Monday, December 20, 2021

Crochet Candle Stand with Flower Border, Flower Pot Mat, Diya Holder



This is another Candle Holder I made for Christmas. It can be used as Diya Holder in Diwali or can be used to put flower pot. It's a best gift item for Christmas, New year or Sankranti. It's just a beautiful decorative piece with multiple uses. Also it is the best use of left over yarn.

For this I used 4 ply yarn and 3.5 mm hook.

It requires only 9 gm yarn, 3 gm pearls and it's diameter is 4.7".

R1(White)  In a magic loop make dc 15, cl. (First dc is always ch3)

R2: dc 2 in each st, cl (30 sts).

R3: (Green) (dc1 in one st, dc 2 in next) 15 times, cl (45 sts).

R4: (Red) [ch 6, 2dc tog in 4th ch, ch2, sl st in 4th ch. (ch2, 2dctog in same st, ch2, sl st in same st) 4 times, ch4, skip 4 sts, sl st in next] 9 times, cl.

After completing the round sew pearls at the centre of each flower or decorate as per your ideas.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Crochet Candle Stand with Frill Border, Diya Holder, Flower Pot Mat


Hello friends,

Hope that you are with good health and busy in Christmas decoration / Home decoration or exploring your creativity. Here is my experiment of making Candle holder, Diya stand or Flower pot mat. It's small and can be finished in half an hour moreover it needs only 20 gm yarn, means it is the best use of left over yarn too. It will be the beautiful Christmas gift for your friends. They will love this multiple useful gift. 

I used 4 ply yarn and 3.5 mm crochet hook.

R1: In magic loop dc 15, cl.

R2: dc2 in each st, cl.

R3: (dc1, dc2) 15 times, cl (45 sts).

R4: With different colour, dc 3 in each st, cl (135 sts).

R5: dc 2 in each st, cl (270 sts).

R6: with different color, sc 1 in each st, cl and Fold properly.

The beautiful small doily with frill border is ready. You can use this idea of making frill to any other doily.

The following video (with English subtitles) may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Crochet Mobile Cover by Granny Square


Hello friends,

This is December and next January, new year and one more festival in India "Sankranti". On both of these occassion we give small gifts to our friends. Hence I made this, so that you can give hand made gift to your beloved.

Last year also I made many bags for this occasion, even one made by granny square also.

Granny Square Mobile Cover

For this one, I used Vardhamaan Millenium 4 ply yarn and 3.5 mm hook.

Note first dc is always ch3.


R1: With white, dc 12 in magic loop, cl.

R2: with orange, (5dc-popcorn, ch2) 12 times, cl.

R3: with green, [dc3 in ch2-sp, ch1, dc3 in next ch2-sp, ch1, (dc1, tr2, ch2, tr2, dc1) in next ch2-sp, ch1] rep 4 times, cl.

R4: sl st till next ch1-sp,( dc3 in ch1-sp, ch1) 2 times,[ at corner, (dc3, ch2, dc3), (ch1, dc 3 in next ch1-sp) 3 times, lastly ch1, dc 3 in remaining ch1-sp, cl.

Make one more granny square till the third corner then join it with the complete granny square by joining corner to corner by sc 1 and ch1 spaces by sc 1 in complete granny square.

Then either make similar strip of two granny squares or make Square of 4 granny squares.

Take a trial if necessary extend it by sc row, 

Join the remaining side by sl st from right side in order to take care of finishing. Lastly join base.

Then getting double strands sew bottom by sc in each st.

Belt: Taking 4 strands make chs till it measures 40”. Sew belt properly and sew 2 press buttons.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Small Lotus Doily:



Many of my friends subscribers of my Youtube channel Kalopasak requested me to make small Lotus doily, the same pattern which I have already made and posted here on 14 Oct 2020. The design is inspired by the one I saw on Pinterest. That lotus doily is 8.5" in diameter but then my subscriber requested me that their Laxmiji's idol is too small to fit in that lotus doily so please make smaller one. Thus I made this one and one more with diamer 7". So I think now I have all sizes in this pattern or A SET OF LOTUS DOILIES. 

The smaller one is 5.5" (White and Pink), Second yellow and orange is 7", special Aasan 3 is 8.5", next one is 13" and the biggest double layered is 25".
Here I will give pattern for white and yellow.
White and Pink Small Lotus Doily:
Start with white and 3.5 mm hook. If you want to make still smaller then use 1,75 mm hook with the same pattern.
R1: (Pink) In a magic looop make dc 16, cl. (First dc is always ch3)
R2: (dc1, ch1) 16 times, cl. BO.

R3: (White) (dc3, ch2, dc3) (called shell) in each ch1-space, cl. (16 shells)

R4: Shell on shell, dc 1 on each dc-st, cl. BO.

R5: (Pink) [sc1 in each dc-st, in ch2 sp (hdc1, dc1, ch2, sc 1 in dc, dc1, hdc1)] rep. There will be 8 petals on upper side and 8 on lower side. 

Join upper peatl with lower in this last round after each 4 scs as in case of, (watch the video for this.

The white - pink small Lotus doily is ready. It's diameter is 5.5". If you make the same pattern with 1.75 mm hook then the lotus doily will be 4"-4.5" in diameter.
The yellow-orange shown in the same photo is made just by adding third round as,
R1: (Orange) In a magic looop make dc 16, cl. (First dc is always ch3)
R2: (dc1, ch1) 16 times, cl. BO.
R3: (dc2 on dc-st, ch1) 16 times, cl, BO.
R4: (Yellow) (dc3, ch2, dc3) (called shell) in each ch1-space, cl. (16 shells)
R5: Shell on shell, dc 1 on each dc-st, cl. BO.
R6: Same as R5.
R7: (orange) [sc1 in each dc-st, in ch2 sp (hdc1, dc1, ch2, sc 1 in dc, dc1, hdc1)] rep. There will be 8 petals on upper side and 8 on lower side. 
The beautiful yellow orange lotus doily is ready. It's diameter is 7".
The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...