Hello friends,
Leaf Art Painting is one of the very old and treasure art of Indian heritage. Generally Peepal leaf is used for this because of it's size and shape. This painting is made on dyed leaf and many times on dried and dyed leaf. But drawing on dried Peepal leaf that is neted peepal leaf is very special and delicate art form, it requires patience and concentration.
For such paintings green leaf is immeresed in water for 10-15 hourss then taken out and slowly cleared by water till the outer surface is washed and only veins will be seen. Another method is, it is dipped in water for 8-10 days, changing it's water after every 2-3 days till the outer suface vanishes and only skeleton is exposed as in next photo. Then beautiful paintings are worked on this dried peepal leaf.
R1: In a magic loop ch1, sc 7, cl, (place marker in first st)
R2: sc2 in each st, (14 sts)
R3: (sc1 in one st, sc 2 in next) 7 times, (21 sts)
R4: sc1, hdc 1, (dc3), hdc 1 in 3 sts, sl st1, hdc1 in 3 sts, (dc3), hdc1, sc1. Next sc 1 in 8 sts, sl st in first st. (25 sts), ch1 turn
Row 5: sc 1 in 8 sts, ch1, turn (8sts)
R6: skip first st, sc 1in each of the 6 sts, sl st in last, BO.
Row 1: Join orange yarn in the first dc-st out of 3 dc in a st, ch1, sc 1 in same st, sc 1 in 5 sts, sc 3 in the central sl st, sc 1 in 6 sts (15 sts), ch 1 turn,
R2: skip first st, 2sctog next, sc 1 in each of the middle 9 sts till last 3 sts, then 2sctog, skip last st, (11 sts), ch1 turn,
R3: skip 1 st, 2sctog next, sc 1 in 5 sts, 2sctog, skip last st, (7 sts).
R4: sc 1 in each st.
R5: 2sctog, sc 1 in 3 sts, 2sctog (5 sts).
R6: sc 1 in each st (5 sts).
R7: 2sctog, sc1, 2sctog (3 sts) OR skip 1, sc 1 in 3 sts, skip last st (3 sts).
R8: 3sctog, BO.
Ear (left side):
Row 1: Join white yarn on WS at the first orange st, ch1, sc 1 in next 5 sts, ch1 turn,
R2: sc2 in first st, sc 1 in each of the middle 3 sts, sc 2 in last st, ch1, turn (7 sts),
R3: sc3 in first st, sc 1 in each of the next 5 sts, sc2 in last st, ch1 turn (10 sts),
R4: sc 1 in each st, (10 sts)
R5: skip first st, sc 1 in each of the 9 sts, (9 sts)
R6: sc 1 in each st, BO.
Ear (right side): Join white yarn at the st where the crown ends,
R1: sc1 in 5 sts, ch1, turn
R2: sc2 in first st, sc 1 in each of the middle 3 sts, sc 2 in last st, ch1, turn (7 sts)
R3: sc 2 in first st, sc 1 in 5 sts, sc 3 in last, (10 sts), ch1, turn,
R4: sc 1 in each st, (10 sts), ch1 turn
R5: sc1 in each st skip last st, (9 sts)
R6: sc 1 in each st. BO.
Teeth: Join white yarn in the first st out of 8 sts below side of face.
R1:RS: ch7, sl st 6, sl st in next st at base, ch5, skip 4 sts, sl st in next, ch5, sl st 4 on these chs,
R1: sl st in ch5 space, sc 5 in ch5-sp, ch1 turn,
R2: sc 1 in each of the 5 sts, ch1 turn
R3: same as R2
R4: 2sctog, sc 1 in 3 sts, ch1 turn
R5: 2 sctog, sc 1 in 2 sts, ch1 turn (3 sts)
R6: sc 1 in 3 sts, ch1 turn (3 sts)
R7:2sctog, sc 1 in 1 sts, ch1 turn (2 sts)
R8: sc 1 in 2 sts, ch1 turn (2 sts)
R9: same as R8, BO.
R1: Join white yarn in ch5-sp, make sc9, ch1 turn.
R2: (sc2) in first and second cst, sc 1 in 5 sts, (sc2) in each of the last 2 sts, ch1 turn, (13 sts)
R3: sc1 in each st, ch 1 turn (13 sts)
R4: (sc2) in first st, sc 1 in 11 sts, (sc2) in last st, ch1 turn, (15 sts)
R5: sc1 in each st, ch1 turn, (15 sts)
R6: (sc2) in first st, sc 1 in 13 sts, (sc2) in last st, ch1 turn, (17 sts)
R7 to R10: sc 1 in each st, ch1 turn, (17 sts)
R11: 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 13 sts, 2sctog in last 2 sts, ch 1turn, (15 sts)
R12: 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 11 sts, 2sctog in last 2 sts, ch 1turn, (13 sts)
R13: sc 1 in each st, ch1 turn, (13 sts)
R14: : 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 9 sts, 2sctog in last 2 sts, ch 1turn, (11 sts)
R15: sc 1 in each st, ch1, turn, (11 sts)
R16: : 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 7 sts, 2sctog in last 2 sts, ch 1turn, (9 sts)
R17: : 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 5 sts, 2sctog in last 2 sts, BO, (7 sts).
R1: In a magic loop, ch1, sc6, cl (6 sts)
R2: sc 2 in each st, cl (12 sts)
R3: For thumb: ch4, sl st 3, join by sl st.
