Friday, May 29, 2020

Chourang (Special type of stand) for Shiv-Ling or Mahadev-Pind:
Fig 1
Hello friends,
In my last post I told you about Shiv-Ling and given the pattern for it. Now here is the special type of stand (or elevated platform) for placing this Shiv-Ling while worshiping it. It is called Chaourang.
Generally simple form of it is as in fig 2.
Fig 2

Many times the legs are made decorative and beautiful sunmica pasted on it's top. 
Fig 3

Fig 4

 So I am giving it's pattern. Top of Chourang is very simple. Twi Granny squares are made and sewed. Only making legs is different.
Pattern: Yarn Vardhamaan 4 ply, hook 3.5 mm.
R1: In a magic loop make ch3, dc 2, (tr1, dc 3) 3 times, tr1, cl by sl st in third ch.
R2: ch3, dc 1 in each of the next 2 sts, [on tr st make (dc 2, tr1, dc2), dc 1 in next 3 sts] rep, cl.
Fig 5

Fig 6
R3: ch3, [dc 1 in each middle st, (dc2, tr1, dc2) on tr st] rep, cl
R4: With red yarn, [sc 1 in each st till tr st, (sc1, dc1, sc1) on tr st] rep, cl
Note that after round 1, we have 3dcs in between two tr,
after round 2, we have 7dcs in between two tr,
after round 3, we have 11 dcs in between two tr,
after round 4, we have 13 scs in

Fig 7

Fig 8
between two tr.
R5: same as round 2.
After this round there are 17 dcs in between two tr sts.
R6: same as R2.
After this there are 21 dcs in between two tr sts.
Similarly make one more square.
Legs of Chourang: For this we use 2.5 mm hook.
Start with ch 5,
Row1: sc 1 in each st starting from second st, (4sts)
Fig 9

Fig 10

R2: ch1 turn sc 1 in each st, (4 sts)
R3: ch 1 turn, sc 3 in each st, (12 sts)
R4: ch 1 turn, sc 1 in each st, (12 sts)
R5: ch 1 turn, (3 sctog) 4 times, (4 sts)
R6: ch 1 turn, sc 1 in each st, (4 sts)
R7 and R8: same as R6.
Make such 4 legs and sew them to the bottom part.
Sew them by inserting card board in between them.
The Chourang is ready.
The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Crochet Lace Edging 3, for handkerchief, Napkin, Dupatta, Curtain etc
Fig 1
Hello friends,
Here is another handkerchief lace edging, I made. It is simple but looks beautiful.
Thread used: Hobby India by Ganga
Crochet hook: 1.5 mm
R1: sc 1, (ch 2, skip space equivalent to 2 chs, sc 1)repeat this through out the four sides of the handkerchief. Adjust the distance to get sc 1 at corner.

R2: ch5, [ skip one ch2-gap, shell 1 in next ch 2-gap (shell means dc 3, ch 3, dc 3), ch 2, skip 1 gap, makeV  in next gap, (V means dc 1, ch 2, dc 1)] repeat till end. At each corner make V. Fig 2
Fig 2

Fig 3
R3: Sl st till ch3-gap, [shell on shell ( first dc of first shell will be ch 3), ch 2, V on V] repeat till end, cl. At corner make dc 1 on ch 2 gap, dc 1 on dc of previous V, then V on V, again dc 1 on dc of previous dc, dc 1 in gap. (thus at corner there will be 2 dcs before V and 2 dcs after V).
Fig 3. See corner in fig 4.
Fig 4

Fig 5
R4: By sl st come to the ch 3 gap in between shell, [sc1, ch 4 picot, sc 1 in same gap, ch 5, sc 1 in V, ch 5] repeat till end. At corner, ch 5, 3dctog in V of previous round, ch 4 picot, ch5. Fig 5.

The following video may help you.

Stay at Home and be Creative and hence be Happy.
ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Shiv-ling, Mahadev-Pind: 
Fig 1

Most of my friends out of India may not know, what is Shiv-ling or Mahadev- Pind. It is an abstract representation of Hindu deity Shiva or Shankar or Mahesh or Mahadev. a God of divine energy, Meditation, Arts, Yoga, Supreme destroyer of evils and Lord of devas (God).
Lord Shiva is worshipped by offering white flowers and Bilv-patra (Bael leaves). In fig 1, I have shown crochet Shivling I made along with bael leaf and white flower.
For details you may read,
There are various forms of Shivaling but most general forms are as in fig 2 and 3.
But one which is shown in fig 3 is already made in crochet by one of my youtube creator friends. So I make Shivling as in fig 2.
Fig 2
Fig 3
I run one youtube channel "Kalopasak" and many of my subscribers requested me for making crochet Shivling. Hence I made it. Thanks to them who suggested me to make this.
Here is the pattern.

