Thursday, February 13, 2020

Crochet Ladies Jacket Part 2
Fig 1
Hello friends,
This post is only for giving the second part of this jacket.

Front Part: For front part we work till the 4 dcs and don’t work 10 sts which are under arm. See fig 2.

In front part there are 2 patterns of design. Work one pattern as it is and in another pattern decrease sts on neck side. For that make 3 puffs instead of 4 then 2 then 1, so that the sts are decreased. Fig 3. One of the front I have already made in order to get an idea of how the neck line sts are decreased. 

R1: (WS) ch 3, dc 1 in 3 sts, first pattern as it is means ch 2, sc 1 in first gap, (ch 1, dc 1) 3 times in next gap, ch 1, sc 1 in next gap, ch 2, dc 4, ch 2, sc 1 in next gap, (ch1, dc 1) 2 times in next gap, ch 1, sc 1 in next gap, ch 2, dc 4.
See fig 4.

Fig 2

Fig 3
 R2: (RS) ch 3, dc 3, ch 1, puff in next 3 gaps separated by ch 3, then ch 1, dc 4, ch 1, puff in next 4 gaps separated by ch 3, ch 1, dc 4. Fig 5.

R3: ch 3, dc 3, (ch 3, sc1 in the gap between 2 puffs) 3 times, ch 3, dc 4, (ch 3, sc 1 in the gap between 2 puffs) 2 times, ch 3, dc 4. Fig 6
Fig 4

Fig 5
 R4: ch 3, dc 3, ch 4, sc1 on previous row sc, ch 3, sc 1 on previous row sc, ch 4, dc 4, ch4, skip one gap, sc 1 in next gap, (ch 3, sc 1 in next gap) 2 times, ch 4, dc 4. Fig 7.

Fig 6

Fig 7
Fig 8

Fig 9

Fig 10
 R5: ch 3, dc 3, ch 2, sc 1 in first gap, (ch 1, dc 1) 3 times in next gap, ch 1, sc 1 in last gap, ch 2, dc 4, ch 2, sc 1 in first gap, (ch 1, dc 1) in next gap, ch 1, sc 1 in next gap, ch 2, dc 4
Fig 11

R6:ch 3, dc 3, ch 1, puff 1 in next gap ch 3, puff 1 in next gap, ch 1, dc4, ch 1, (puff 1 in next gap, ch3) 3 times, puff 1
Fig 12
in next gap, ch 1, dc 4. Fig 8.

R7: ch 3, dc 3, (ch 3, sc1 in the gap between 2 puffs) 3 times, ch 3, dc 4, ch3, sc 1 in gap between 2 puffs, ch 3, dc 4. Fig 9.

Fig 13.
Fig 14
R8: ch3, dc 3, ch 2, sc 1 in a gap, ch 2, sc 1 in a gap, ch
2, dc 4, ch4, skip first gap, sc 1 in next gap, (ch 3, sc 1 in next gap) 2 times, ch 4, dc 4. Fig 10.
R9: ch3, dc 3, ch 2, sc 1 in next gap, (ch1, dc1) 3 times in the next gap, ch 1, sc 1 in next gap, ch2, dc4, ch2, sc 1 on previous sc, ch 1, sc 1 on previous sc, ch 2, dc 4. Fig 11.
R10:  ch 3, dc 3, ch 1, puff1 in next ch1- gap then ch 1, dc 4, ch 1, puff in next 4 gaps separated by 2 chs, ch 1, dc 4. Fig 12.
In this row we make 2 chs in between 2 puffs because in our next row we have to make all dcs, no further puffs.
R11:ch 3, dc 1 in each st, so that in all there should be 23 sts.
R12, R13 and R14 same as R11. Fig 13.
Similarly make other front with proper decrease of sts on neck side. Fig 1
Back: Work same as the pattern (See part 1).
Last 4 rows of all dcs.
Sew both shoulders properly.
Cord: Make chains with double thread as much as you want.
Tassels: Instead of tassels we make Puff flowers which will match the design of the jacket.
Thread the cord through the 4dcs button band and buttonhole band. Sew puff flowers to both ends. I have also sewed two beads at the centre of the puff flowers. Fig 14.

Look, how beautiful the jacket is!!!! Fig 1.

The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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