Saturday, January 11, 2020

Crochet Beautiful Black Draw String Bag 15 (Batawa)

Black Batawa Specially for Sankranti
Fig 1
Hello friends,
One more creation is this Batava, specially black for Sankranti. I have written many things about this festival in my post,
One more thing about this festival is, in Maharashtra ladies wear black sarees on this occassion. Black colour has very much importance on this festival. Otherwise black is supposed to be in aspesious on other days by Hindus. Two reasons are given for the importance of black colour.
1. To fight with evil, darkness wear black
and other reason is more scientific,
2. This is the end of winter and beginning of spring so cold wave is on it's top hence to face cold wear black which is absorbant of heat and we feel warm.
So beautiful black sarees, paithanis with beautiful contrast borders are gifted to the newly married girl on her first Sankranti after marriage. See fig 2,3 and 4.
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
So if your daughter or daughter in law is newly married then you can make such Black and green or black and red batava for her as per the saree you purchased.
For this batava, I used 4 ply Vardhamaan black wool 50 gms and green 25 gms and 3.5 mm hook. We also need two beads, instead of that also you can make two small pom-pom.  It's size is, height 7" and diameter of base 5.5".
Fig 5

Fig 6
R1: In a magic loop ch3, dc 11, close by slip st in third ch. (12 sts) ch 3turn,
R2: dc 1 in same st, dc 2 in each of the next st till end, close by sl st. (24 sts). ch 3 turn,
R3:dc 1 in same st, dc 1 in next, (dc 2 in next st, dc 1 in next) repeat till end, close by sl st, (36 sts), ch 3 turn, fig 5.
R4:dc 1 in same st, dc 1 in next, (dc 2 in next st, dc 1 in each of the next 2 sts) repeat till end,
Fig 7

Fig 8
close by sl st, (48 sts), ch 3 turn,fig 6.
R5:dc 1 in same st, dc 1 in next, (dc 2 in next st, dc 1 in each of the next 3 sts) repeat till end, close by sl st, (60 sts), ch 3 turn,
R6:dc 1 in same st, dc 1 in next, (dc 2 in next st, dc 1 in each of the next 4 sts) repeat till end, close by sl st, (72 sts), ch 3 turn, fig 5.5".
Measure the diameter, if it is 5.5 or as you want then stop the increase round, otherwise make one more increase round as (dc 2 in next st, dc 1 in each of the next 5 sts). Then the sts will be 84. But in my case I stopped after 6 rounds.
R7 to R9: ch 3, dc 1 in each st, close by sl st (72 sts). See fig 8.
Fig 9

Fig 10
 R10: ch 3, dc 1 in each of the next 6 sts, (ch 1, skip 1 st, dc 1 in each of the next 7 sts) repeat till last st remain, ch 1 skip that st, close by sl st.
After this round we can see, 1 window, 7 dcs. Fig 9.

Fig 11

Fig 12
 R11: ch 4 (3 as first dc and ch 1 for window) skip 1 st, dc 1 on each of the next 3 sts, [ (ch 1 skip 1 st dc 1 in next) 3 times, dc 1 in next 2 sts] repeat till end, (ch 1, skip 1 st, dc 1) one more time, ch 1 close by sl st,

That is in this row, there will be 3 windows, 3 dcs. Fig 10.
R12: ch 4 (as above), (skip 1 st, dc 1 in next, ch 1) repeat till end, skip  1st and close.
In this round we formed all windows. Fig 11. Then join green colour yarn.
Fig 13

Fig 14

R13: ch 3, dc a in gap, dc a on dc of previous row, {ch 2, (then we have to make flower with 5 peteals as shown in fig 13.) [YO insert in window number 1 in fig 13, YO take a long st(as long as dc)] 3 times, petal 1 made now [ YO insert in window number 2 in fig 13, YO take a long st(as long double dc)] repeat 3 times, petal 2 made, in widow 2, with long st double that of dc, ( fig 14), then [ YO insert in window number 3 in fig 13, YO take a long st(as long treble dc)] repeat 3 times, in widow 3, with long st treble that of dc, ( as in fig 13), petal 3 made, similarly make petal 4 in window number 4 and then petal 5 in window number 5 of fig 15.
Fig 15

Fig 16
Fig 17
 Now there are 31 sts on the hook, YO and pass through all of them, ch 1 and fix the flower, fig 16. Ch2, skip 1 window as in fig 13, dc 1 on dc of previous round, dc 1 in gap, dc 1 on previous round dc, see fig 17repeat all over, close by sl st. Join black color.

Fig 18
R14: As round 10 (window 1 dcs 7) but this time window should be on the 3 green dcs of previous round, see fig 18.
If necessary go at the required space by slip st.
R15: as round 11.
R16: as round 12. Join green.
R17: as round 13.
New flower will be in between the two flowers of the round 13. See fig 19
Fig 19

Fig 20
R18 to R22: as R7 .
R23: as round 12.
R24 and R25: as R7.
Bind off.
Now for bottom border join green colour at some st after 6 round.

Border: ch 1 [sc 1 in 3 sts (starting from first st), 4ch-picot] repeat till end, bind off.

Fig 21
Fig 22
See fig 21.
Make two cords of simply chains of length 20". Fig 22.

Fig 23
 Also make two tassels with green or black or both mix colours. I used both yarns for tassels.

Now thread one cord through the windows of round 23 when it is half the way thread a bead in that, thread the other part, tie the two ends of the cord and also tie tassel to that cord, it will look as fig 23.

Then thread other cord starting from the bead side, thread the bead in half way, complete as first cord.
Your beautiful bag is ready as shown in fig 1.
The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity

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