Monday, May 14, 2018

Stunning Shawl:
1.Stunning shawl

Hi friends,
Many times we saw some beautiful items and we wished that we should make it. Same thing happened about this shawl. I saw it in exhibition, I liked it so much that I purchased one pear coloured for my daughter. I thought that I should do it before giving it to her.  But at that time life ran on such a fast track  that I could not do it till I gifted it to her.  But then after two years when I went to USA, I decided to try it and it worked out.
See how stunning it looks when wore on a matching saree.

Gorgeous look
Perfect in height
Material: Wool Vardhaman 4 ply 300 gm, 

Ready size: Diagonal 6.5 ft and height 3.5 ft
In figure 4, you can see small rectangular spaces, first 1, in the next row 3, in next 5 then in the next row 3 spaces, 1 filled then 3 spaces.
For writing convenience we call them windows. 1 window, 3 then 5 windows and so on.
When there are four dcs in that window then we call it close window.
Instructions: Start with ch 4, Close the ring and sl st on four chains.
Row 1: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 in the ring, dc 1 on the next st.
Row 2: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 in the beginning st, dc 1 on the next st, ch 2, skip two dc and dc 3 on  the first dc of the previous row ( first window formed).
fig 3

fig 4

Fig 5, Starting

Row 3: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 in the beginning stitch, ch 2, ch 2, dc 1 on one side dc of the window in the previous row, ch 2, dc 1 on the second side dc of the window formed in the previous row, ch 2, dc 3 in the next st. (3 windows formed).

Row 4: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 in the beginning st, (ch 2, dc 1 on one side of the window in the previous row), repeat 4 times, (5 windows formed), dc 3 in the third chain of the previous row.
Row 5: Ch 3, dc 2 in the beginning st, (ch 2, dc 1 on one side of the window in the previous row), repeat 2 times, dc 1 on the side dc of middle Third) window of the  five windows in the previous row, dc 2 in the third window, dc 1 on the other side of the middle third window of the previous row, (ch 2, dc 1 on one side of the window in the previous row), repeat 2 times, dc 3 in the third ch out of first three ch in the previous row.
Row 6: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 in the beginning st, ( ch 2, dc 1 on one side of the window in the previous row), repeat 2 times, [dc 1 on the side dc of the window, dc 2 in the  window, dc 1 on the side dc of the window], We shall call [this] "make close window". ch 2, dc 1 on one side of the window, [dc 1 on the side dc of the window, dc 2 in the window, dc 1 on the side dc of the window] or make close window, ch 2, dc 1 on one side of the window in the previous row), repeat 2 times, dc 3 in the third st of the starting three sts of the previous row.
Row 7: ch 3 turn, dc 2 in the beginning st, ch 2, close the window on the last open window of the previous row, then make 3 open windows, make 1 close window on the next open window (which is in between two close windows of the previous row), make 3 open windows, make 1 close window on the very first open window of the previous row, ch 2, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 8: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, ch 2, dc 1 in the last open window of the previous row, ch 4, dc 1 on the same space, ch 2, make a close window on the last open window of the previous row, then make 5 consecutive open windows, make next close window, ch 2, dc 1 in the very first open window of the previous row, ch 2, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 9: ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, ch 4, (dc 1, ch 1 in the chain four gap of the previous row) repeat 5 more times, ch 4, make close window on the last open window out of five open windows of the previous row, make 3 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window on the very first open window out of five, ch 4, (dc 1, ch 1 in the chain four gap of the previous row) repeat 5 more times, ch 4, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 10: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, ch 5, sc 1 in the chain one gap out of five ch one gaps formed in the previous row, (ch 3, sc 1 in the next gap) repeat three more times. Four chain 3 gaps are formed. Ch 5, make one close window on the open windows out of three made in the previous row, make one open window then make one close window, ch 5, sc 1 in the chain one gap out of five ch one gaps formed in the previous row, (ch 3, sc 1 in the next gap) repeat three more times. Four chain 3 gaps are formed. Ch 5, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 11: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, ch 5, sc 1 in the three chain gap formed in the previous row, (ch 3, sc 1 in the next gap) repeat two more times. Three chain 3 gaps are formed. ch 5, make 1 close window on the middle open window of the previous row, ch 5, sc 1 in the three chain gap formed in the previous row, (ch 3, sc 1 in the next gap) repeat two more times. Three chain 3 gaps are formed. ch 5, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 12: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, make 1 open window on the last three dcs, Make 1 close window in the gap of ch 5 (underlined in the previous row), ch 5, sc 1 in the three chain gap formed in the previous row, ch 3, sc 1 in the next gap, Two three chain gaps are formed. Ch 5, make one close window in the five ch gap of the previous row, next make one open window, then again make 1 close window in the five ch gap, ch 5, sc 1 in the three chain gap formed in the previous row, ch 3, sc 1 in the next gap, Two three chain gaps are formed. Ch 5, make 1 close window in five chain gap, make 1 open window on the vary first window of the previous row, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 13: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, make 3 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window in the five ch gap, ch 5 sc in the chain three gap, ch 3, sc in the next chain three gap. One chain three gap is formed. Ch 5 make 1 close window in the five chain gap, make 3 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window in the five ch gap, ch 5 sc in the chain three gap, ch 3, sc in the next chain three gap. One chain three gap is formed. Ch 5, make 1 close window in the five chain gap, make 3 consecutive open windows, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 14: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, make 5 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window in the five ch gap, ch 6, sc 1 in the three chain gap, ch 6, make 1 close window in the five ch gap, make 5 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window in the five ch gap, ch 6, sc 1 in the three chain gap, ch 6, make 1 close window in the five ch gap, make 5 consecutive open windows, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.
Row 15: Ch 3 turn, dc 2 on the very beginning st, (make 3 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window on the next open row of the previous row, make 3 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window in the six chain gap, ch 2, make 1 close window in the six chain gap) repeat once , make 3 consecutive open windows, make 1 close window on the next open row of the previous row, make 3 consecutive open windows, dc 3 on the third ch of the three chains made at the starting of the previous row.

Repeat rows 8 to 15 till the required height is attend. 

Last row: Make hdc (Half double crochet) in every stitch on all the three sides. Bind off.

Tassels: I have taken 10" four strands for each tassel. Hold them together with ends in your hand. Fold the in center and add tassel to the expected place as shown in the next figure,

Fig 6

Add three tassels at the three vertices of the triangle and then with equidistant tie to both sides.


  1. It truly is stunning !!! You are so very talented - deconstructing patterns from just seeing them :-)

    1. Thanks Muskaan. Not so talented etc but yes, I have worked so many pattern just by seeing them actually or just a photo. The post "Aviator Hat" is also one of them.

  2. Thanks Mavashi for such a beautiful gift. Lucky girl I am who looks stunning with this stunnig shawl.


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