Pattern: In a magic loop make ch 1, sc 8, cl by sl st in first sc. (8sts), fig 4.
R2: ch1, sc 1 in each st, cl, fig 5
R3 to R5same as R2. Fig 6.
R6: ch 1, sc 2 in each st, cl (16 sts). Fig 7.
R7: ch2, (hdc 1, hdc 2) repeat, cl, (24 sts). Fig 8.
R8: Work in back loop, ch2, (hdc 2, hdc 1 in next two sts) repeat, cl, (32 sts). Fig 9.

Fig 4

Fig 5
Fig 6

Fig 7

Fig 8

Fig 9

Fig 10

Fig 11
 R10: ch 8+2, make hdc 1 in each st from third ch, sl st in the st, to the st next to the starting of 8 chs. BO.
R11: Join yarn to the st next to middle st on other side as in fig 10, make hdc 1 in each st. including corner st then bind off.

R12: Now join the yarn again at the same st as shown in fig 1o and make sc 1 in back loop of each st. Also decrease 2 sts in between while making scs  along the round portion, cl.
Fig 12
R13:  ch 1, sc 1 in each st, cl.
Fig 13
Shivling is ready and it will look as in fig 13.

In fig 1 there is a green leaf on this shivling which is Bel Leaf (Aegle marmelos), leaf of a special tree. See fig 14.

Fig 14
It is said that God Shiv likes these leaves.
There is also a story behind this, you may read,

The following video may help you in making this.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Dinner Set / Tea Set: Part 3 Central Piece, Table Runner
Fig 1
Hello friends,
This is the last part of that Dinner / Tea set 😲.
I like this central piece. It comes out to be cute. I am giving pattern here.
Yarn 4 ply, thin, crochet hook 2.5 mm.
Size: 23"x 10"
Weight: 40 gm
Note: In each row or round the first double crochet (dc) will be made up of 3 chs.
Round 1: In a magic loop make dc 16, close by slip stitch in first dc that is in third ch (16 sts)
Always make first dc as ch 3.
R2: ch 4, (dc 1 in next st, ch 1) repeat, cl, (16 windows)
R3: ch 5, (dc 1in next st, ch 2) rep, cl, (16 windows),
R4: Sl st in ch 2 gap, in each ch 2 gap make shell 1, shell means (puff 1, ch 2, puff 1) cl, (16 shells)
Puff means (YO insert in ch2-sp, YO get 2 long sts) 5 times, 11 sts on hook, YO and pass through all of them, fix it by ch 1, 
For making shell on shell, each time make sl st till ch 2-space.
R5: (shell 1 on ch 2-gap of each shell, ch 3) rep, cl
R6: (shell 1 on ch 2-gap of each shell, ch 4) rep, cl
R7: (shell 1 on ch 2-gap of each shell, ch 5) rep, cl
R8: (shell 1 on ch 2-gap of each shell, ch 6) rep, cl
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

No figures are posted till round 8 because these rounds are same as in previous post,

Fig 7
R9: [(shell 1 on ch 2-gap of each shell, ch 7) 5 times, ch 2, make 12 dcs in ch 2 gap of next shell, ch 2, shell on shell, ch2, dc 12 in ch2-gap of next shell, ch 2] 2 times,  cl. See fig 2. Two pine apples started.R10: [(shell 1 on ch 2-gap of first shell, ch 7, {(puff 1, ch 1, puff 1, ch1, puff 1) in ch2-sp of next shell, ch 7}3 times, shell in next shell, {ch 2, (dc1 ch 1) 12 times, shell on shell} 2 times, ch 7] 2 times, cl. Fig 3

R11: Shell on shell, ch 7, sc 1 on ch 7 gap of previous round, [(puff 1, ch 2, puff 1) in first ch 2 gap, ch 2, puff 1 on middle puff, ch2, and (puff 1, ch 2, puff 1) in second ch 2-gap, sc 1 in next ch7-gap] 3 times, ch 7, shell on shell, {(ch 3, sc 1 in first ch2-gap of previous round) rep 11 times (thus 10 ch-3gaps formed), ch 3} rep one more times, ch 7, cl. fig 4.

Fig 8
Fig 9

From next round, we shall not work the whole round, in other word we shall work row wise only on that much part which lies in between those 5 shells opposite to each other (which are completed now).