Sc 1 in 4 sts, ch1 turn
R4: sc 1 in 3 sts, ch1 turn
R5: sc 1 in 2 sts, BO
Join white yarn at the st where trunk starts, sc 1 in 5 sts, BO
Join hand to the body by tapestry needle.
Left hand:
R1: In a magic loop, ch1, sc6, cl (6 sts)
R2: sc 2 in each st, cl (12 sts)
Row3: sc 1 in 4 sts, ch1 turn
R4: same as R3.
Join white yarn at the st where trunk starts, sc 1 in 5 sts, BO
Join hand to the body by tapestry needle.
Shela: (Part of dress)
Join Maroon colour in second st at the bottom.
R1: ch1, sc 1 in 5 sts, ch1 turn
R2: (sc2) in first st, sc 1 in 3 sts, (sc2) in last st, ch1 turn (7 sts)
R3: (sc2) in first st, sc 1 in 5 sts, (sc2) in last st, ch1 turn (9 sts)
R4, R5 and R6: sc 1 in each st, BO (9 sts).
Pitambar: (Generally yellow coloured legs wear)
Right part:
R1: Join pink yarn at the lower joint of hand, make sc2 from here to the first st of brown part, in all 16 sts. (16 sts)
R2: (sc2) in first st, sc 1 in 14 sts, (sc2) in last st, ch1 turn (18 sts)
R3: (sc2) in first st, sc 1 in 16 sts, (sc2) in last st, ch1 turn (20 sts)
R4: sc 1 in each st, ch1, turn, (20 sts)
R5: 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 16 sts, 2sctog in last 2 sts, ch 1turn, (18 sts)
R6: 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 14 sts, 2sctog in last 2 sts, ch 1turn, (16 sts)
R7: 2sctog, sc 1 in 4 sts, sl st in 4 sts, sc 1 in 4 sts, 2sctog (14 sts).BO.
Left part:
R1: Join pink yarn on wrong side where the lower end of hand is sewed. Make 10 sts as that of right part.
R2: (sc3) in first st, sc 1 in 8 sts, (sc3) in last st, ch1 turn, (14 sts)
R3: sc2 in first st, sc 1 in each of the middle st, sc2 in last, ch1 turn (16 sts)
R4: sc 1 in each st, ch1 turn (16 sts)
R5: 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 12 sts till last two sts, 2sctog last, ch1 turn (14 sts)
R6: 2sctog, sc 1 in each of the middle 10 sts till last two sts, 2sctog last, ch1 turn (12 sts)
R7: sl st 1, sc 1 in each st skip last st, ch1 turn, (10 sts). BO.
Foot: work on right part of Pitambar.
R1: Join white yarn in a st, make sc 1 in 4 sts, ch1, turn,
R2: sc 1 on 4 sts, BO.
Kardoda: (Waist accessory)
With metallic thread make chs 10 (till the centre) then+3 chs, dc 4 in 4th ch from hook, ch3, sl st in same st, again chs till other side.
Make chs 21+2.
R1: from third ch, hdc 1 in each of the 10 sts, make ring of ch4, hdc 3 in ring, ch2-picot, hdc 3 in same ring, again hdc 1 in each of the 10 sts.
Kada (Wrist accessory):
ch4/5 and sew around the wrist. Make two.
Modak: In a magic loop makech1, sc 6, cl,
Then ch3 and sew by tapestry needle at the centre.
Leaf Part:
R1: Join green yarn at lower point, go on making sc 1 in each st around the background, note that shape should be mentioned so if there is corner add extra sc. Cl.
R2: Make ch8, sc 1 in each st from second, (ch5, skip 3 sts, dc 1 in next) 2 times, (ch2, skip 2 sts, dc 1 in next) repeat all around.
This is not very well defined, only remember that we want neted leaf. At the top (ch2, dc1) 3 times at centre, (ch2, skip a st, dc 1 in next) along other side at last ch5 skip 3 sts, dc 1, ch5 skip 3 sts, sl st at the starting st. Ch3, sc at the stem st on back side, ch3, sc 1 at first st on other side,
R3: (sc7 in ch5-sp) 2 times, first and second arch made, ch2, (dc 1 in next gap, ch2 dc 1 at the same st, ch2) 2 times, hdc 1 in next gap, one arc shape made. Ch2, dc 1 in gap, ch2, tr 1 in next, ch2, tr 1 in same st, (ch2, dc1) 2 times, ch2, hdc 1, second arch made, (sc7 in ch5-sp) 2 times, join by sl st. Last 2 archs of other side made. BO.
R4: Join thread on right side after two ch5 gaps, (ch2, dc1) 6 times, ch2, sc 1, ch2, dc1, (ch2 tr1) 2 times, ch2, dc 1, ch2, sc 1 in next gap, sc3 in each ch2 gap of arch 5 and 6, sc in ch5-sp, ch15, sl st 13 starting from third ch, join as picot, sc 6 in ch4-sp, sc3 in each ch2-sp, for two archs, top 2 archs on both sides are complete, then remaining 2 archs same as on other side, sl st, BO
R5: Join yarn after 2 archs, sc3 in each of ch2-sp for both archs,BO
R6: On other side also sc 3 in each ch2-sp, BO.
Embroidery eyes, trunk, ear and Gandh as shown in above photo. Sew all jewellery and Modak at proper places.
The beautiful Applique of Lord Ganesh on Pipal Leaf is ready.
The following video with English subtitles may help you to make this.
Part 1:
Part 2:
ETC: Enjoy the Creativity
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