Thursday, September 14, 2017

Music: The Divine Art: 

Myself performing in my institute in the program of Staff Club
Music: I call it "A Divine Art" because it directly relates a person with the universe. Melodious note creates harmony with universe. It can give you ecstasy.

No need to say that everyone likes music. But I have special attachment with music. I have gone through the training of Indian classical music for 8-10 years. In spite of weak economic condition my father send me to music class to learn Indian classical music. He was fantastic lover of music. He used to sing Bhajan, a type of prayer, while his daily worship of God. His strong will was that I should choose music as my career but my love of Mathematics didn’t allow me that. I remember that whenever he heard any classic performance of music, at that time in Ganesh Utsav, (one of the social festival), there used to be the programs of classical music, he used to come back home and took me with him, so that I should hear good music. Also I remember that once I sung a song, he liked it so much that he gave me one diary. He used to dream that I am performing a song, with diary in my one hand (in which the lyrics of the song is written) before the huge audience. To day also I feel so sorry that I could not fulfill his dream, his wish. Only I have satisfaction that I have completed my "Sangeet Visharad" (graduation level examination) with merit rank.

Performing in my institute
I tried to flourish this art after my marriage but it seemed impossible for me due to time problem. Now 40 years passed away that I am not in touch with music, even hearing music regularly becomes impossible for me. But in between these 40 years, the only person who tries to keep this art alive in me, is my younger sister, Sadhana. She insists me to sing a song whenever we have time together and gives oxygen to my moribund art MUSIC.

But whenever I sing a song which is up to the mark (as per my knowledge), I think that I touch the soul of my father. It may just seems to be spiritual but it’s true. Once I read that Jamling Norgay, the son of Sherpa Tejsing Norgay wrote in the book “Touching My Father’s Soul” when he reached “The Everest” first time he felt like that. 

Now as I am retired I have decided to hear as much music (all varieties: classical, light etc) as possible. 
My father


  1. No doubt music is the medicine of the mind.. but at same time it is one kind of meditation... And I think mathematics + music is more divine composition... We feel more lucky as we were ur student..

    1. Thanks Suraj. I agree that Mathematics and Music are paths to meditation.

  2. Having dazzling career in Mathematics, I wonder how one can become master of so many art forms...
    Music: The Divine art and Alka Mavshi: The Divine Artist.

  3. ताई,मला आठवतयं की तुझी बरीच गाणी ऐकुन आम्हा घरच्यांच्या डोळ्यात आनंदाश्रु येत.अशी दादांच्या आवडीची दोन गाणी "कानडाऊ विठ्ठलु करनाटकु..."व "चांदणे शिंपीत जाशी".असा खुप आनंद तु आम्हा सर्वांना दिला आहेस.

    1. त्यापेक्षा तू माझं गाणं जिवंत ठेवलंस हे खूप महत्वाचं आहे.

  4. अलका ताई तू किती ग हुशार खुप सुंदर....

    1. प्रतिमा, अग तू आहेस! श्रेया म्हटलं तर आधी माझ्या लक्षातच नाही आलं.काॅमेंटस् करत जा, सूचनापण मला आवडेल.

  5. Your music is amazing. You have some very talented artists. I wish you the best of success.
    Lighting Shop

    1. It seems that you are interested in music so I request you to please see my Basic musical instruments post on this blog.


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