Friends, how are you? Here heavy summer is outside the home and the only way to entertain ourselve is to crochet or knit. Thanks God that I have no problem in working with woolen in such atmosphere. So I made the poncho for my grand daughter and here I made cap matching to that poncho.
You can make it in any size, just measure the circumference of head and with chs whose length equals to the circumference make a ring and start. If the chains are inmultiple of 4 then it's good other wise make it and work for pattern.
I used Ganga Glowing Star 4 ply yarn for this and 3.5 mm hook.
It's height 8” width 9.5” weight 69 gm
Pattern: Make chs till the length is 19”, I made 90 chs. Join with first ch by sl st without twist.
R1: dc 1 in each st, cl. (90). Note first dc means always ch3. Join with first ch by sl st to make a ring.
R2: dc 1 in each ch, cl. Measure double length, it's 10".
R3: ch2 (not considered as first dc), (fpdc 1, bpdc 1 in next st) rep till end, cl.
R4: ch2, (fpdc on fpdc and bpdc on bpdc) all around, cl. (90)
R5: and R6: same as R3.
Border complete.
R1: Make V in one stitch (V means (dc 1, ch2, dc 1) in same st), [skip 3 sts, V in next] rep till end, cl.
For this we need multiple of 4 sts but we have 90 so for last two Vs we can skip only 2-2 sts. Thus 23 Vs are made.
Make Sl st 3 and get the working loop in ch2-sp of V.
R2: [fpdc on one side of V, (dc2,ch2,dc2) call shell in ch2-sp of V, fpdc on second part of V] rep till end, cl.
R3: sl st 3 till ch2-sp of shell. Make V in ch2-sp of each shell, cl.
R4: same as R2.
Repeat R3 and R4 till the height is 8” ending on R3.
Next Round: ch2, hdc 1 in each ch2-space of each shell. (23 hdcs).
Last round: ch1, sc 1 in each st, cl. BO with 1 ft yarn end.
Sew by tapestry needle to close the round at the top.
Make a pom pom and sew at the top.
Border: If you want make the border of sc 1 in each st. The beautiful cap as in picture 1 is ready. Hope that my grand daughter will love it.
The following video with English subtitles may help you.
ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.
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