Friday, August 28, 2020

Beautiful Baby Dress 27 with Sun Hat: (Any Size) Part 1

Fig 1
Hello friends,
This Corona virus is badly affecting every once mind. People around us are in very critical situation. Some having no work so no money and hence frustrated, some has money but getting boared as they have no work, some are eager to meet some body and cannot go; so frustraed and many more reasons to increase the negetivity around us. But every one being busy in any hobby like music, reading etc or every one with creative activities never get boared.
Friends I think that we all are in this category. Though we are missing some one ( as I am missing my grand kids) we divert ourselves in some creative activity. So here I made this
Fig 2

Fig 3
beautiful baby dress for my grand daughter. But don't know when we can meet ( may be after year or may be two), even don't know that whether this dress can fit her at that time. But still I made it and it comes out to be such a beautiful!! Now she is 15 month old, I made the dress for 2 years baby.
Pattern: I choose Vardhamaan 4 ply yarn and 3.5 mm hook for that.
Make chs till the length is 30 cms. (30 cm is sufficiend as I
Fig 4

Fig 5
am going to put one button on back side). I have to make Chs 50, I add ch3 as first dc
R1: (RS) make dc 1 in each st starting from forth ch. (51 sts).
R2: ch3, turn, make V in next st means (dc1, ch1, dc 1) in same st. (25 Vs made) (76 sts)
Fig 2.
R3: ch 3, turn, [V on V, FPdc 1 on next dc] rep till end. (76
Fig 6

Fig 7
sts)R4: ch3, turn, [V on V, BPdc 1 on next FPdc of previous round] rep till end. Fig 3.
R5: ch 3, turn, [shell 1 on V (that is (dc2, ch1, dc2) in each ch1 space of V), Fpdc 1 next] rep till end. (126 sts)
R6: ch3, turn, [ shell on shell
Fig 8

Fig 9
(means shell on ch 1 space of shell  previous in previous row, BPdc 1 next] rep till end. (126 sts)
R7: ch3, turn, [(dc3, ch1, dc3) that is new shell on ch1 gap of shell in previous row, FPdc 1 next] rep till end, (176 sts)
R8: ch3 turn, [shell on shell (as in previous row), BPdc1 next] rep till end, (176 sts). See fig 4.
Fig 10

Fig 11
R9: Place 4 markers as follows. One after 4 shells, next after 5 next shells, then one after next 7 shells and last marker after 5 more shells. As in fig 5.
Work as per row 8 till first marker, ch 4, see fig 6, join at second marker and remove both markers, again as per row 8 design on back side till third marker, ch4, join at forth marker, remove these 2 markers and work as er design in last part.
R10: As per design only on back side work last shell after overlapping on the shell of other side. then again remaining as per design. It will noe look as in fig 7.
Repeat this row till the total height is 12"-13". See fig 8.
Now make white border of hdc 1 in each st, when there is ch2 gap of shell make 2 hdc. Fig 9.
Then make one 3D flower, pattern as per the post, fig 11.
Sew blue button in between. Then sew it whereever you like to place.
Also sew one button on back side. See fig 10. Note that we have not made any button hole as space between the dcs in first and second row works as a button hole.
Finally it will look beautiful as in fig 1.
It you want the dress as frock look then increase the number of dcs in each shell in the design. That is after repeating row 8 3 times, you may make shell as (dc4, ch2, dc4). After 2 or 3 more rows, you may make shell as (dc5 ch2, dc5). So that the shape will be just like frock.
When you make it for kids of age 5-6 years then after row 8 increase the dcs in shell as explained above make two rows and when the yoke is of 6" then divide them in 5 parts by placing markers.
If you are making it for young girl then also decrease the shell as (dc2, ch1, dc2) near the waist portion.
So now you can make this in any size. For that the following table may be useful. Note that these are approximate measurements and specially for this pattern.
These measurements are for this sweater only because it has one button on back side.
Size in
Number of chs
for Neck for above yarn and needle
Yoke length
In inches
In inches
In inches
50 chs

The following video may help you in making this dress.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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