Friday, June 19, 2020

Crochet Doily 4

Doily with 3D Border
Fig 1
Hello friends,
Here is one more doily I made with 3D border.
I used Vardhamaan Prime yarn which 4 ply but more thin than usual 4 ply yarn, but due to Lock down, no new puchase, so I used this. Border is made by 4 ply brown colour yarn which is Ok. Crochet hook used is 3.5 mm.
This 3D border idea I got from,
But here the border is in a straight line where as we have to make border of a doily that means in a circular shape, hence I increase the number of dcs in ch 4 loop. Instead of 7 dcs, I made 9 dcs.
R1: In a magic loop, ch3, dc 15, cl by sl st in third ch, (16 sts)
R2: ch 3+1, (dc 1 in next st, ch 1) rep, cl, (16 ch1-gaps and 16 dcs). Fig 2.
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
R3: ch3, (dc 2 in ch1-gap, dc 1 on dc of previous round) rep, cl, (48 sts). Fig 3.
R4: ch 3 +2, (skip 1 st, dc 1 on next, ch2) rep, cl, (24 ch 2-gaps, 24 dcs)
R5: As round 3, (72 sts). Fig 4.
R6: As round 4, (36 ch2-gaps, 36 dcs). Fig 5.
R7: As round 3, (108 sts), fig 6.

R8: As round 4, (54 ch2-gaps,
Fig 5
54 dcs). Fig 7.
R9: As round 3, (162 sts)
R10: ch 3 +2, (skip 2 st, dc 1 on next, ch2) rep, cl, (54 ch 2-gaps, 54 dcs). Fig 8.
R11: As round 3, (162 sts). Fig 9.
R12: Change colour, ch3, dc 1 in each of the next 3 sts, ch 4, turn to WS, sl st on first dc, (ch4-loop is formed, see fig 10) ch 1, turn to RS, (dc 9 in ch4 loop formed, dc 1 in each
Fig 6

Fig 7
of next 4 sts, ch 4, turn to WS, sl st on the base of left part of 9dcs loop, (see fig 11), ch 1, turn to RS) rep, at the end join at the 4th dc of first pattern in the design of border.
Fig 8

Fig 9
The beautiful doily is here.

Fig 10

Fig 11
The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity

Monday, June 15, 2020

Applique Bunny
Fig 1
Hello friends,
I have made bird applique, see my post,

Note: First dc means always ch 3.
With white yarn,
Fig 2
R1: In a magic loop make ch 3, dc 11, cl by sl st
R2: dc 2 in each st, cl (24 sts). Fig 3.
R3: ch2, hdc 1 in 2 sts, hdc 2 in next, dc 3 in next, dc 2 in next, hdc 2 in next, (hdc 1, dc 1) in next, (dc1, tr1) in next, tr 5 in next, (tr 2, dc1) in next, dc 2 in next, dc 1 in next, dc 2 in next, (dc1, tr 2) in next, tr 5 in next, (tr1, dc1) in next, (dc1, hdc 1) in next, hdc 2 in next, dc 2 in next, dc 3 in next, hdc 2 in next, hdc 1 in 2 sts, cl by sl st. Fig 4.
Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

Fig 7
 Ear: With pink colour, ch 8
R1: Sl st 1 in 3 ch, sc 1 in next, sl st 1 in 2 sts, sl st 3 in edge st, on other side sl st 1 in 2 sts, sc 1, sl st 1 in 3 sts. (15 sts)
R2: join white colour, ch 2, hdc 1 in each of 3 sts, hdc 2 in next, hdc 1in next 2 sts, 3dctog at corner, hdc 1in next 2 sts, hdc 2 in next, hdc 1 in each of 3 sts, BO. Fig 5.
Fig 8
Body: Join white yarn below at 4th st from centre. We shall work on 8 sts from this joint.
Fig 9
As shown in fig 6 sts in between two markers.
R1: ch 3, dc 1 in same st, dc 1 in next 6 sts, dc 2 in next st. (10 sts)
R2: dc 2 in first and last st, dc 1 in each of the middle st. (12 sts)
R3: 2dctog, dc 1 in each st till last 2 sts, 2dctog (10 sts)
First 2dctog means, ch2, incomplete dc, YO pass through both sts. Fig 7.
R4: 2dctog, dc 1 in each middle st, 2dctog in last 2 sts (8 sts). Fig 8.
R5: As R4. (6 sts)
R6: hdc 1 in each st BO.
Foot: ch 6,
R1: dc 3 in forth ch, dc 1 in fifth ch, dc 7 in sixth ch, dc 1 on other side next st, dc 3 at corner st, cl.BO. Fig 9.
Hand: Right: ch 5,
Fig 10

