Friday, April 27, 2018

Small Earrings:
Fig 1
Hi friends,
This week end when I was cleaning my cupboard (which has to be done after every month), I saw small cream colour beads and they were staring at me and telling that you only bought us but never used us. I understood their feelings and tried to find suitable thread. Surprisingly I found (?) thread of same shade (I must have bought them at the same time as that of beads). It was the experience of  just recollecting, how to add bead and all because I am tatting jewellery after so many days. So to restart, I made a small earrings.

I have tatted these small earrings with Anchor thread 4054 of 20 number.

Again sorry for the difference of colour, the shade of the thread is not caught properly in the camera. I think that reflection in the glass looks more perfect in colour 😎

 I always like making tatted jewellery, I remember that I made tatted jewellery first time for my daughter in law in 2010. It is praised by every one in the marriage ceremony and she still wears it. Tatted jewellery is of course eco - friendly and more child proof. She still wears the earrings.

Fig 2
These earrings in fig 2, are from Yarnplayer's carnival earring pattern,

The necklace I made just simple combination of three flowers and the chain part is nothing but split rings.

Now I have decided to make more tatted jewellery of this cream colour thread and beads.

Happy tatting.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Crochet Hat and Booties:

Hi friends,
This Mexican type hat was matching hat to the crochet frock from my last post. I wanted to make one hat with frill and I searched for that, one video I saw and I got idea about the frill. I made it on my own.
The reference video is by Teresa Warrior,

Moreover it fits very nicely.

Then I made these booties seeing the pattern from,
by Antique crochet pattern.

Instead of sateen ribbon bow on the top of the boot as in the original pattern, I made small crochet flowers just by chains and joining them to form a flower. The idea of those white flowers made it to match with that frock, so it looks more pretty.

Hope that you like whole set.
Happy crocheting ....

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Crochet Baby Frock 10

Crochet Frock:
Fig 1
Hi friends,
In USA gender of the baby is known after 22 weeks after inception, so when  I knew that my daughter will be blessed by baby girl, I decided to knit / crochet a frock (as I had never knitted it till then). When I searched for pattern on internet, I saw this frock (Fig 2),  which I liked very much but it's pattern was not given. It was by the name "Soft Mint Dress" from "Things from Strings". It was for sell. I saw the photo of this frock, I knew that I can make the body and skirt portion (may be with different design) but those puff sleeves seemed to be difficult. Then I saw similar type of Puff sleeves in one Marathi book on crochet and they were really wonderful.

क्रोशाचे विणकाम, प्रतिमा काळे 
"Crochet work" by Pratima Kale.
Fig 2
So I started to crochet this frock for my grand daughter in 2011.  I chose fan design (famous in crochet) for the Skirt part and go on increasing the width of the fan by increasing number of dcs. I liked the puff sleeves  very much. The frock was perfect in fitting. A little bit adjustment could be done by the sateen ribbon passed through the dc row at the end of white body part.

Materials: Oswal yarn carrot colour (200 gm) and white colour (100 gm), crochet hook 3 mm, matching sateen ribbon, two press buttons, tapestry needle.

Body part: Start with 85 chains. First and last 5 are supposed to be for Button band. Double crochet on each stitch except at corner where there is chain 2 in between two dcs.

Skirt pattern: Fan design is selected for skirt portion. I found it again in the above Marathi book but due to copy right problem I cannot explain it here but if some of my friend wants to make such skirt design, this video by Tejiendode Corazon will be useful,

I would like to say thanks to Tejiendode Corazon for this video.
I think you like this cute frock.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Holi Crochet Motif

You read the heading and you may think I spelled it wrongly, isn't it? But no, it's not spelling mistake, the name is by the name of the Indian festival Holi.  This festival, Holi indicates victory of good over evil, it also represents arrival of colourful spring and hence it is the festival of colours.
This crochet motif is also full of colours, so I think this name will be perfect!
Before this I had done a single coloured thread crochet motif which I had already posted here,

(My post on 5 Nov 2017)

This thread motif is a pattern given in some book whereas that holi motif is my own pattern made by wool. I remember the story of making of this motif. I had visited some art exhibition along with my sister ( My youngest sister lived in the same city so generally we used to visit such exhibitions together). We saw such motif in that exhibition, we liked it but we didn't purchase it, saying that "oh! we can make it at home".  Then we came to know that one of her friend purchased it, so I asked my sister to bring that motif for one day so that I could make just duplicate of that. She brought it and I made it.

