Saturday, September 11, 2021

Rectangular Doily with Lacy Border: Aasan 9


Hello friends,

As I have already written that I am going to make 10 different Aasan for Lord Ganesh ji. Since Ganesh Utsav is of 10 days, so per day new Aasan for Ganeshji. This one I made with multipurpose. As many of you may know the tradition that when Ganesh idol is brought in side home, it is covered and for that purpose I made it big so that idol is covered by that. Also it is good to cover Paat (wooden sitting tool). As in next photo, I have shown.

This rectangular mat with lacy border in pink shades look beautiful.

Length 25”, width 18”, weight 100 gm.

Make it in any size. Number of windows should be multiple of 6 plus 4.

I used Ganga’s white and pink yarn.

R1: ch3 (as first dc), dc 1 in 3 chs starting from 4th ch, (ch2, skip 2 sts, dc 1 in each of the next 4 chs) rep till end.

R2: ch3+2, [dc 1 in forth dc st (out of 4 dcs of previous row), dc 2 in ch2-sp, dc 1 on next st, ch2, skip 2 sts] rep till end, cl.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 till the height is 9”.

Border R1: Join pink yarn at first st on RS, ch7 ch3 for first dc and then ch4), skip 3 sts, [sc 1 in next 2 sts (middle 2 dc-sts), ch9, skip 7 sts, sc2 in gap, ch9, skip 7 sts] rep till end, lastly ch4, dc 1 in last st. At corner ch4, dc 1 in same st, ch4, skip one block of dc 4 and sc 2 in gap, (ch9, skip 2 bloks (one of dc 4 and other of ch2-sp), sc 2 in next) rep till corner, at corner ch4, dc 1 at corner st, ch4, dc 1 in same st….

Similarly on other two sides.


R2: (sc 1 in each of 9 chs and sc 1 in 2 sc-sts) rep till end, cl.

R3: shell at corner (dc2, ch2, dc2), [ch2, skip 2 sc sts (out of 9 sc-sts) tr 1 in next, ch1, tr 1 in next, ch1, tr3 in next st (middle st), ch1, tr 1 in next, ch1, tr1 in next, skip last 2 sts (out of 9), ch2, shell in the middle st of next 9 sc-sts] rep till corner, at corner, ch2, shell on dc-st, ch6, shell on next dc-st, then rep from [to] till other corner, complete remaining two sides similarly.

R4: sl st and get the st into ch2-sp of shell, [ch2, (dc 1 on tr-st, dc 2 in ch1-sp) 6 times, dc 1 on last tr, ch2, join by sc 1 in shell] rep till corner, lastly ch2, join by sc 1 in shell, dc10 in ch6-sp,  join by sc 1 in shell and rep on remaining three sides.

R5: at ch1-sp of shell sc1, [ch2, 3dctog on dc over first  tr-st,( ch2, skip 2 sts, 3 dctog on next  tr-st) 6 times, ch2, sc 1 in shell] rep till corner. At corner, ch3, 3dctog on first dc-st (out of 9) ch4, skip 3 sts, 3dctog on next, ch4, skip 3 sts, 3dctog on last dc-st (out of 9), ch 3, sc 1 in next shell,

Repeat on remaining sides.

 R6: [sc 3 in ch3-sp, (ch4, sc 1 in ch2-sp in between two 3dctog) 6 times] rep, cl.

R7: Join dark pink yarn at ch4-sp of corner,[ (sc 2 in same gap, ch4-picot, sc2 in same gap) in ch4-spaces, sc 1 at join] 3 times, then in the middle ch4-sp make (sc2, five ch4-picots, sc2), join by sc1, then in the remaining  three ch4-sps again make (sc2, ch4-picot, sc2), at corner  sc 1 in each st, the in ch4-sp make (sc2, five ch4-picot, sc2) again sc 1 in each st,

Complete like this. The beautiful table mat as in photo 1 is ready.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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