Thursday, December 14, 2017

Crochet Lace /Flower Rangoli

Crochet /Tatted Rangolis

Crochet Flower Rangoli
Hi friends,
As I have already mentioned that I will post crochet and tatting rangolies some other day, so here they are.
In one of my previous posts about Rangoli on 22 Oct 2017  I mentioned that other than courtyard rangoli it is also a tradition to draw rangoli around the plate, when some one is invited for lunch or dinner. But now a days we have nice tiles in our houses and rangoli may left little bit color behind on tiles. Also in nuclear families it is difficult for a lady in the house to draw rangolies and all along with making the whole lunch. So every thing instant and ready made is required.

Crocheting is my favorite, so I crochet these rangolis at the time of my son's marriage.

Crochet Flower Rangoli and Crochet Beaded Lace Rangoli: Thousands of crochet flowers and laces can be found on internet so you can use any among them and make such rangoli.
You can also use them to decorate any festival situation like I have use it at the time of Ganesh Utsav (Ganesh is one of our God and utsav means festival).

Many more such rengolis you can create yourself once you crochet any flower, leaves and / or lace.
Decorating by the  crochet Lace

Crochet Beaded Lace Rangoli

 The beaded tatting lace with No 20 thread can also be used as a rangoli; when you put a plate inside that circular shape, it looks great!

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