The central portion is very simple just done by puff  stitch which can be seen here,

Central part by puff stitch
Middle Pattern: With dark green make a magic ring and 10 puffs with 4 rounds in each then YO and pass through all 9 sts, ch 1 for fixing it. Lastly close by slip st with the first puff.
R2: With light green, ch3, 2 puffs in each gap (20 puffs)
R3: With Yellow, ch 3 puffs 2 in each gap (40 puffs)
R4: With white, Ch 3, puff 1 in each gap seperated by ch 1 (ch 1 for fixing the puff and then this chain) (40 puffs)
R 5: With red,  Ch 3, puff 1 in each gap seperated by ch 2 (ch 1 for fixing the puff and then these 2 chain) (40 puffs)
R6: With Dark red, Ch 3, puff 1 in each gap seperated by ch 3 (ch 1 for fixing the puff and then these 3 chain) (40 puffs)
R7: Join Black yarn at the top of some puff, ch 3+6 (9), dc 1 in top of the next puff, (ch 6, dc 1 on next puff) repeat. Lastly ch 6 and join with the 3rd ch (out of initial 9 chs).
R8: sc 1 in first dc 0f previous row, )sc 7 on 6 ch gap, sc 1 on next dc (of previous row)) repeat
R9: Join dark green colour yarn at the central sc out of seven that is at 4th sc. ch 18 join by sc in 4th sc out of 7 in the previous row. Repeat till end.
R 10: Here onward two rounds with each colour in the same order as central piece and one round by last dark red colour. Thus 11 rounds of all single crochet.
With dark green sc 1 in each of the 11 sts
R11: On 18 sts work (2sctog, sc 1 in each of the next 6 sts, sc 2 in each of the next 2 sts, sc 1 in next 6 sts, 2 sc tog at last) Repeat this for all 18 chs loop.
Repeat row 11 again with dark red. Then 2 rows with light green, 2 with yellow etc.
Lastly one round by dark red.

Plated frill

I have to face some difficulty in making these plates. I made it by decreasing two stitches of corner in each plate and increasing two stitches in the centre of the plate.
Opened frill

Then at last I made it!! and finally such a beautiful motif is ready!
The following video may help you.

ETC: Enjoy the Creativity

Friday, April 6, 2018

Pineapple Pattern's Pretty Shawl:
Fig 1
Hi friends,
The pineapple design in crochet is such a cute that every crocheter likes to do it once a while.

This crochet triangular shawl I made for the daughter of my sister. Same problem of colours catching in mobile photos See same shawl looks so different!😎

The pattern was not my own but I liked it so much that I made it in the last summer when I was in USA.
Thanks Oana for your crochet channel and for this beautiful  video.

The link to this shawl is,
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:

Thanks Oana once again.

The video is divided in three parts. In first part she explained rows 1 to 10, in second part rows 11 to 16 and remaining 17 to 21 in the last third part. Then the repetition of these rows gives this result. I tried to write up this pattern for myself. So that if there is internet problem still I should be able to work but it is really very difficult so better to follow the video.

Material: Vardhaman knitting yarn 250 gm. Crochet needle 2.5 mm, 4" width Card board for tassels.

Instructions: As per above video I worked till there are 11 complete pineapples and end up after 7th row.
Work one complete row of slip st and chain where there is gap. Then hdc in each stitch.

Tassels: Tassels are made using card board. 4 strands of yarn each of length 8" are cut and tassels are joined on two sides of this triangular shawl with constant distance as shown in Fig 1.

