Sunday, August 27, 2023

Crochet Shela 2 (Small Shawl) for Kanha ji Ganesh ji


Hello friends,

This is another design of Shela for Kanha ji and Ganesh ji. This is very unique design which every one will like.

I use 4 ply yarn and 3.5 mm hook. It's length is 16", width 4" and weight 35 gm. Zari yarn is also used.

Pattern: First I made Granny square as follow,

R1: In a magic loop make dc 16, cl (First dc is ch3)

R2: with zari chord, (2dctog in next st, ch1 to fix it, ch2, skip 1 st) 8 times, cl

R3: with dark yarn, (dc3, ch2, dc3) in ch2-sp, dc 3 in next ch2-sp) 8 times, cl.

R4: [(dc 1 in 3 dc-sts, dc1 in gap) 2 times, dc 3, in next ch2-sp (dc2, ch1, dc2)] 4 times, cl.

Note that there are 15 dc in between two ch1-spaces, Join zari chord at ch1-sp at corner.

R1: ch1, hdc 1 in each st.

R2: with dark yarn, dc1 in back loop of each st.

Repeat R3 till the required length of Shela. Note that on other side also we have to join granny square which is 4" in length, so we repeat R3 till the length is 12". Then make one more granny square as the first one with zari sc row on one side.

Now using tapestry needle, join this granny square on other side in back loop only.

Lastly make single crochet border on all four sides with (sc1, ch2, sc1) at 4 corners.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Crochet Shela 1 (Small Shawl) for Kanha ji Ganesh ji



 The festval of Janmashtami, Ganesh Utsav are coming soon. So I made some Shela (Small Shawls) for Kanha ji or Ganesh ji idols. This is very simple one and can be easily made. I used 4 ply Vardhamaan Millenium yarn, 1.75 mm and 0.5 mm hooks. It's length is 16" and width is 4". It's weight 25 gm. I also use beads and Zari chord.

Pattern: Make chs 15+3

R1: dc 1 in each ch from 4th ch (15 sts)


R2: dc 1 in each st (first dc means ch3)

Repeat R1 and R2 till the required length. I have to make 37 rows.

Border: ch1, sc 1 in each st along width, sc3 in last st, sc 2 in dc-st along length side.

R2 of border: ch1, sc 1 in back loop of each sc-st.

R3 of border: ch1, (sc1, place a bead, sc 1 in 2 sts) rep till end along length side.

R4 of Border: with Zari chord, ch1, sc 1 in unworked front loop of R2.

Attach small tassels on width sides.

The beautiful Shela (small shawl) is ready.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

