Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Crochet Ladies Hand Gloves


Hello friends,

Winter is knocking our door so be prepare for it. Hence I make these hand gloves. Very simple pattern and yet very perfect in fitting. I have also explained in video that how to make this for any size. So I hope that you can easily make Gents hand gloves also.

Here is the pattern,

I used 4 plt yarn and 1.75 mm crochet hook.

Ring Finger: R1: Make ch1, sc 6 in a magic loop, cl.

R2: dc2 in each st, cl (12 sts) (First dc means ch3)

R3: dc1 in each st, cl (12 sts)

R4 to R 9 same as R3.

Have a trial and if necessary increase one round. Or if the finger is very thin then start with sc 5 then 10 and so on.

Index Finger: Make one more pieces similarly.

Middle Finger: same as above only work R10 also same as R3.

Pinky Finger: Same as above but only upto R8.

Thumb: R1 and R2: same as above.

R3: dc 1 in 6 sts, dc 2 in next, dc 1 in 5 sts, cl (13 sts).

R4 to R8: dc 1 in each st, cl (13 sts).

Now we cover all 5 fingers.

Now let us join middle three fingers.

Don’t join tightly.

R1: Join yarn at the last st of index finger, sc 1 in 6 sts, then take middle finger and make sc 1 in 6 sts of that starting from the joint. Lastly join by sc 1 in 6 sts of Ring finger. Now turn and make sc 1 in 5 sts of last finger joined. Then insert hook from inside out of last st, insert hook in a next st of the next finger joined, YO get one st out, insert in next st, YO get one st, thus 3 sts on hook, YO and pass through all of them, sc 1 in 4 sts, joint as previously, sc 1 in 4 sts, joint, sc 1 in each of the remaining sts, cl

R2: ch1, sc 1 in each st till the other edge, join pinky finger by sc1, then sc 1 in each of the remaining sts of pinky finger, then other side joint as worked in case of other fingers, sc1 in each of the remaining sts, cl.

R3: ch1, dc 1 in 5 sts, 2dctog, (dc 1 in 4 sts, 2dctog) 2 times, dc 1 in each st (10) of the last finger, till the joint of the other side, 2dctog, (dc1 in 4 sts, 2dctog) 2 times, dc 1 in 5 sts, cl. 

R4 and R5: ch1, dc 1 in each st around, cl (42 sts)

Have a trial and if necessary make one more round. For me I need one more round.

R6: same as R5.

R7: Join thumb by sc 1, sc 1 in each st of thumb, other side joint as explained previously, sc 1 in each of the remaining sts, cl.

Now from round 8th we shall decrease 3 sts in each round, two on both joints of thumb and third at the other edge.

R8: ch1, dc 1 in each st around the thumb till the joint, (18 dc-sts) 2dctog there, dc 1 in each side till othere edge, 2dctog there, dc 1 in each st till this side joint of thumb, 2dctog here, dc 1 in remaining sts, cl.

R9: same as R8. decreasing 3 sts.

R10: same as R9: decreasing 3 sts.

R11: R12: and R13: same as R10 means decreasing 3 sts in each round.

R14: ch3, (fpdc 1, bpdc1) rep till end, cl

R15 to R18: same as R14. BO.

Make one more.

The following video (English subtitles) may help you,

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Crochet Rose Bud:



Rose the "King of Flowers" and favorite of every one. So I made this Rose bud bunch which looks so beautiful.


R1: In a magic loop make ch1, sc5, cl.

R2: ch1, sc 2 in each st, cl (10 sts)

R3: ch1, (sc1, sc2) 5 times, cl (15 sts)

R4: ch1, (sc1 in 2 sts, sc2 in next) 5 times, cl (20 sts)

R5: ch1, (sc1 in 3 sts, sc 2 next) 5 times, cl (25 sts).

R6: ch1, sc 1 in 10 sts, (hdc2 in next, hdc 1) 2 times, hdc 2 in next, sc 1 in last 10 sts, cl. (28 sts)

R7: ch1, sc 1 in 9 sts, hdc 1 in next, dc 2 in each of the next 8 sts, hdc 1 in next, sc 1 in 9 sts, cl.

At last, ch3, dc 3 in corner’s st. BO.

Make 4 petals.


R1: In a magic loop make ch1, sc 5, cl.

