Friday, November 25, 2022

Crochet Bag with Granny Squares


Hello friends,
Here is one more bag made with Granny Hexagons. Actually this is very old design but evergreen, so I want to make it. I made this with little change in granny hexagon and border. I made belt with Tunisian crochet.

Yarn 4 ply, hook 3.5 mm Width 9” height 6”, till belt 8”. Weight 50 gm.

R1: With orange yarn, in a magic loop make (3dctog, ch2) 6 times, cl.

For 3dctog: incomplete dc 3, YO pass through all 4 sts, ch1 to fix it.

R2: Join green yarn at any ch2-sp, [(3dctog, ch2, 3dctog) (shell) in ch2-sp, ch2] 6 times, cl, BO.

R3: Join light yellow in ch2-sp of shell, [(shell on shell, ch2, 3dctog in next ch2-sp] 6 times, cl BO.

Join reddish yarn at ch2-sp of shell.

R4: [(dc2, ch2, dc2) in ch2-sp, (dc 3 in next ch2-sp) twice] 6 times, cl, BO.

Make 7 hexagons.

Join 5 hexagons one side of each with central hexagon by sl st as shown by white lines.

Then join two sides of each two hexagons as shown A and B points along the side of hexagon and the join side BC with BD. All five hexagons in the same way.

 It will look as 3 D pot. Then take the last hexagon and join it’s 5 sides with one side of each hexagon already joint along the 5 sides of remaining hexagon shown by white lines.

Then also make sl st border to the open sides.

Belt is made by Tunisian crochet. You can also make it by simple single crochet rows.

Make chs 6+1

R1: sc 1 in each ch from second.

R2: Get 1 st from each sc-st on hook, there are 7 sts on hook.

R3: YO pass through 1 st,( YO pass through 2 sts) rep till there is only one st.

R4: Get one st from each vertical strand seen which we call stitches in Tunisian crochet. 7 sts on hook

Repeat R3 and R$ till the required length.


The beautiful bag is ready.
The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Crochet Card Holder, Small Bag, Pouch to Keep ATM Card, Visiting Card etc


Hello friends,

This is my new creation, Card Holder Pouch. A very useful item for giving GIFT to your beloved, your friends on occassion of Sankranti, New year, Father's Day etc.

This is very simple and beautiful pattern just made in 32 gm yarn of 4 ply. It's length is 5" and width 3.75".


Chs 65+1 with brown yarn.

Note: For bigger one in length, take multiple of 4 plus 5 sts  and for wider repeat R4 to R7 till the required width.

R1: sc1 in each ch from second (65), ch1 turn

R2: sc 1 in each st, (65) ch1 turn

R3: same as R2.

[Join yellow yarn so as to work on RS

R4: ch1, hdc 1 in each st, BO.

Join brown yarn so as to work on RS

R5: sc1 in back loop of each st, ch1, turn..

R6: sc1 in each st, ch1 turn

R7: same as R6

Repeat from [ to ] till the width is 5”.

Fold one side, count 15 sts and place marker after that. Sew these two sides by sl st in these 15 sts, sl st 1 in next 5 sts. Fold other side and sew other 15 sts by sl st.

Similarly sew other side.

Sew press button if needed. If you want handle make it as in previous post of Batawa and sew  it after folding and sewing.


Then you can use it for keeping your cards. You can gift it to some one.

The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Crochet Small Bag (Three Types)



I made these three types of small bags. 

1. Dark purple and white: made in single crochet, height 4.5" weight 40 gm. Yarn used Ganga's winter special thick yarn, hook 3.5mm. Middle portion completely in single crochet (sc) in stitches.

2. Pink and Red: made in single crochet, height 6" weight 60 gm. Yarn used Vardhamaan Magnus. Hook 5 mm. thick yarn, hook 5mm. Middle portion completely in single crochet (sc) in back loop of each stitch

3. Yellow and Green: made in double crochet, hook 3.5 mm. height 4.5", weight 20 gm..Middle portion completely in double crochet (dc) in back loop of each stitch and flap is made in single crochet.

Pattern for Pink and red bag:

R1: ch1, sc 8 in magic loop, continue in spiral.

R2: sc2 in each st, (16 sts)

R3: (sc1 in 1 st, sc 2 in next) 8 times, (24 sts)

R4: (sc1 in 2 sts, sc2 in next) 8 times, (32 sts)

R5: (sc1 in 3 sts, sc2 in next) 8 times, (40 sts)

R6: (sc1 in 4 sts, sc2 in next) 8 times, (48 sts)

R7: sc1 in back loop of each st, cl.

R8: Join red yarn, (4dc puff, ch1 skip 1 st) 24 times, cl

R9: By pink yarn, (sc1 in gap, sc 1 in edge st) 24 times, cl (48 sts).

R10: sc1 in back loop of each st

R11 to R20: same as R10.

