Friday, June 29, 2018

Tatting Jewelry:
Fig 1
Hi friends,
 In Indian marriage ceremony there is one very important ritual part known as "Saptpadi" (sapt = seven and padi = steps). In this ritual, tying the knots with each other bride and groom revolve round the sacred fire seven times and and take seven vows of marriage. For details please see,

At the time of marriage of my son in 2010, I decided to give seven different types of necklaces in seven different colours (Fig 2) at the time of Saptpadi.
Fig 2
Out of these seven types of necklaces, one was tatted necklace and earring which I made for my daughter in law (Fig 1). That was the first time I search for the tatted jewelry. Today I could not find the link of that tatted jewelry set, only I found the earrings here,

In 2015 when I went to USA, I purchased these beads (Fig 3) but I didn't have tatting thread with me. So after returning, I tried to make one earrings using those beads, matching thread was already with me. I knew that after so much gap, its finishing didn't come up to the mark. Any way the earrings were ready and they are in Fig 4.
Fig 3

Fig 4

The design of the earrings is similar to,
with little changes.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Knitted Baby Poncho 13

Pretty Poncho:
Fig 1
Hi friends,

In 2011, when I went to USA  for the delivery of my daughter,  I took hand made 3-4 small sweaters, one crochet frock, baby blanket etc with me. I lived there 3 months. After the delivery I used to get some free time. In the cupboard of my daughter, I saw this wool waiting for being knitted ( My daughter also knits, crochet and tat etc). I asked her whether I could use it? Of course she permitted. Then as sweaters, frock have done already but poncho was not made so I decided to make poncho.

Poncho: I searched for the poncho pattern and I got this,                
Fig 2

Yarn used in the link was multicoloured but I have single coloured yarn so I used contrast colour border and two tassels at neck and then mixed colour fringes to the bottom edging. She wore this poncho till she was 4 years old.

First time I made I-card for this poncho and I liked it so much that later on I used it so many times.

Cap: The cap should look matching with poncho, so I decided to use two colours in the pattern I found on net,

I-cord: For i-cord I used the following link,

Pom-Pom: I generally made pom pom by the old iron ring as shown in fig 3, which I have at Amravati. So I made this pom-pom simply on hands.
Fig 3

I have recently started you tube channel "Kalopasak" in Marathi with subtitles in English.
So this video is from the you tube channel Kalopasak, which explains how to make pom-pom.

Recently when I was video chatting with her, what I saw!!! she wore that poncho as a skirt. 😛. (Colour change due to video chat screen)

This use of poncho, I never knew 😜.

Fig 4

Fig 5
Happy knitting.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tatted Earrings:
Fig 1
Hi friends,
Earrings is a  jewellery for ear. In India, ears of all girls and boys, particularly Hindus are pierced and that is one of the religious rite.

Earrings are very special jewellery type which girls like to wear most. In my twenties that is in 1974-75 simple rings were our usual earrings (fig 2).  Jhumar or Big rings with pearls attached to the bottom cord of that ring, used to be the most fashionable and functional earring as in fig 3.

Once I insisted for such big rings to my mother and she made them for me but my grand mother didn't like such big earrings and I have fearful regard for her. So I never wore those earrings. But I still loved them.

But we all sisters became habituate with only tops as earring.

Fig 2
Fig 3

Fig 4

But still I like big earrings though I never wore such. So I also like to tat such big earrings and now a days it's also a latest fashion to wear big earring.

So I made these earrings in the last week. Earrings in fig 1, are with little bit variation of the earring in,

by Roberta creazioni. Thank you very much for this pattern.

Thread used is Anchor Number 20 and beads are shown in fig 5.
Fig 5
For stringing bead crochet needle 0.5 mm is used.
Fig 6
Fig 7 shows how the bead is inserted in the thread with the help of crochet hook.
Fig 7
Happy tatting.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Knitted Fair Isle Cardigan 12

Fair Isle Yoke Designed Sweater:
Fig 1

Hi friends,

When I have decided to make a sweater for my husband's brother's grand daughter, I search for Fair Isle pattern because I have never tried it. Then I like this pattern given by Drop Design
After this I made one more (See fig 1A) in Red Heart wool for my niece. Every one love it very much.
Fig 1A

But the wool referred there is 8 ply so I have to see the gauge. Correspondingly I have to make many changes.
Fig 2

There are 6 colors used in Yoke design where as I have decided to use only 3 colors my favorite lavender, dark shade in that and off white. I also used red color for only one round. I have also dropped some rows from the design of yoke due to size variation.
So it is different variation of that.
Actually she is 5-6 years but quite slim so I am going to CO 84 sts in stead of 88 but on the other side the wool I am using is 4 ply and thin so I have to see my gauge. I saw it and CO 88 sts to start with. The changes in colors which I have made can be seen the above photo and I think it looks marvelous. 
Material: Vardhaman 4 ply wool 150 gm lavender color, dark purple 50 gm and off white 50 gm,  knitting circular needle 4 mm, and 3.5 mm
Fig 3

Final size: Length 20", width 13.5", sleeve length 20".
Let us see how it fits,
Fig 4

Here I have uploaded one video of, how I cast on. In knitting books I have seen various types of CO, starting from long tail CO, cable CO, CO by crochet needle, tubular CO etc
CO with double long tail method
Now see this new method of CO which is same as long tail CO only difference is here we take double yarn for the long tail. So it gives sturdy base for our work.

Here is the video for Fair Isle type colourful work in knitting.

She was so happy to wear this sweater and I am happy seeing her "happy mood".

These videos are from my Marathi You tube channel named, à¤•à¤²ोपासक "Kalopasak" means one who worships all forms of arts, that is roughly speaking who loves all forms of arts and try to appreciate them. Though the language of video is Marathi, subtitles are given in English. So I think that there should not be any problem. Please subscribe.

Love knitting.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

One More Shuttle Lace for Hanky:
Fig 1

Fig 2
Hi friends,
Last weekend I tatted this handkerchief lace (Fig 1) for the daughter of my sister. I made this lace previously also, shown in fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
Fig 5
Fig 6

First I made a pattern, it is very simple (Fig 3) then I decided to make a lace for hanky.
This is very simple just suitable for beginners.

Material: Coat's thread 20 number, one shuttle, crochet hook for passing thread through the picot scissor.
Tie ball and tread in shuttle together.
*Ring of 8 p, 8 ds close. Reverse,
Chain of 1 ds, 9 p. Join with the first picot of the previous ring*
Repeat from * to * till it covers all the four sides of handkerchief.
Don't cut the thread.
Hem all the four edges of the hanky by same colour.
Now go on stitching this lace to the handkerchief. Be cautious at corner.
If necessary tat further and here the beautiful hanky is ready!!
Fig 7

Happy tatting.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...