New Crochet Design for Shwal, Stole, Frock etc

Hi, Many of the subscribers of my channel make crochet articals and sell them. I am glad to see that people are earning with my patterns. In a way or other may be very small but I am helping them and this is my main motive to start this channel and blog. I always think that whatever I have, should be useful to the community. Ofcourse I also know that their earning is not too big but still this idea make me feel good. So when any one of them ask me some difficulty in completing their orders, happily I try to solve their difficulty. So one of such difficulty asked by one of my subscriber is this crochet pattern. She has order to be completed with this crochet design and she is unable to make that puff flower while working row-wise. So I make one square doily with that design. Pattern: This pattern needs multiple of 18 plus 10. So we start with 54+10=64 chs. (14" length) Make additional 2 chs and R1: Make dc 1 in each st starting from 4th ch (64 sts).
R2: ch3+1, [incomplete puff (this will be horizontal), skip 2 sts, second incomplete puff in next st, skip 2 sts, third incomplete puff in next st, YO and pass through all 19 sts on hook, complete puff at the joint of three incomplete puff, (4 petals of the puff flowers made). ch1, dc 1 in 10 sts, ch1] rep this till the length. Incomplete puff means: Stretch the stitch on the hook to get long st, (YO pass through the st, YO and get 2 long sts) repeat this 3 times, there are 7 sts on the hook. Complete puff means: (YO pass through the st, YO and get 2 long sts) repeat this 3 times, YO pass through all 7 sts, ch 1 to fix it.
R3: ch3+ ch1, [complete puff in the centre of flower, ch2, complete puff in the same place, ch1, dc 1 in next 10 sts] rep till end. See the first complete six-petal flower.
Note that for complete puff we refer as puff only. R4: ch3 turn, [ dc 2 in first gap, dc1 on the edge of puff st, dc2 in gap, dc 1 on edge of the puff st, dc2 in last gap, dc1 on dc-st] (considering ch3 as first dc, total 10 dcs made), ch1, get long st, incomplete puff on this ch1, skip 2 sts, second incomplete puff on next, skip two sts, third incomplete puff on next st, YO pass through all 19 sts, get a long st, puff at this joint, ch1, dc1 in last dc-st] rep till end.
R5: dc 1 on each of the next 10 sts, [complete puff in the centre of flower, ch2, complete puff in the same place, ch1, dc 1 in next 10 sts] rep till end.
Repeat R2 to R5 as much as the length required, means 14". Last row: dc 1 in each st. (as our first row).
Then ch3 and dc 2 in each dc-gap on both edges of the square.
Border: Join green yarn at any st, make R1: ch2, (hdc 1 in each st till corner, at corner hdc3) rep.
R2: sl st in 2 sts, (ch2, skip 3 sts, puff 1 in next st, ch2, puff in same st, ch2, puff in same st, ch2, skip 2 sts, sc 1 in next) rep till end. Take care that at corner always there should be 3 puffs design.
Beautiful square doily is ready. The following video with English subtitles may help you. ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Crochet Rakhi 4: Handmade Beautiful Rakhi



This is one more Rakhi of this year. It's very simple and that's it's beauty.

Yarn 2 ply, hook 1 mm, width 2" and weight 2 gm.


R1: In a magic loop ch1, sc5,cl.

R2: ch1, sc2 in each st, cl.

Join blue yarn at any st.

R3: (ch6, sc1 in each of the 5 sts from second, sl st in next 2 sts) 5 times, cl.

R4: (in sc-sts make sc1, hdc1, dc1, extended dc1, tr1, 


sl st in same last st, then again ch3, tr1 on other side, ext dc1, dc1, hdc1, sc1, sl st in next red st) rep 5 times, cl. BO.


Make little bit embroidery at the centre.

Make belt of chains and puff at the end on both sides.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

Video will be uploaded on Tuesday 15 Aug 2023.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Rakhi 3: Simple and Beautiful


Hello friends,

The rakhi on the left is the Rakhi made by Tunisian stitch. It looks very cute. Others are already posted on my blog last year.

Yarn used 2 ply, hook 1.75 mm, weight 3 gm and diameter 2.4".


R1: Ch1, sc10 in magic loop, cl.

or you can make sc 5 in first round and then sc 2 in each st to get 10 sts.

R2: ch1, sc1 in same st, (ch3, skip 1 st, sc 1 in next) 5 times, cl.

R3: Petal 1 with Tunisin stitch, [sc1 in ch3-sp, insert hook in second vertical strand of sc, 

YO and get one Tunisian st, insert hook in ch3-sp, YO get one more st, thus 3 sts on hook, YO, pass through 1 st, (YO pass through 2 sts) 2 times....

(YO get one Tunisian st by inserting in vertical trand ) 2 times, insert hook in ch3-sp, YO get one more st, thus 4 sts on hook, YO, pass through 1 st, (YO pass through 2 sts) 3 times....

(YO get one Tunisian st by inserting in vertical strand ) 3 times, insert hook in ch3-sp, YO get one more st, thus 5 sts on hook, YO, pass through 1 st, (YO pass through 2 sts) 4 times....

(YO get one Tunisian st by inserting in vertical trand ) 4 times, insert hook in ch3-sp, YO get one more st, thus 6 sts on hook, YO, pass through 1 st, (YO pass through 2 sts) 4 times....

then make ch3-picot by sl st, sl st in each st.] repeat [ to ] and make 4 more petals, cl, BO.

Sew bead at centre.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...