R21: sc1 in back loop of 44 sts

R22: (skip 8 sts, sc 1 in next and join the gap, sc 1 in next 15 sts) 2 times, cl.

Next work row wise and work only 16 sts only

R1: ch1, skip first st, sc 1 in remaining 15 sts

R2: ch1, turn, skip first st, sc 1 in remaining 14 sts

R3: ch1, turn, skip first st, sc 1 in remaining 13 sts

R4: ch1, turn, skip first st, sc 1 in remaining 12 sts

Go on decreasing 1 st in each row till 4 sts remain. BO.

Join red yarn at joint.

Next row of Border: sc 1 in each st of flap on 3 sides, sc 1 on front side of bag.

Last row: sl st in each st till 2 sts (out of last 4 sts of flap) on edge, ch7 for botton hole, sl st in remaining sts, BO.

JMake chains required for belt, join it to opposite side stitch. Make sc 1 in each ch, close, BO.

Sew a beautiful button and the bag is complete.

You can make this small bag in double crochet so that it will be made fast and still beautiful. But the advantage of making bag in single crochet is it remains stiff that that od double crochet bag.

Pattern for double crochet bag:

R1: In magic loop dc 16, cl

R2: dc2 in each st, cl (32)

R3: (dc1, dc2 in next) 16 times, cl (48).

Number of base sts is same as above pattern in sc.

R4: same as R7 above

R5: same as R8 above.

R5: same as R9 above.

R6 to R11: dc1 in back loop of each st, cl (48)

R12 Join as above then flap also I have made as above in scs.

It is more simple quickly made so those who made it for order, this one is profitable.

The advantage of making the bag in sc design is that it remains stiff.

Hope that the following video with English subtitles will help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Old Type Hanging Outer Lantern, Hanging Outer Lamp


Hello friends,

Hope you all are doing well. Here is my new creation of old type hanging lantern or hanging lamp.

I made two types of these lantern first, that is Grey and white is hexagonal and second, that is Pink and blue which is pentagonal. One more difference is in first the grey vertical lines on white fpdcs are made externally where in second pink vertical lines are worked in round while working the middle portion.

Yarn Vardhamaan Millenium 4 ply, Hook 3.5 mm.

Height 10” weight 60 gm.

Pattern for Hexagonal lamp:

Round 1: Magic loop, dc12, cl. (First dc means ch3)

R2: (dc1, fpdc 1) 6 times, cl.

R3: (dc2 in dc-st, fpdc on fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R4: (dc2 in first dc-st, dc 1 in remaining 1 st, fpdc on fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R5: (dc2 in first dc-st, dc 1 in remaining 2, fpdc on fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R6: (dc2 in first dc-st, dc 1 in remaining 3, fpdc on fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R7: (dc2 in first dc-st, dc 1 in remaining 4, fpdc on fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R8: (dc2 in first dc-st, dc 1 in remaining 5, fpdc on fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R9: (dc2 in first dc-st, dc 1 in remaining 6, fpdc on fpdc) 6 times, cl. BO.

Here we get 8dcs in between two fpdcs.

Now join white yarn one round down, at back side loop of first st after any fpdc-st.

R10: dc 1 in each st, cl.

R11: (dc1 in 8 sts, fpdc in next) 6 times, cl.

R12: (2dctog, dc1 in 6 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl

R13: (dc1 in 7 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R14: (2dctog, dc1 in 5 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl

R15: (dc1 in 6 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl.

R16: (2dctog, dc1 in 4 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl

R17: (dc1 in 5 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl

R18: (2dctog, dc1 in 3 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl

R19: (dc1 in 4 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl

R20: (2dctog, dc1 in 2 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl

R21: (dc1 in 3 sts, fpdc) 6 times, cl (24 sts)

Edge at fpdc: Join grey yarn at lower end of fpdc line.

Row 1: ch1, long sl st in each st toward up, last sl st in grey round’s st. Then remove hook from yarn, TURN,  insert on back side and get the loop on this side. 

Again long sl st toward lower end, cl.

Repeat this to all six edges of fpdcs.

Now join grey yarn at any dc after fpdc.

Round 22: Front post half double crochet (fphdc) in each dc and fpdcs.

R23: fphdc in each st, cl.

R24: 2dctog, throughout, cl (12 sts).

R25, R26: ch1, sc1 in each st, cl.

R27: (6dctog) 2 times, cl by sl st in first.


Then make loop to hang by chs 20+1, sc1 in each ch from second ch. Sew properly.

Also decorate it by beads and Latkans as you wish.

The beautiful Hanging Lantern is ready.

Then I made one more which I start with 10 dcs in a magic loop and hence it's pentagonal shape. One more change I made in this is that instead of working these grey colour vertical borders to each fpdc, I change the colour while working fpdc in round and hence got another beautiful Pentagonal Lantern as in next photo.

I hope that you would like both of them and you will make them.
The following video with English subtitles may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...