Saturday, March 26, 2022

Crochet Gudhi Part 2: Neem Branchlet (Kadu Neem Leaves) for Gudhi


Hello friends, 

Yes, this is also a part of Crochet Gudhi, about which I have explained in last post. In India Neem trees are found in abandance. It  is very useful tree for health. It stimulates immune system and useful for rapid healing of skin diseases. It is tradition to eat small Neem leaves along with jegerry on the Gudi Padawa. 

So to know the importance of Neem tree to new generation, it is the tradition to tie Neem branchlets to the Gudhi and worship it. Hence I made these Neem Branchlets for our Crochet Gudhi. Neem leaves are elongated and having serrated edges so I tried to get the same look. 

Pattern: I used 4 ply yarn and 1.75 mm hook

Make Ch 10 for initial stem. Skip first ch and make sl st on each ch.

Then make 2 leaves of ch 10 on both sides.

Leaf of ch 10: 

R1: Ch 10, skip first st, 1 sl st, 2sc, 1 hdc, 2dc, 1hdc, 2sc, (sl st in opposite side st), 

R2: ch1, sl st 1 in each st. Join with the initial stem by sc. 

This row is same for all size of leaves.

Make one more leaf on other side at the same position. Join at the initial stem by sl st.

Ch 5

Then make two leaves of ch9 each as followes. 

[Ch 9, skip first st, 1 sl st, 2sc, 1 hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 2sc, (sl st in opposite side st), ch1, sl st 1 in each st] twice. 

Ch 5

Then make two leaves of ch 8 as followes, 

[Ch 8, skip first st, 1 sl st, 2sc, 1 hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc, (sl st in opposite side st), ch1, sl st 1 in each st] twice. 

Ch 5

Then make two leaves of ch 8 as followes, 

[Ch 7, skip first st, 1 sl st, 1sc, 1 hdc, 2dc, 1hdc, 1sc, (sl st in opposite side st), ch1, sl st 1 in each st] twice. 

Ch 5

Ch 6 Leaf: skip first st, 1 sl st, 1sc, 2 hdc, 1sc, (sl st in opposite side st), BO.

The following video with English subtitles may help you to make these branchlets.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

1 comment:

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