Fig 11
R1: dc 1 in 4th and 5th chs from hook, ch 3 turn, (3 sts)
R2: dc 1 in next, hdc 1 in last, ch 3 turn, (3 sts)
R3: dc 1 in same st, dc 1 in next 2 sts, ch 2 turn, (4 sts)
R4: 4dctog, BO. Fig 10
Left hand: R1 as above
R2: ch 2, hdc 1 in first st, dc 1 in next 2 sts, (3 sts),
R3: ch 3 turn, dc 1 in next st, dc 2 in last, (4 sts)
R4: 4dctog, BO
Bow: With pink yarn
R1: ch 4, dc 2 in first ch (3 sts)
R2: ch 3 turn, dc 1 in same st, dc 1 in each of next 2 sts, ch 3 join with first st. Fig 11.
Then I have done some embroidery work on feet, hands and face. See fig 1. Then sew two beads as eyes. Sew all parts properly. 

You can sew this Bunny to any jacket as I have in fig 2.
The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Crochet Doily 3

Fig 1
Hello friends,
This is one more doily I made. It is 18" wide and just 70 gm weight. I used Vardhamaan 4 ply yarn.
Pattern: R1:Ring of 8 chs.
R2: Ch 3, dc 23, cl by sl st. (24 sts)
R3: Ch 3+ 1, (dc1 on next st, ch 1) rep, cl, (24 windows and 24 ch1- spaces. Fig 2.
R4: Ch3, (dc 1 on previous dc, dc 1 in ch1-gap) rep, cl, (48 sts). Fig 3.
R5:As R3, (48 windows, 48 ch1-spaces)
R6: Sl st in next window, (dc 2 in window, dc 1 on previous dc) rep, cl (72 sts)

R7: ch 3+2, dc 1 in same st, [ch 6, skip 5 sts, (dc1, ch 2, dc 1) in next st (V-made)] rep, cl
Fig 4.
(12 V made)

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
R8: Sl st till first V made in the previous round, (dc 5 in V, ch 6) rep, cl. Fig 5.
Fig 5
R9: Sl st till first dc (out of 5 dcs in previous round), [dc 1 on first and last st (out of 5dcs) dc 2 in each of middle 3 dcs, ch 6] rep, cl. Fig 6. Made 8 dcs instead of 5 dcs.
Fig 6

Fig 7

Fig 8

R10: (dc 1 on each of the 8 dc sts, ch 7) rep, cl. Make first dc as ch3.

R11: [(2dctog, dc 1 in each of middle 4 sts, 2dctog), ch 4, sc 1 in 4th ch (out of 7 chs in previous round, ch3-picot, ch4] rep till end, cl. Fig 7.
R12: [(2dctog, dc 1 in middle 2 sts, 2dctog), ch 6, sc 1 in ch3-picot, ch 6] rep, cl. Fig 8.
R13: [(2dctog, 2dctog), ch 8, sc 1 in previous sc, ch 8] rep, cl
R14: [2dctog, ch 10, sc 1 on previous round sc, ch 10] rep, cl. Fig 9.
R15: (12 dc on ch10-space, dc 1 on sc st, dc 12 on next ch 10 space) rep, cl. Fig 10.
R16: (ch 1, tr 1 in 6th st, ch3-picot) rep 7 times, ch 1, sl st at 6th dc from centre (once at the edge of leaf, second times at the sc st.). Fig 11.

Fig 9
Fig 10

Fig 11
I hope that you will like this doily.
In this doily you can use two colours. One colour upto 6 rounds and then in last two rounds and one from rounds 7 to 14. That will also look great.

The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Crochet Doily 2 with Double Rose Border

Crochet Rose Doily
Fig 1

Hello friends,
This is one more doily I made. I have seen this handkerchief with border of roses on facebook page os some one. I like that idea and I made this doily.
We can enlarge it make 5 rounds of white in between as usually we work flat circle and then again repeat two rounds of roses (R5 and R6).
I use Vardhamaan 4 ply yarn. Its weight is only 60 gm and width is 12"
Always make first double crochet (dc) by ch 3.
R1: With White, in a magic loop make ch 3, dc 15, cl by sl st, (16 sts)
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
Fig 5

