Saturday, November 28, 2020

Knitted Baby Jacket, Sweater: Princess

Hello friends, After so many days, I made this knitted jacket for the daughter of one of my favourite student. I have some sparking dark purple colour and I wanted to use it from so many days. So I found one more yarn which was light purple and not sparking, our usual Vardhamaan 4 ply yarn.
So I decided to make just a jacket. It's width 10", height 12" and weight just 100 gm. It will fit 1 year baby. Pattern: Cast on 115 sts by dark and sparkling colour yarn. R1 to R6: All knit (k).
R7: Work all K. But first and last 6 sts with dark colour and in between with light purple. Remember that when we change the yarn colour twist before making next stitch.
R8 and all odd numbered rows: First and last 6 sts K with dark colour and all sts in between purl (p) with light colour. Repeat rows 7 and 8 till the height from the first row is 7".
Now we divide these 115 stitches as, 115 = 6 button band+ 24 front part I+ 55 Back part+ 24 front part II+ 6 buttonhole band. Now we shall work only on front part I: R1: K6 with dark colour, K19 with light colour, K3 with dark colour, (these last 3 with dark colour will make our arm hole band). Means out of 6+24 sts we work only 6+19+3 means only 6+22 sts (2 sts will be decrease of armhole). R2: K3 with dark, P19 with light, K6 with dark. R3: K6 with dark, K19 with light, K3 with dark. R4: K6 with dark, with light K2tog, remaining all K with light, last 3 K with dark. Decrease total 6 sts from neck side. Work similarly till the total height is 12" and there will be 21 sts for shoulder.
Now bind off next 4 sts by dark colour (2 will be from front part and 2 from back part). Back side: Now again 3 sts with dark colour, remaing all 45 sts with light purple colour yarn, last 3 again with dark. (These 3 dark coloured strip will form armhole bands on back side. Thus 3+45+3= 51 sts worked out and 2 initially and 2 at last 4 sts will be bind off, thus total 55 sts on back.
Work as per routine pattern till the height is 11.5". Half inch border with dark colour will be made at last.
After back side, we make the remaining front part. Bind off 4 sts by dark colour (2 will be from back side and 2 from remaining front side). Next row: 3 with dark, remaining with purple and last 6 with dark (for buttonhole band). Work as per pattern, decrease 1 st on neck side in every forth row. Work as the front part already done. Lastly there will be 21 sts on shoulder.
Then fold it with right side on right side and bind of these 21 shoulder sts by three needle technique.
Lastly for finishing make 2-3 sts by crochet hook with dark colour at the joint of underarms.
The beautiful baby jacket (Princess jacket) is ready as in fig 1. The following video with English subtitles may help you.
ETC: Enjoy the CReativity.

1 comment:

  1. Customizing sweaters with different stitch patterns is a game-changer! This guide is full of inspiration and practical advice. #KnittingDesign


Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...