Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Crochet Peacock Train Doily: Specially for Krishn Janmashtami, Aasan 6


Hello friends,
On 30th of this month we are celebrating Birthday of God Krishn. He is just friend, philosopher and guide for every one.  With due respect to all 33 cr Gods probably Krishn is the one whom we can consider to be our friend. One of the reason for that may be he lived as human. He is fond of food (cream), music (plays flute very nice), He plays with many friends (Gop, Gopika - Cow man/ cow women). He loves Peacock feather which He always put it in his crowm. I heard so many stories about him from my grand ma.

Remembering his love about peacock feather, I decided to make Doily or Aasan as a Peacock Train in crochet. Peacock feather, I have already made as a bookmark but here I made doily as the whole peacock train.
I used all 4 ply Vardhamaan Millenium yarn and 1.75 mm hook for peacock feather and 3.5 mm for making the back leaf.
Final Size: 15.5" length and 11.5" width. Weight 65 gm.

 Peacock Feather:

With dark blue and yellow,

R1: in a magic loop make dc11 with dark blue and dcs 5 with yellow, cl. (16 sts)

First dc means ch3.

R2: with green , sc 2 in each st, cl BO.

Join magenta colour at the top central st.

R3: ch1, sc 1 in 5 sts, hdc 1 in 3 sts, dc 1 in 5 sts, (tr2) in each of the next 2 sts, (tr1, db tr1, tr1) in next st, then on other side also (tr2) in 2 sts, dc 1 in 5 sts, hdc 1 in 3 sts, sc 1 in 5 sts, cl.

Join blue yarn at central st.

R4: ch2, hdc1 in 5 sts, (hdc2) in next, dc 1 in 10 sts, (dc2) in each of the next 2 sts, at central st (dc1, tr1, dc1), then on other side, (dc2) in 2 sts, dc 1 in 10 sts, (hdc2) in next, hdc 1 in 5 sts, cl, BO.

Join dark blue or dark purple yarn.

R5: ch1, (sc 1 in 2 sts, ch3-picot) rep around, cl. BO.

Make such 8 feathers.

After placing all 8 feathers as above, I cut paper shape like this.

Then I placed the feathers on this and check the shape refine it.

Then I made this shape as a base for the train doily.

Base Leaf stricter

Make chs of length 2.2 inches, chs11+3

R1: dc 1 in each ch from 4th ch, (11 sts),  ch3 turn,

R2: dc2 in first 2 sts, (first dc is already made of ch3) dc 1 in each st till last 2 sts, dc2 in last 2 sts, (15 sts)

R3: dc2 in first 2 sts, and last 2 sts, dc 1 in each of the middle sts. (19 sts)

Thus 4 sts increased in each row.

R4,  R5, R6 and R7 same as R3 till the width is 7-7.2 inches and sts are 35.

R8 and R9: dc 1 in each st (35 sts).

R10: (2dctog) in first two and last two sts, dc 1 in between. (33 sts)

R11: R13 R15 R17 R19 R21: dc 1 in each st.

R12, R14. R16, R18, R20: R22: same as R10, means 2 sts decreased in alternate row upto 21 sts.

 After R22 sts are 21.

R23, R24, R26, R28……. same as R10 means 2 sts decreased in each row till there are only 3 sts.

Lastly 3 dctog, BO.

Check the shape by alligning with paper cutting.

Place all feather in proper order.

Sew all feathers.

Then attach small tassels like with different colours.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.
ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.


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