Row 12: Shell on shell, (ch3, sc 1 on ch3 gap of previous round) repeat till the middle shell, make 3-puff shell on 2ch-gap of that shell, ch 3, (sc1 in ch3-sp of previous round, ch3) rep, ch 3, shell on shell normally, ch 3 turn,   fig 5. (9 ch-3gaps)
R13: shell on shell, ch 3, (sc1 in ch3-sp, ch 3) rep, in the middle shell of 3 puffs, there are two ch2-spaces, make shell in each ch2 sp with ch 2 in between, ch 3, (sc 1 in ch 3sp, ch 3) rep, shell on shell normally. Fig 6. (8 ch3-gaps)
R14: shell on shell, ch 3, (sc 1 in ch3-sp, ch3) rep, make shell 1 (puff1, ch2, puff 1) in each of the three ch2-gaps of previous round, see fig 7, ch 3, (sc1, ch3) rep, shell on shell, ch 3turn Fig 7. (7 ch3-gaps)
R15: Shell on shell, ch 3, (sc 1 in ch3-sp, ch3) rep, out of three shells in middle part, make shell 1 on first shell, dc 12 in ch2 gap of central shell, ch 2, shell on last shell (out of three shells) fig 8. (6 ch3-gaps in 2 pine apples). Middle pine apple starts developing. 
R16: shell on shell, ch 3, (sc 1, ch 3) rep, (puff1, ch2, puff 1, ch 2, puff 1) on ch 2 gap of shell, ch2, (dc1, ch1) rep 12 times, ch 2, again 3 puffs shell on next shell, ch 3, (sc 1, ch3) rep, shell on shell.
(5 ch3-gaps)
Note that 3 puffs shells are on left and right of middle pine apple.
Fig 10

Fig 11
R17: shell on shell, ch 3, (sc 1, ch 3) rep, shell 1 (puff1, ch2, puff 1) on first ch 2 gap, ch 2, shell on second ch 2-gap, ch 3, (sc1, ch 3) rep, shell 1 on each of the two ch2-gaps, ch 3, (sc1, ch3) rep, shell on shell. Fig 10.(4 ch3-gaps on two side pine apples)

From next row we work on only one pine apple and finish it.

R18: shell on shell, ch 3, (sc 1, ch 3) rep, shell on shell. (3 ch3-gaps in the working pine apple)
R19: same as R 18, only number of ch3 spaces in between pine apple go on decreasing. (2 ch3-gaps in the working pine apple)
R20 shell on shell, ch3, (sc 1, ch3) two times, shell on shell. (Only one ch3-gap in this pine apple.)
Hence next is the last row. Fig 11.
R21: Last row: shell on shell, treble on the only ch3 space remain, (See fig 11) shell on shell, slip st on second puff of opposite shell and bind off.
Then join yarn to the third pine apple and finish it, see fig 12
Now the middle pine apple (see fig 12) and complete it.
Fig 12
Fig 13
Now it looked as in fig 13.
Work out similarly on other side and make three pine apples.
Then hide all yarn ends.
The the beautiful final piece looked as in fig 1.

I think this video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Crochet Doily 2, Dinner Set Part 2

Dinner Set / Tea Set: Part 2 Round Piece, Bowl Mat
Fig 1
Hello friends,
Here is the second part of my dinner / tea set in which I am giving pattern for the round table mat. You can also call it Bowl mat in dinner set or you can say for milk pot or suger pot in tea set. Though you don't want to make the whole dinning set, you can just make these simple rounds as the table-mat or doily for flower pot.
The mat is very simple and just of 10 rounds. About yarn and needle I have mentioned in part 1.
Diameter of this mat is 9.5".
Pattern: Round Bowl Mat:
R1: In a magic loop make ch 3, dc 15, close by slip stitch in third ch. See fig 2.
R2: ch 3+1, (dc 1 in next st, ch 1) rep, cl, fig 3.
R3: Ch 3+2, (dc 1 in next st, ch 2) rep, cl, fig 4.
R4: Sl st in ch2-space,in each ch2-gap, make shell means [(puff 1, ch 2, puff 1), ch 2] rep, Puff means (YO insert in ch2-sp, YO get 2 long sts) 5 times, 11 sts on hook, YO and pass through all of them, fix it by ch 1, cl, fig 5.
But for the first puff make ch 3, (YO insert in ch2-sp, YO pull two long sts) 4 times, YO and pass through 9 all sts.
Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6
In starting of each round sl st and go in ch 2 space of shell.

Fig 7
Fig 8
R5: (Shell on shell, means in ch2-space of shell of previous round, ch 3) rep, cl, Fig 6.R6: (shell on shell, ch 4) rep, cl,
R7: (shell on shell, ch 5) rep, cl,
R8: (shell on shell, ch 6) rep, cl, fig 7.
R9: [Make a shell on each shell as (puff1, ch2, puff1, ch2, puff 1) , ch 6] rep, cl, fig 8.
R10: [(puff 1,ch2, puff 1) in first ch 2 sp, ch 2, puff 1 on middle puff, ch 2, (puff 1, ch 2, puff 1 in second ch 2- sp) ch 2, sc 1 in ch 6 gap, ch 2] rep, cl, fig 1.

Bind off and hide the yarn ends.

Then I made one more round similarly.

Fig 9
In my next post I will give the pattern of the cetral table runner then my final Dinner / Tea set will look as in fig 9..

The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity.

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...