Sunday, December 15, 2024

Beautiful Handmade Cotton Purse just by Folding Hankerchief, Origami Purse

Origami Purse:

Fig 1
In 1988 when first time we purchased television set , we used to
see every program, may be on agriculture, may be for children,
may be on music, politics etc. Once I was watching children 
program in which they were showing how to make origami
purse from a paper. I liked that purse I made it by a newspaper
and put it in my art-box. Later on when I was trying to make
five different types of purses for Aparna, my vahini,m(wife
of my brother),  at once an idea of making that origami 
purse of a cotton cloth stroked my mind and I started
as per the instructions given under.

Origami is really a fantastic art, at that time I don't know much about it but after that I read much
on that and I come to know that origami is purely Mathematics (particularly Geometry).
Here I should also mention  thanks to my vahini and her mother for this photo otherwise I made one more but I don't have photo of any one.
I will try to explain, how to make this purse with pictures.
I suggest that first you should try with paper and then purse of cloth.
We make a purse first by paper. Deliberately I have chosen a paper which bears different colors on both sides, golden on one side and white on other side as fig 2 and 3. The size of the paper is 90 x 60 or in it's proportion. This paper is 45 cm x 30 cm.

Fig 2
Fig 3

Now fold the edges on both sides for 1 cm as shown in fig 4.

Now fold inside for 3 cm as in fig 5
Fig 4

Fig 5

Now fold the whole paper as in fig 6. Hold it as shown in fig 7 and fold the close white part 3 cm as shown in fig 7.
Pass the folded side on back.

Fig 6
Fig 7
Fig 8

Mark the center of the length and fold from center by putting the point A at C and B at D as in fig 8 where C=D
Fig 9
Now place the golden folded strips on both sides as shown in fig 9.  From other side it will look as in Fig 10. Also fold the triangle on the horizontal line as in fig 10. Insert the lowest point of the triangle  inside the folded golden strip. 

Fig 10
Fig 11

Turn the paper purse, other side will look as in Fig 12.
Fig 12
Fig 13
Fold at AB and insert the golden strip part inside PQ. Similarly fold at CD and insert golden strip part inside RS. Now it will look as in fig 13 and 14 from both sides.

Fig 14

When we make such a purse of cloth then we have to use stiff cloth
as lining like bukram. Sew the lining on all four sides reverse and
sew the end part. This lined piece must be 3 x 2 size. Also note
here that back portion of the golden purse is also seen after completion of  the purse. Hence I have taken two pieces of green cloth and sewed the lining in between. After the fold in figure number 7, I also sewed decorative chicken lace to the folded part and then follow the remaining procedure above. Lastly sew the show buttons as shown in the first figure so that all folded portion will be intact. Sew velcro on both sides of the opening so that it can be closed. You can use it for keeping old pens, pencils, crayon pencils of your kids.

Fig 15, Ready to use
Sewing lace for decoration is one of the way, you can use your creativity and decorate it in so many ways. In another purse which I had made, I used two different cloths, one plane and other matching printed. It gives different modern look. But unfortunately I don't have it's photo. 

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