Hello friends,
R1: dc 16 in ring, cl.
R2: (2dctog, ch3) rep, cl.
R3: dc 3 in each ch3-sp, cl.
Join yellow in the middle st out of 3 dcs. st,
R4: (Solomon knot (SK) 2 join by sc 1 in the middle dc of next 3dcs) rep till end, cl.
R5: Make SK 1 extra , join by sc 1 to reach the top of first pair of SK, then (2SK, join by sc at the top of next pair of SK) rep, cl. BO.
Join green yarn at the top of any pair of SK.
R6: (3dctog at the top of pair of SK, ch7) rep till end, cl.
R7: dc9 in each ch7-sp, cl (144 sts).
Join red yarn at the middle st out of 9dc-sts.
R8: (SK 2, join by sc at the joint of 9-9 dcs, SK 2, join by sc at 5th dc-st) rep till end,
R9: Extra SK sc at the top, this round same as R5.
Join green yarn at any top joint of 2SK.
R10: (3dctog at the top of joint of 2SK, ch5) rep till end, cl (32 ch5-sp).
R11: dc7 in each ch5-sp, cl (224sts). BO.
Join yellow yarn at the first dc-st (out of 7dcs).
R12: (ch5, skip 5 sts, sc 1 in each of the next 9 sts) rep till end, cl (32 ch5 sps).
R13: (dc10 in ch5-sp, skip 2 sc-sts, sc 1 in 5 sts, skip last 2 sc-sts) rep till end, cl.
R14: [ch1, (bpdc 1 in dc, ch1) 3 times, (bptr1, ch1) 4 times, (bpdc 1,ch1) 3 times), skip 2 sts, sc1, skip 2 sts] rep till end, cl. BO.
Join red yarn at ch1-sp between first and second bpdc.
R15:[ (hdc 1 in ch1 sp, ch2) 9 times, ch2] rep till end, cl.
R16: [ (sc2 in ch1-sp, ch3-picot join by sc in last sc) 3 times, sc 2 in ch1-sp, ch5-picot (at centre), sc2 in ch1-sp, ch3-picot join by sc in last sc) 3 times, sc 2 in last gap, sc 1 in middle ch2-sp, sc 2 in first gap] rep till end, cl.
The beautiful doily is ready.
The following video with English subtitles may help you.
ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.