Friday, January 24, 2020

Knitted Cardigan 25

Knitted Baby Sweater with Leaves Yoke
Fig 1
Hello friends
After so many days I have diverted myself from crochet to knitting and made this beautiful baby sweater.. This sweater is top down and yoke type. It's yoke consists of leaves so we may call it Lotus Design Sweater.
I have already made lotus design baby cap. Those who are interested may please see my video.
This sweater is for one year baby with height 12" and width 11". It was made in 4 ply wool with UK 10 number needles.

Pattern: CO 79 sts,
R1 (RS) to R4: All K
R5: All K when last 4 sts remain, YOK2tog (for buttonhole), K2
R6: All K
R7 (RS): Slip (Sl) 1, K6, [YOK2tog] repeat till last 7 sts remain, K6, P1
R8, R10, R12 … R18 all rows: Sl 1, K6, P all till last 7 sts, K6, P1.

R9: Sl1, K6, K2, YO K1, YO [ K5, YO, K1, YO] repeat 10 times, K2, K6, P1. (79+22=101 sts)
R11: Sl 1, K6, K3, YO, K1, YO, [K7, YO K1, YO] repeat 10 times, K3, K6, P1. (101+22=123 sts)
R13: Sl 1, K6, K4, YO, K1, YO, [K9, YO K1, YO] repeat 10 times, K4, K6, P1. (123+22=145 sts)
R15: Sl 1, K6, K5, YO, K1, YO, [K11, YO K1, YO] repeat 10 times, K5, K6, P1. (145+22=167 sts)
R17: Sl 1, K6, K6, YO, K1, YO, [K13, YO K1, YO] repeat 10 times, K6, K6, P1. (167+22=189 sts)
R19: Sl 1, K6, [YO, SSK, K11, K2tog, YO, K1] repeat 10 times, YO, SSK, K11, K2tog, YO, K6, P1 (189 sts)
R20: Sl1, K6, K1, (P13, K3) repeat 10 times, P13, K1, K6, P1. (189 sts)
R21: Sl 1, K6, K1, [YO, SSK, K9, K2tog, YO, K3] repeat 10 times, YO, SSK, K9, K2tog, YO, K1, K6, P1 (189 sts)
R22: Sl1, K6, K2, (P11, K5) repeat 10 times, P11, K2, K6, P1. (189 sts)
R23: Sl 1, K6, K2, [YO, SSK, K7, K2tog, YO, K5] repeat 10 times, YO, SSK, K7, K2tog, YO, K2, K6, P1 (189 sts)
R24: Sl1, K6, K3, (P9, K7) repeat 10 times, P9, K3, K6, P1. (189 sts)
R25: Sl 1, K6, K3, [YO, SSK, K5, K2tog, YO, K7] repeat 10 times, YO, SSK, K5, K2tog, YO, K3, K6, P1 (189 sts)
R26: Sl1, K6, K4, (P7, K9) repeat 10 times, P7, K4, K6, P1. (189 sts)
R27: Sl 1, K6, K4, [YO, SSK, K3, K2tog, YO, K9] repeat 10 times, YO, SSK, K3, K2tog, YO, K4, K6, P1 (189 sts)
R28: Sl1, K6, K5, (P5, K11) repeat 10 times, P5, K5, K6, P1. (189 sts)
R29: Sl 1, K6, K5, [YO, SSK, K1, K2tog, YO, K11] repeat 10 times, YO, SSK, K1, K2tog, YO, K5, K6, P1 (189 sts)
R30: Sl1, K6, K6, (P3, K13) repeat 10 times, P3, K6, K6, P1. (189 sts)
R31: Sl 1, K6, K6, [YO, K3tog, YO, K13] repeat 10 times, YO, K3tog, YO, K6, K6, P1 (189 sts)
R32: Sl1, K6, K7, (P1, K15) repeat 10 times, P1, K7, K6, P1. (189 sts)
Fig 2

R33: Sl 1, K6, K6, [YO, K2tog] repeat till last 7 sts, K6, P1 (189 sts)
189 = Front 30+ Sleeve 38+ Back 53+ other Sleeve 38+ other Front 30.
R34:Sl 1, all K, last st P
In row 35 increase 3 sts as under arm on both sides, skip 38 sleeves sts and join all other sts.
Total sts will be = 30+3 under arm+53+3 under arm+30= 119
Also in row 35 increase 1 sts at the edge point of each leaf by M1 method (Make 1)
After row 35, total sts= 119+11=130.
After 35 rows that is after yoke height is 3.7”.
[Next work stockinette st for 3”-3.5” then one row of YO, K2tog except first and last 7 sts.] repeat this 2 more times so that the further height will be 7”-7.5”. Hence the total length of the sweater will be 11”. Then make Garter stitch border so that the total length is 12”.
Another video for this sweater is also given, you may refer that.


  1. Mala contact number milel ka mi Mrs Amruta Dhamankar kamlache sweterchi 9th row yet nahi aahe 22 take wadhala pahijet pan yet nahi please mala help kara mob number 9869259901

  2. First I am very much sorry that I saw your comment just now. Please forgive me.
    जी नववी ओळ लिहिली आहे त्याप्रमाणे तर २२ टाके वाढायलाच पाहिजे होते. हा आपला प्रॉब्लेम सुटला का? माझा नंबर ९४२२९१७२३३ आहे. 


Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...