R2: dc 2 in each st, cl (32 sts)
Fig 2.
R3: (dc1, dc 2) repeat, cl, (48 sts)
R4: (dc 1 in two sts, dc 2 in next) rep, cl, (64 sts) Fig 3.
R5: With Green, sc 1 in three sts, [(sc1, dc 5, sc1) on a next 

white dc, (sc1, dc 5, sc 1) on next white dc, sc 1 in 6 sts], rep, lastly sc 3, cl,(16 green leaves and 48 scs).
Fig 4.
R6: With Pink, sc 3, (ch 11+3, dc 3 in each st starting from 4th ch, make dc3 in each st, (we get spiral see fig 5) join by sl st covering all layers of flower, sc 6) rep, lastly sc 3, cl, Fold that spiral as shown in fig 6,  (8 flowers, 8 sl sts, 64 scs). 
Fig 6

Fig 7
After round 6 it will look as fig 7.
Fig 8
R7: With white, (dc1 in three sts, dc 2 in next), rep, cl (80 sts).
R8: (dc 1 in four sts, dc 2 in next) rep, (96 sts)
R9: (dc 1 in five sts, dc 2 in next) rep, (112 sts)
R10: dc 1 in each st, cl, (112 sts)
R11: (dc1 in six sts, dc 2 in next), cl, (128 sts)
R12: (dc 1 in seven sts, dc 2 in next) rep, cl, (144 sts)
As in fig 8.
R13: As R5
R14: As R6.
Finally it is ready and will look as in fig 1.

The following video will help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity

Monday, June 1, 2020

Crochet Swastik Toran 1, Door Hanging, Door Decor, Bandhanwaar, Gate Decor

Door Decor, Door Hanging, Toran with Swastik and Kalash
Fig 1
Hello friends,
In India, ladies always like to make door decor or door decoration (Toran). I have also told you, what's the importance of Kalash in my post
About Swastik in,
But many times this symbol is confused with Nazi symbol, but it is exactly opposite. Last time when I posted my crochet Kalash picture on "Free Crochet" facebook group people like it but many comments were about that Swastik symbol. Still being very pius symbol, I take it on this toran.
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
For this I use yellow, red, green and wooden colour yarns and 3.5 mm crochet hook.The door hanging is madein five pieces and then joint.
Pattern is fully in

 double crochet except R14.So
 I have written pattern only showing colours, how much dcs should be made in which colour.

Kalash For Toran

Y = Yellow, R= Red, G= Green, B= Brown (light). All rows consist of dcs only.
All rows has 28 sts except R14.
Ch 27+3=30
R1: dc1 on each st starting from 4th ch, (28 sts)
Fig 5

R2: 12Y, 4R, 12Y.
R3: 10Y, 8R, 10 Y
R4: 8Y, 12R, 8Y
R5: 7Y, 14R, 7Y
R6: 8Y, 12R, 8Y
R7: 5Y, 2G, 3Y, 8R, 3Y, 2G, 5Y
R8: 6Y, 3G, 3Y, 4R, 3Y, 3G, 6Y
R9: 6Y, 4G, 2R, 4B, 2R, 4G, 6Y
R10: 8Y, 1G, 10B, 1G, 8Y

Fig 6
R11: 6Y, 4G, 8B, 4G, 6Y
R12: 5Y, 4G, 2Y, 6B, 2Y, 4G, 5Y
R13: 3Y, 3G, 6Y, 4B, 6Y, 3G, 3Y
R14: 13Y, 2dctog B, 13Y (27 sts)

R15: 13Y, 2dc Y in next st, 13Y.
Finally we get as in fig 2. Make such 3 pieces as in fig 3.
Ch 21+3=24
R1: dc 1 in each ch starting from forth ch. Ch 3 turn, (22 sts). The whole pattern the sts remain 22.
R2: dc 1 in each st
R3: 6 Y, 2 R, 2Y, 6R, 6Y
R4: 10Y, 2R, 2Y, 2R, 6Y
R5: 6Y, 10R, 6Y
Fig 7
R6: 6Y, 2R, 2Y, 2R, 10 Y
R7: 6Y, 6R, 2Y, 2R, 6Y
R8: All Y
R9: to R14: same as R3 to R8.
R15: all Y.
We get as in fig 4.
Then I joined them as one kalash, one swastik like this.
For that I made foundation row by dc 1 in each st as border to the sides which we have to join. as in fig 5.
Fig 8
Now for joining them I used left-right slip stitch techniques by Lyza Walter. (as in fig 6)
reference video,

Finally I sew beads and bells to the toran as in fig 1. Then I found this Ganesh idol attached to the old wedding invitation card. It is small 2.5", metallic, beautiful idol. I take it out and past in the mid of the toran by fabric glue.

Hope that the following video may help you,

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...