R2: ch1, sc 1in each st, cl (5 sts)

R3: ch1, sc 2 in each st, cl, (10 sts)

R4: ch1, (sc 1 in 1 st, sc 2 in next) 5 times, cl, (15 sts)

R5:ch1, sc 1 in each st, cl. (15 sts)

R6: ch1, sc 1 in 3 sts, ch1 turn, (3 sts)

sc2 in first and last st, sc 1 in middle st, ch1 turn, (5 sts),

(sc 1 in each st, ch1 turn)twice,

Ch1 turn, then decrease,

Sc 1 in 3 sts, 2sctog next (4 sts), ch1 turn,

Sc 1 in 2 sts, 2sctog (3 sts), ch1 turn

Sc 1 in 1 st, 2sctog, (2 sts), ch1 turn,

Lastly 2sctog, BO with 1” yarn end.

Join the yarn in next st (out of 15 sts of round 5)

Leaf: Make chs 10, sc 1 in second ch, hdc 1 next, (dc1, dc2) 2 times, hdc 1, sc 1, at corner, ch2, sc 1 in same st, hdc 1 in next, (dc1, dc2) 2 times, dc 1, hdc1, sc1, sl st in opposite side st.

R2: ch1, sc 1 in each st on one side, ch2 at corner, sc 1 in each st on other side, sl st in opposite side st.

R3: Insert wire, ch1, sc 1 in first st, (ch1, sl st 1 in next) rep till corner, at corner st (hdc1, dc1, ch1, sl st in dc, hdc1), (ch1, sl st1) on other side, sl st in opposite side st, BO

Assemble as shown.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Crochet Ladies Jacket for Beginners


Hello friends,

Here is my new creation Ladies Jacket. It is very simple, I made this for beginners only. Still when you use beautiful color combination, it looks marvelous.

Weight of the jacket 300 gm. I used these two colors in 4 ply Vardhamaan yarn and 3.5 mm crochet hook.

Required height is 25" hence start with chs of length 50". Required width 17" (as chest is 34"). 

Pattern: Make chains of length 48" (as we are going to sew tessals to it). 

We want multiple of 4 chs.

We made 208+3 chains which measures 48".

R1: Make dc 1 in each ch starting from 4th ch (208 sts).

R2: ch4, turn, (skip 3 sts, dc 3 in next ch, ch 1) rep till end. 

Join orange yarn, 

R3: ( dc3 in ch1-sp, ch1) rep till end, lastly dc 1 on last st. (first dc means ch3).

Join brown yarn.

R4: ch4, (dc 3 in ch1-sp, ch1) rep till end, lastly dc 1 in last st.

R5: same as R3.

R6: same as R4

Change the color to orange.

With orange yarn, repeat these two rows till the width is less than 2.5" of required width.

For my measurement, I have to make R7 to R15. ThenT16, R17 and R18 in brown. Then R19 in orange and R20 and R21 in brown, total 21 rows. 

Lastly make single crochet 2 in each dc for border.

For tessels cut 14" yarn and attach them as per the required colors. Fold and place marker at a distance 7" from shoulder and sew sides like wise. For neck also leave 7" and sew front to other front and back to other back.

The beautiful jacket is ready.

Find details in the following video with English subtitles.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Extension of Small Crochet Doily



Some times as per need we make small doily as,

I posted this on 13th Sep, https://alkaandart.blogspot.com/search?q=doily+with+flower+border

It's diameter is only 8.5" and that I made for placing Ganeshji's idol in Ganesh Festval (as per requirment at that time) But once the festval over, I thought that it should be bigger so that it can be used as Thalposh. So I extended it and made it 16" diameter and 95 gm weight.


Join green yarn at the st before fpdc st, on back side of red flower. Continue the same pattern.

R1: ch3 as first dc, dc1 in same st, (fpdc on fpdc-st, dc 1 on each of the 8 sts, dc 2 on 9th st) repeat till end, cl (note that last 2dcs are made initially)

R2: (dc 1 in 9 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

R3: (dc 1 in 10 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

R4: (dc 1 in 11 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

R5: (dc 1 in 12 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.


Because we have already done last round of flowers, we know that if we want to make flower on each fpdc-st then there should be 14 sts or 19 sts or 24 sts etc as shown in fig above. But then flowers of two borders will be very close, so we decided to work till there are 19 sts in between two fpdcs.

R6: (dc 1 in 13 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

Join dark green yarn in the st before fpdc-st.

