Monday, December 25, 2017

Knitted Baby Set 3

One More Baby Set: 
Hi friends,
This is one more set I have knitted last year of course for my grand son, using the free pattern by Lion Brand, Lullaby Layette Pattern with link,
I loved this pattern and particularly the Lion brand baby yarn which I used to make this pattern. It is so soft and I used it first time, I was very much impressed with that then I came to know that it is very famous yarn in USA. Once I used this yarn, I always wish to use this type of yarn for any baby set, it is so perfect for small babies. 


I had not knitted the baby blanket given along with this pattern because I was here is India and my yarn felt short. So I knitted another small baby blanket with totally a new design ( not matching with this except the color). I will post it some another day.

Happy knitting in holidays and of course Happy Christmas to all.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Knitted Baby Jacket 2

Baby Jackets: 
 Hi friends,
These three baby jackets I made from the free patterns, I found on the internet. So first of all I said thanks to the designers. But ...
when I try to give here links of all these jackets, what a wonder they are designed by the same person!! and she is non other than Marianna, the blogger of Marianna's Lazy Daisy Days,

For the first red and white jacket with buttons in the middle band as usual,

For this light yellow with beautiful show buttons on two sides,

For the jacket with buttons on shoulders,

I love all these designs because of their variety in pattern, variety in placing buttons and all. Moreover I got beautiful buttons for all of them.
Thanks Marianna once again for sharing these wonderful patterns for free.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Crochet Lace /Flower Rangoli

Crochet /Tatted Rangolis

Crochet Flower Rangoli
Hi friends,
As I have already mentioned that I will post crochet and tatting rangolies some other day, so here they are.
In one of my previous posts about Rangoli on 22 Oct 2017  I mentioned that other than courtyard rangoli it is also a tradition to draw rangoli around the plate, when some one is invited for lunch or dinner. But now a days we have nice tiles in our houses and rangoli may left little bit color behind on tiles. Also in nuclear families it is difficult for a lady in the house to draw rangolies and all along with making the whole lunch. So every thing instant and ready made is required.

Crocheting is my favorite, so I crochet these rangolis at the time of my son's marriage.

Crochet Flower Rangoli and Crochet Beaded Lace Rangoli: Thousands of crochet flowers and laces can be found on internet so you can use any among them and make such rangoli.
You can also use them to decorate any festival situation like I have use it at the time of Ganesh Utsav (Ganesh is one of our God and utsav means festival).

Many more such rengolis you can create yourself once you crochet any flower, leaves and / or lace.
Decorating by the  crochet Lace

Crochet Beaded Lace Rangoli

 The beaded tatting lace with No 20 thread can also be used as a rangoli; when you put a plate inside that circular shape, it looks great!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Knitted Baby Set 1

First Set as a Grandma:
This beautiful baby set is my second item I made as a grandma. First is that crocheted multi color baby blanket posted on 10 Sep 2017. I love this  wool color and the pattern too. This is given on page 45 of the book which I have,
Aakrshak Vinkaam by Shakuntala Joshi, Rohan Publisher, Pune
(आकर्षक विणकाम: शकुंतला जोशी -रोहन प्रकाशन, पुणे )
Great book with number of great designs.
I would like to give the translation of the pattern of this design so that number of knitters all over the world who don't know Marathi can also knit this set.
I have asked for the said permission to the publisher of this book, if I get the permission I will surely give the pattern in English.

I like this design so much that I have made one more set for the grand son of my sister.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Christmas Month and Wreath:
Till my daughter went to USA, I didn't know what wreath is? Wreath is a ring shape piece decorated with flowers, leaves etc and usually hang to the front door of the house. It creates cheerful and positive atmosphere just like festival. I also think that it's a kind of welcoming the guest as in Indian culture we have rangoli in the front yard which generates positivity and welcome the guests.

When my daughter owned home in USA after her education and her marriage, I saw that she had one small wreath on her front door (shown in the second photo) as per tradition in USA. After 5-6 years when she shifted in her new home, that wreath was quite fed up. I asked her whether I can remove that plastic flower and renovate it and of course she agreed.

Then I made one beautiful crochet flower from the wool remained from my grant- daughter's sweater, three small white flowers and some leaves of crochet. Then remove those old plastic flowers and with the same base of wreath and new crochet work I made this wreath. 

Big Red Flower: The main red flower is crocheted according to this video,

Small White Flower: With white yarn make magic ring of 5 chains,
Row 1: [Ch 4, sc in second chain, sc 2 in next 2 ch, sl st in the next st of magic ring], repeat this in all 5 sts of the magic ring. Close.
Make three such flowers.
Leaves: With light green colored yarn make ch 15,
Row 1: ch 1, sc 2 in next 2 sts, dc 1 in each of the next 3 sts, 1 double dc in each of 3 sts, 1 dc in each of the next 3 sts, 1 hdc in the next st, 2 sc in next 2 sts. 1 dc in the next st, 2 sc in next 2 sts, 1 hdc in the next st, 1 dc in each of the next 3 sts, 1 double dc in each of 3 sts, 1 dc in each of the next 3 sts, sc 2 in next 2 sts, close at the beginning ch.
Two leaves with dark green color, make 11 chains.
Row 1: Ch 1, sc 2 in the next 2 ch,1 hdc , 2 dc in the next 2 ch, 2 double dc in next 2 ch, 2 dc, 1 sc, 1 dc, 2 dc, 2 double dc, 2 dc, 1 hdc, 2 sc, close in the first ch.
Make two such leaves.
Bud: Magic ring of 5 ch close. ch 1 turn,
Round 1: sc in each ch, join with the sl st first ch, ch 1 turn,
Round 2: sc1, sc2, sc1, sc2, sc1, join with the first ch, ch 1 turn (7 sts)
Round 3: sc 2 in   the first ch, sc 3 in each of the next 3 ch, sc2 in the next ch, sc 2 in next 2 ch, join with the first ch, ch 1 turn, ( 9 sts)
Round 4: sc in 4 ch, 2 sc tog, sc 4, join. Ch 1 turn (6 sts)
Round 5: (2 sc tog) 3 times, join with sl st,
Round 6: Insert hook in all 3 sts and close.
Green Base of the Bud: ch 10
Rd 1: sc in each ch, ch 1 turn,
Rd 2: sc 2, ch 1 and sc 1 tog, turn and by sl st come to the base chains
Repeat rounds 1 and 2 four times more to get the base. Sew it under the bud.
Stem: Take two strings of dark red color yarn and make chains to reach the required length. Attach it to a bud. Make more stems of required length and join it with white flowers

Arrange the flower, leaves and bud as shown in the photo or as per your choice.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...