Sunday, July 12, 2020

Crochet Applique Teddy Bear / Teddy Bear Rakhi
Fig 1
As I said in my last post, I made this another Rakhi for kids and no need to say that it is Teddy Bear Rakhi. Every one knows and specially kids love this Teddy. In fig 1, it is written Rakhi type 10 because since last year till date I made 9 crochet rakhi and this is 10th. Many of them which are simple I have not posted on my blog, but if any body wants to see all of them, he/she can start the video below and in the description box of that you can find web address of all 10 rakhi, I made.

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
The height of this rakhi is 2.3". It is made in Vardhamaan 4 ply yarn and 1.75 mm crochet hook.
Pattern: In a magic loop make R1: ch1, sc1, hdc 2, sc2, hdc 2, sc1, cl (8 sts)
R2: ch1, sc 2 in each st, cl (16 sts)
R3: ch 1, (sc1, sc2) rep till end, cl, (24 sts). Fig 2.
R4: ch1, (sc1, sc1, sc2) rep till end, cl (32 sts). Fig 3.

Fig 5
Dividing these 32 sts in five parts, place markers as in fig 4. In between blue markers there are 12 sts for head portion and in between yellow markers there are 6 sts for body of bear and on both sides there are 7-7 sts.
For central part of ear join dark brown colour near blue marker as in fig 5.
EAR: R1: ch1, sc 1 in 3 sts,
R2: ch1, hdc 1 in each st, bind off. Similarly make other ear before second blue marker as in fig 6.
Fig 6

Fig 7
Then attach body colour at marker stitch and make,
ch1, sc 1 in each st around the dark coloured ear made, sc 1 in between two ears and lastly sc 1 around second ear also and lastly sl st at the second marker, as in fig 7.
Now for hands we join the body colour at yellow marker.
R1: ch1, sc 1 in each of the next 7 sts including both markers sts. ch1 turn,

Fig 8

Fig 9

Fig 10

HAND: R1: sc 1 in 3 sts, R2: two sc in first st, sc 1 in remaining 2 sts, chh 1 turn  (4 sts)
R3: sc 1 in each st, ch2 turn, (4 sts),
R4: incomplete dc in each st, YO and pass through all of them, BO. Fig 9.
Similarly make other hand as in fig 10.
Fig 11

Fig 12
 Tummy: R1: With white yarn, in amagic loop make ch 1, sc 8, cl (8 sts)
R2: ch1, sc2 in each st, cl (16 sts)
R3: ch1, (sc1, sc2) rep, cl, (24 sts). Bind off. Fig 11.

Feet: With body colour, ch 4,
R1: sc 1 in second and third ch from hook, sc 5 at corner st, sc 1 in two sts from other side, cl by sl st. Fig 12
Fig 13

Fig 14

Fig 15
Make one more foot.
Fig 13.

Mouth: With white yarn in a magic loop make ch1, sc 3, dc 3, sc 2, cl.
Make a light embroidery on feet. Sew feet and mouth at proper places. Sew two black beads for eyes. Hide the yarn ends.
The teddy bear applique is ready. Fig 14.
Now for rakhi, we want a belt as in fig 15.
Thread a long bead, make 30 chs + 4 chc, dc 1 on 5th ch, (ch4 turn, dc 1 on 3rd ch) three times. Lastly sl st 2 and chs 30, join one long bead again.
I love this Rakhi and I hope that my grand son will also love it.
The following video may help you (it is in Marathi with English subtitles).

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

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