R7: (dc 1 in 14 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

R8: (dc 1 in 15 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

R9: (dc 1 in 16 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

R10: (dc 1 in 17 sts, dc2 next, fpdc on fpdc) rep till end, cl.

Join yellow yarn at any fpdc-st.

R11: [ (dc1, ch3,dc1) at fpdc-st, ch4, skip 4 sts] rep till end, cl. (48 V-made).

R12: [on the right part of V- made make (dc1, ch3, sc1 at dc-top) 5 times then on left part of V made similarly (dc1, ch3, sc1) 5 times, ch1, sc1 in next V, ch1] 24 times, cl.


R13: [(dc1, ch3, sc1) 5 times in the ch3-sp of V made, sc1 in the st below last ch3-picot of same flower, ch3, sc1 in the first ch3-picot of the next flower] rep till end, cl.

Then the beautiful doily of double flower border is ready.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Table Runner with Two Big Flowers Part 2


Hello friends,

This is the second part of Table runner. We have already made two big flowers in part 1.

Now let us start with white yarn and make the base.


With white yarn make chs till it measures 3 ft when loosely hold. Add ch3 more

R1: dc 1 in each st starting from 4th ch at corner last st, make7 dcs (one dc already made, make 6 more), dc 1 in each st from other side and dc 7 again in first st (one dc already made, make 6 more).

R2: sl st in next, ch3+2, skip 2 sts, shell in next st, {ch1, skip 4 sts, shell in next} rep till corner’s 7 sts, extended dc 2 in each of the 7 sts, dc 1 in next ch2, skip 2 sts, (shell in next, ch1, skip 4 sts) rep till other end, dc 1 in last, ch1 and extdc 2 in each of the 7 sts at corner, cl

[(Shell means: 3dctog, ch2, 3dctog) in same st] and 3dctog means make 3 incomplete double crochet, YO pass through all 4 sts on hook, ch1 to fix it.

Extended double crochet means: YO insert in the st, YO, get one st out, there are 3 sts, YO pass through 1 st, (YO pass through 2 sts) 2 times.



 R3: same as R2 all over, only at corner make after ch 1, (extdc1 in 1 st, extdc 2 in next) 7 times…..

R4: same as R2 all over, only at corner make after ch 1, (extdc1 in 2 st, extdc 2 in next) 7 times…..

R5: same as R2 all over, only at corner make after ch 1, (extdc1 in 3 st, extdc 2 in next) 7 times…..

R6: same as R2 all over, only at corner make after ch 1, (extdc1 in 4 st, extdc 2 in next) 7 times…..

R7: same as R2 all over, only at corner make after ch 1, (extdc1 in 5 st, extdc 2 in next) 7 times…..

Go on in this way till the width of the piece measures 8”. I have to make till R7.

R8: [(dc 1 in ch1-sp , dc 1 at edge of 3dctog-st, dc2 in ch2 sp, dc 1 at edge st) rep till corner, dc1 in ch1-sp, (dc 1 in each of the 6 sts, dc2 next) 7 times] rep on other side also.

Note that here we work all over double crochet and not extended dcs.

R9:[ dc 1 in each dc-st till corner, (dc 1 in each of the 7 sts, dc2 next) 7 times] rep on other side also.

Border: Join green yarn at the first st after corner’s sts.

R1: hdc2 in the first st, [ch5, skip 4 sts, hdc 5 in next, ch5, remove hook from working loop, insert in first hdc-st and pass the working loop through this (ch5-loop is created), ch3, join by sc with the third ch (out of 5 chs), make dc 10 in ch5 loop just made, last dc in the st as shown (just like picot joining), ch3, skip 4 sts, hdc2 in next] rep till the curved portion, BO.

It needs multiple of 10 plus 1 sts and we have 151 so this design fits here. Work similarly on other side.

Join the yarn of same color as that of big flower at the first hdc-st.

R2: sc1 in the gap between chs (out of 5) and first dc (of ch3), [hdc 1 in the next gap between next two dcs, ch2, dc3 on the gap between sc and hdc sts, join by sc1 in between next gap of two dcs] 5 times, flower made, ch2, sc 1 in the gap between 2 hdc, ch2, make next flower… Repeat this throughout the row.

Work similarly on other side.

Sew big flowers on both semi circles at corners.

The beautiful Table Runner is ready.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...