For tassels you can refer the link,

See the beautiful shawl,

Fig 2

Sunday, April 1, 2018

 Making of Knitting Patterns:
Fig 1

Hi friends,
This pattern is on the sweater which was knitted when my daughter was 6-7 years old. I liked this honeycomb type  design very much. Later on I designed 5-6 new patterns using same technique with some changes in this pattern

First I write making of above pattern.

Pattern: CO 24 stitches.
Work 4 rows all knit.
This pattern is of eight rows.

Row 1: k2, *For next 2 stitches, work each stitch as shown in the bracket. (in one stitch work k 1 with double thread wrapped round the needle, p 1 with double thread and again k 1 with double thread), k 4*, 2 times more. ( to ) then last k2.

[ This technique of knitting a single stitch three times once as K, then as P and again as K with wrapping the thread double is already explained in my previous post.

Please see the video

Row 2: p 2, where ever there is double wrapped thread, remove the wrap and take those 3 loose sts on left needle. p 4, remove the wrapped of double thread for 2 sts. Repeat.
Row 3: Slide the first 2 sts behind the 3 loose sts (Now 3 loose sts will be first on the left needle) then knit 3 loose stitches together, k 2. Next are 3 loose sts so take them on holder shift the 2 sts after these loose sts in front of these 3 loose sts. Knit k 2 (Thus there are knitted 4 sts in between) and then loose 3 tog. Repeat this.
Row 4: All p
Row 5: In this row where ever there are stitches of 3 tog in the previous row; work as in ( ) on those stitches. All other sts knit
Row 6: As in row 2 remove the wrapped thread and get loose sts. Work purl for all other sts.
Row 7: Take the three loose sts behind the two sts, knit those 2 sts and then 3tog. Now take the 3 loose sts in front and work 3 tog, then knit 2. Again take 2 loose sts behind and 2 sts in front, knit them. Thus there are 4 knit sts.and then work 3 tog. repeat.
Row 8: All purl.

Repeat these 8 rows and get  the pattern as in Fig 1..

In this post I will only explain how different designs can be formed once you got a new technique / idea. Just as here we got the idea of knitting one stitch three times with double wrap and then shifting those loose 2 sts either on left or on right. Then using this technique we can have number of designs.

1. Pattern described above is used in the sweater shown in Fig 1, or make only four rows and get the pattern as in fig 2.
2. You can knit  8 rows once only and make a border of flowers to any sweater as in figure 3.

Fig 2
Fig 3

3. You can have a cute new pattern as in fig 4 of Zig-zag columns.
4. One more pattern I designed as in fig 5, in which there are three flowers at the base then two and lastly one. In this pattern flowers in the second row are in between the two flowers in the first row.
Of course you can start with a row of odd number of flowers at the base of front side and then go on decreasing end two flowers at a time till there is only one flower on the edge.
5. In figure 6 also there are 5 flowers in the first row 3 in the second and 1 in the third row but here the flowers in the second row are exactly above the flowers in the first row and not in between as above case. This also looks beautiful.
6. In the new design shown in Fig 7, I have taken 1 stitch in between the two sts which are tripled knitted with double wrap. Moreover that middle stitch I slipped on every right side and purl on wrong side. That way it looks like stem.

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 7

7. One sweater I have knitted (for brother of my husband)  long back with the vertical strip of three flowers (18 stitches) which is positioned so that those 18 stitches will be the part of shoulder stitches. It looks very great! Unfortunately I don't have it's photo.
Fig 8

Fig 9
8. What  ever pattern of these four petals flower I want to make; I draw it on paper as in Fig 8. Then decide the number of stitches required for that; here it is 16 and I keep 2 sts at ends, so I CO 20 sts and make the design.

It's wonderful!

Making different patterns with one technique is nothing but permutation - combination which we teach in Mathematics.
Happy knitting ......

Crochet Baby Cap with Spiral Braids

  Hello friends, Since so many days I have a dream of making such cap which I had seen on Instagram (and I liked it). Here I made it and I t...