have 28 shells.
R8: [shell on shell, ch3, sc1 in ch5-sp, ch3] rep till
Join green yarn at ch2-sp of shell
R9: [shell on shell, ch4, sl st on scst , ch4] rep till
R10: [shell on shell, ch5, sc1 on sl st, ch5] rep till end, cl.
Join white yarn at any ch2-sp of shell.
R11: [shell on shell, ch6, sc1 on sl st, ch6] rep till end, cl
R12: [shell on shell, ch7, sc1 on sl st, ch7] rep till end, cl.
R13: [sc1 in ch2-sp of shell, ch9] rep till end, cl (28 ch9-spaces).
Join turquoise yarn at any ch9-sp
R14: dc12 in each ch9-sp, cl.
Join dark green yarn at the first st (out of 12 dc-sts)
R15: [dc1, ch2, skip 1 st} rep till end, cl (168 ch2-spaces).
In 12 dcs by R15 we have 6 dcs means five ch2-sp, so join green yarn at the middle ch2-sp, 
R16: [tr 12 in ch2-sp, ch1, skip 2 windows, sc1 in next ch2-sp, ch1, skip 2 windows] rep 28 times, cl
Join white yarn at sc-st.
R17: ch1, [bpdc on first tr, ch3-picot by sc in between bpdc and ch1, (bptr 1 on tr, ch3-picot by sc in between two bptr) 10 times, lastly bpdc on last tr, ch3-picot by sc, ch1, sl st on middle sl st] rep till end, cl.
The beautiful doily is ready. 
The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Crochet Doily 1 with Big Rose


Hello friends,

Now a days I saw one handbag with big rose.

I love this bag then I also found one video by Youtube channel ilmek Tutkum,

I loved the rose but I know that being in different language most of my Marathi crocheters will not be able to do it. Ofcourse I cannot make the handbag (question of copy right). So I decided to make two doilies. One simple just to learn rose and other Big Festival Doily as Festival season started in India.

First of all I am very much thankful to the designer. Each time I mention the name and expressed my heartful thanks for that. Of course a big lotus type flower based on this technique is already made by Kalopasak. My big rose is based on this pattern.

Pattern: First let us see, how to make this beautiful Big Rose: I used Big Twist yarn for this and 3.5 mm hook. 

R1: Make dc12 in a magic loop, cl (12). Note that first dc is always ch3.

R2: dc2 in back loop of each st, cl (24). Front loops remain unworked.

Work R2 to R7 rounds in BACK LOOP only.

R3: (dc1 in one st, dc2 next) 12 times, cl (36)

R4: (dc1 in 2 sts, dc2 next) 12 times, cl (48)

R5: (dc1 in 3 sts, dc2 next) 12 times, cl (60)

R6: (dc1 in 4 sts, dc2 next) 12 times, cl (72)

R7: (dc1 in 5 sts, dc2 next) 12 times, cl (84). BO.

Join yarn at any unworked st of first round.

Petal 1 of round 1: dc3 in two front loops, (6 sts), 

ch3 turn (as first dc), dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 5 sts, (12 sts), 

SKIP 4 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 8 sts, again 

skip 4 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

Petal 2 of round 1: dc3 in front loop of the same st, dc 3 in next front loop (6),  ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 5 sts, (12 sts),      
SKIP 4 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 8 sts, again skip 4 sts, join by sl st in next,.......
ch3, sl st in the corresponding front loop of next round.
This round has 24 sts.

Round 2 has 3 petals: Petal 1: dc3 in each of the 3 consecutive front loops (9), 

ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 8 sts, (18 sts), 

SKIP 5 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 18 sts, again skip 5 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

Petal 2: dc3 in front loop of the same st, dc 3 in next front loop of next 2 front loops (9), ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 8 sts, (18 sts), SKIP 5 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 8 sts, again skip 5 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

Petal 3: dc3 in front loop of the same st, dc 3 in next front loop of next 2 front loops (9), ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 8 sts, (18 sts), SKIP 5 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 8 sts, again skip 5 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

ch3 and join by sl st in corresponding st of next round. 

Round 3 has 4 Petals: Each petal design will be same as three petals in R2.

This round has 36 unworked front loops and 4 petals. Means each petal has 9 sts. Moreover we use 3 front loops for making petal, hence we have to skip 6 sts and join in next

Petal 1 of R3: dc3 in each of the 3 consecutive front loops (9), ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 8 sts, (18 sts), SKIP 6 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 18 sts, again skip 6 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

Petal 2 of R3: dc3 in front loop of the same st, dc 3 in next front loop of next 2 front loops (9), ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 8 sts, (18 sts), SKIP 6 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 8 sts, again skip 6 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

Petal 3 of R3: dc3 in front loop of the same st, dc 3 in next front loop of next 2 front loops (9), ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 8 sts, (18 sts), SKIP 6 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 8 sts, again skip 6 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

Petal 4 of R3: dc3 in front loop of the same st, dc 3 in next front loop of next 2 front loops (9), ch3 turn, dc1 in same st, dc2 in next 8 sts, (18 sts), SKIP 6 sts, join by sl st in next st, ch1, crab st in each of the 8 sts, again skip 6 sts, join by sl st in next,.......

Here onward all petals design will be same means dc3 in each of the 3 unworked front loops (9). TURN dc2 in each st (18). Join, ch1 crab st in each st, join.

For next petal start making 3dcs from the same stitch where lastly we joint.

For Round 4 we have 48 sts. We decide to make 6 petals so there are 8 sts to each petal. We use 3 for making petal. So skip 5 sts and join in 6th st. Hence dc3 in 6th, 7th and 8th st.

For Round 5 we have 60 sts. We decide to make 6 petals again so there are 10 sts to each petal. We use 3 for making petal. So skip 7 sts and join in 8th st. Hence for next petal make dc3 in 8th, 9th and 10th st.

For Round 4 we have 72 sts. We decide to make 9 petals so there are 8 sts to each petal. We use 3 for making petal. So skip 5 sts and join in 6th st. Hence dc3 in 6th, 7th and 8th st.

The Big and Beautiful Rose is ready here. 

Now let us make some leaves. In Kalopasak I have explained in details about how to make these leaves. 

Make chs 16

R1: sc1 in each st from second (14 scs), 

at corner's stitch (15th ch) make sc3, place marker at middle sc-st. 

Now again sc1 in each st from other side BUT skip last 2 sts (12 only). ch1 TURN,,,,,

R2: sc1 in back loop of each of the 13 sc-sts, sc3 in the middle st where marker is places, again place marker at middle st, sc1 in each st on other side, SKIP last 2 sts, ch1 TURN,....

Repeat rounds as R2

Lastly after 3 sc in back loop of marker's stitch, make one side till last 2 sts and make slip stitches in those 2 sts, BO.
Make such 9 leaves or sufficient for your big rose. I made 9. 
Then on the back side of rose join green yarn at any stitch. Work next round as,
R1: ( dc 1 in 6 sts, dc2 next) 12 times, cl. (96)
R2: ch1, [(sc1 in 10 sts, join the leaf at marker's place) 2 times, (sc1 in 9 sts, join the leaf at marker's place) 1 time] 3 times, cl, BO.

Join the leaves to each other at the last edge of leaf.
You can also join leaves separetely and keep the rose simply on it at centre. So that you can use different big crochet flowers of different colors and feel like various table mats.
The following video with English subtitles may help you.

Crochet Doily 2 with Big Rose, Big (28" diameter) Festival Doily

  Hello friends, This is the second doily I made using the big rose. You can see the pattern for this big rose in previous post, (Crochet Do...