Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Rangoli Around Wooden Sitting Device (Paat) 2, Rectangular Lace Edging for Frock, Curtain etc



This is the second Lace edging or Patachi Rangoli (as I explained in my previous post. It's very beautiful and can be made easily.

This Rangoli I made in single colour where as first I had made in two colours.

Length 19”. Width 12” and weight 36 gm.

Yarn 4 ply, hook 3.5 mm

Pattern: We need multiple of 16 + 8 chs.

So we make 56+ 1 ch for corner+ 88 + 1 for marker+ 56 chs (202 sts)

R1: make ch3 (as first dc, then dc 1 in each ch till there are 56 dcs, (dc3) in next ch, dc 1 in each of the next 88 sts, (dc3) at corner in next ch, dc 1 in each ch till there are 56 dcs.

R2: ch1, sc1 in same st, [ ch6, skip 6 sts, sc1 in next, (ch3, skip 2 sts, sc 1 in next) 3 times] rep till corner, at corner ch8, skip 8 sts, sc 1 in the middle of 3 dcs at corner, ch8, skip 8 sts, sc 1 next, [(ch3, skip 2 sts, sc 1 next) 3 times, ch6 skip 6 sts, sc 1 next] rep till other corner. Work similarly at other corner and on third side.

R3: [(dc4, ch1, dc4) in ch6-sp, sc1 in first ch3-sp, (ch3, sc 1 in next ch3-sp) 2 times] rep till corner, (dc5, ch1, dc5) in ch8-sp, ch2, (dc5, ch1, dc5) in ch8-sp, sc 1 in next sp, (ch3, sc1 in next sp) 2 times, (dc4, ch1, dc4) in ch6-sp, repeat similarly on other side.
R4: ch3+5, [shell (dc2, ch2, dc2) in ch1 sp, ch5, sc 1 in first ch3-sp, ch3, sc 1 in next sp, ch5] rep till corner, at corner shell in ch1-sp,


R5: [dc7 in ch5-sp, in ch2-sp of shell make (dc1, ch3-picot by sc) 3 times, dc 1 in same space of shell, ch1,  dc7 in next ch5-sp, ch1, sc1 in ch3-sp, ch1] rep till corner, at corner ch1, dc7 in ch5 sp, ch1, (dc1, ch3-picot by sc) 3 times, dc 1 in same space of shell, ch1,  dc7 in next ch5-sp, ch1, (dc1, ch3-picot by sc)2 times, dc1, ch5-picot by sc, (dc1, ch3-picot by sc) 2 times. Thus 5 picots made. Work other sides and corner similarly.

Now if you look at the corners there ia Bump in each corner, so to remove that we work out next row of single crochet skipping 3 sts of corner.
R6: Join yarn at first st of base. Make sc 1 in each st, [at corner skip 3 sts taking the st before and after these sts, make 2sctog, then again sc 1 in each of the furst st] 2 times, BO.

The beautiful lace pattern as in picture 1 is ready.
The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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