Monday, April 10, 2023

Crochet Doily with Three Modes, Thaliposh, Mandalam


Hello friends,

This beautiful doily is completed in last week. I make it using various colours (different from my usual coice) specially for Holi, ( a festival of colours). But I missed to published it before Holi as I could not complete it. Any colourful item is always welcome so may belater. 

As I have shown in above photo, it has three different modes which can be used as a separate doily. If you work upto four rounds only and then make border, it will look as,

You can of course use this as Flower pot mat on table or any other purpose.

If you work more and fill four gaps to make a round then it will look as,

It will be a beautiful thaliposh if you complete it by working border and the third is the complete one which can be seen in first photo with eight corners.

I use Vardhamaan yarn and 1.75 mm hook.


R1 with dark green, dc 18 in the ring, cl, BO.

Join white yarn in any space between two dcs.

R2: [(tr1, ch3, tr1) in ch3-sp, (ch1, tr1 in next sp) 8 times] 2 times, ch1, cl BO.

Join pink yarn in ch3 sp at corner.

R3: [(3trtog, ch3, 3trtog) in ch3-sp, (ch2, 3trtog in next ch1-sp) 9 times, ch2] 2 times, cl, BO.

Join blue yarn at ch3-sp,

R4: [(dc3, ch3, dc3) in ch3-sp, dc 3 in each ch2- space,] 2 times, cl, BO.

One leaf shaped motif is ready. Now make another motif in the same way only upto half of the round 4.

Joining: at corner of second motif make dc 3, ch1, join with ch3-sp of first motif by sl st, ch1, dc 3 in the same ch3-sp of second motif, (join by sl st with the gap between dc 3-dc3) 4 times, complete the remaining R4 as first motif. 

Join third motif in the same manner. 

At the time of last motif, make R4 only at corner and 6 times dc 3 in gap, then join with first motif 4 times as (dc3, joint), then join corner as (dc3, ch1, sl st to join, ch1, dc 3 in same ch3-sp, join with third motif, (dc3, join with gap of third motif ) 3 times, complete remaining border as usual.

Join brown yarn at the next gap after lower joint.

R5: 3dctog (incomplete dc at joining, incomplete dc at lower joint of two motives, incomplete dc at the next gap of next motif, YO, pass through all), (ch1, dc 3 in next gap) till ch3 gap at corner, (dc3, ch3, dc 3) in ch3-sp, (dc3 in gap, ch1) till last gap, 3dctog there, repeat this border for all four motives. Cl BO.

Join yellow yarn at ch1 sp adjacent to the lower 3dctog.

R1: ch3, dc 3 in 3dctog-stitch, ch3, join by sl st at ch1-sp of next motif,

R2: ch3, dc 1 in ch1-sp above, (This part is done after each row, as shown in the next picture) TURN, dc 3 in ch3-sp, ch3, dc 3 in last ch3-sp, ch3, join by sl st,

R3: ch3, dc 1 in next ch1-sp above, TURN, (dc3 in ch3-sp, ch3) 3 times, ch3, join by sl st.

R4: ch3, dc 1 in next ch1-sp above, TURN, (dc3 in ch3-sp, ch3) 4 times, ch3, join by sl st

R5: ch3, dc 1 in next ch1-sp above, TURN, (dc3 in ch3-sp, ch3) 5 times, ch3, join by sl st

R6: ch3, dc 1 in next ch1-sp above, TURN, (dc3 in ch3-sp, ch3) 6 times, ch3, join by sl st

R7: ch3, dc 1 in next ch1-sp above, TURN, (dc3 in ch3-sp, ch3) 7 times, ch3, join by sl st

Repeat this to fill the remaining three gaps. We get a circular shape. Here if we make border then that will be the second mode of this doily.

R8: dc1 on each dc-st and dc 4 in ch3-sp and dc3 at each top corner (ch3-sp in brown), cl, BO.

Place markers at the middle st of 3dc-sts at the top, these are four. Now place markers at the middle st of these marker stitches. Here 27 sts on both sides of these markers.

Join dark green yarn at middle st of any corner st.

R1: [sc1, ch5, sl st in the same st, sc1 in 27 sts] rep 8 times, cl.

Now we make petals separately.

Go 3 sts back by crab stitch.

R1: dc 10 in ch5-loop, cl by sl st in third sc-st, BO.

Join white yarn in 4th sc-st from dc joint.

R2: (ch1, tr1 in the gap between two dcs) rep 4 times, ch1, (tr1, ch3, tr1) in ch3-sp at the top corner, ch1, (tr1 in the gap of two dcs, ch1) 4 times, cl with forth sc-st.

Join pink yarn at third sc-st on right side.

R3: (ch2, 3trtog in ch2-sp) 5 times, ch2, (3trtog, ch3, 3trtog) in ch3-sp, ch2, 3trtog in ch2-sp) 5 times, ch2, cl by sl st in forth sc-st. BO.

Join blue yarn 3sc-sts away on right side.

R4:( dc3 in each ch2-sp) 6 times, (dc3, ch3, dc3) in ch3-sp on top, (dc3 in each ch2-sp) 6 times, cl by sl st in third sc-st on left. BO.

Repeat R1 to R4 at each ch5-loop, means 8 times.

Join brown yarn at the top ch3-sp.

Round common to all 8 petals: [(dc3, ch3, dc3) in ch3-sp at the top, dc 3 in gap between dc3-dc3 of previous round, dc1 at the lower joint, dc 3 in gap between dc3-dc3 of previous round] rep 8 times, cl, BO.

BORDER: Join yellow at ch3-sp on top.

Last round:[ (dc3, ch5-picot, dc 3) in ch3-sp, (ch3-picot, dc 3 in gap) 6 times, dc 3 in lower inverse V, (dc 3 in gap ch3-picot) 6 times] 8 times, cl, BO.

The beautiful doily is ready.

The following video with English subtitles may help you in making this doily.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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