Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Crochet Kumkum Box: Kuiri:
Fig 1
Hello friends,
This is another item of my aarti plate. (For aarti plate explanation please see, 
In Indian culture and in religeous rituals (Puja). Vermillion and turmeric (called haladi - kumkum) have special importance. Medically also termeric is very useful antiseptic and supposed to be most pure substance. Moreover it's yellow colour stands for sacrifice and sesuality. Vermillion or kumkum is made from termeric and lead. It's red colour symbolises power and energy of woman.

There are variety of designs and shapes for the pots, containing haldi kumkum but traditionally the three in fig 2,3 and 4 are most common. Attached pots or two seperate karande (boxes) or kuiri (what we made)

Fig 2

Fig 3
Fig 4

Among all these shapes what we call kuiri, is the last one which has two or three compartments. If it has three compartments then Akshat is places in the third one. But we made here kuiri with only two compartments.

Pattern: Start with ch 5
R1: sc 2 in the second and last ch from hook, sc 1 in each of the middle 2 sts (6sts), ch 1 turn,
R2: sc 2 in first and last st, sc 1 in each of the middle sts, (8 sts), ch 2 turn,
R3: hdc 2 in first and last st, hdc 1 in each of the middle sts, (10 sts), ch 2 turn,
R4: dc 2 in the first st, dc 1 in all other sts, (11 sts) ch 2 turn,
R5: dc 1 in each of the nine sts, 2dctog in last two sts, (10 sts), ch 2 turn,
R6: 2dctog in first two and last two sts, dc 1 in all middle sts, (8sts) ch 1 turn,
R7: 2sctog in first two and last two sts, sc 1 in each of the middle sts, (6 sts), ch 1 turn,
R8: 2sctog in first two sts, sc 1 in each of the remaining sts, (5 sts), ch1 turn,
R9: As R8, (4sts), ch1 turn,
R10: As R8, (3sts), ch 1 turn,
R11: sc1, hdc 1, dc 2 in last st. BO.

Join yarn at the centre of the starting 5 chains, make ch 3, slip stitch in second and third st, BO.

Make two such pieces.
 Then make chains whose length equals to the outline of the above part in fig 5. Make sc 1 in each st. That will be the side wall, see fig 7. Then make the chains of length equal to the required compartment. See fig 6. Here also make sc 1 in each st. Sew these two parts to the proper places.Then sew another mango shape only at the top of this. For sewing take the help of following video.
Fig 5
Fig 6
Fig 7

Fig 8
If the lead of the box is closed then it will look as in fig 8.

Now make very fine pieces of scrab yellow and red yarn and put it in two different compartments. See fig 6.

The following video may help you to make this.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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