Saturday, October 20, 2018

T2P2R1 Designed Sweater Completed
Fig 1

Hi friends,

After my last post there was one of the important festival called "Dasara", when younger people used to distribute Bauhinia racemosa leaves, (we call it Aaptyachi paan, my brother told me this name) to show respect towards  elder and to seek blessings from them. As usual I drew a rangoli (see fig 2) in my front yard to welcome the young people visiting our home.
Fig 2
If new readers don't know what is rangoli, they may please refer the following  post on my blog.
So last week was super busy in Dasara.

Then I started knitting the remaining part. I made second part similar to the first one (see fig 3).

Folded them properly and just see, how it would look? Fig 4.

Then sewed the back part first and then two sides up to armhole. Fig 5.

Fig 3
Fig 4

Fig 5
From back side also it looks great as all slant lines of single crochet forms a beautiful texture design. Fig 6.

Fig 6
Fig 7

Then for tying, I thought that instead of pom-pom, I should make small balls which would be matching to the design. So I made two, see fig 7. Attached them to two sides.

Finally my T2P2R1 designed sweater was completed and it looked like fig 1.
Happy crocheting.


  1. It turned out really well, I had difficulty visualising how the pieces were going to fit together!

  2. Thanks Jane. Now I will make baby bonnet with the design suitable for this pattern.


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